This is a wrapping component that can be used to render community chat lists and categories. It takes care of rendering categories, the top chat list, as well as becominng scrollable in case the content outgrows the available space. Usage: ```qml import StatusQ.Components 0.1 StatusChatListAndCategories { chatList.model: ... // non-categorized chat items, pass all chat items here, the component will take care of filtering categorized items out categoryListModel: ... // available categories (need to have `id` and `name`) selectedChatId: ... showCategoryActionButtons: true // default `false` - useful when only admin users can create and mutate categories/channels onChatItemSelected: ... // `id` is available for selected chat id categoryPopupMenu: StatusPopupMenu { // optional popup menu for category items property string categoryId // define this property to have it hydrated with correct id and make it available inside menu items ... } popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu { ... } // optional popup menu for whole list, will be triggered with right-click } ``` Closes #133