feat(StatusCard): Create a new reusbale card component (#731)

closes #582
This commit is contained in:
Khushboo-dev-cpp 2022-07-14 00:03:44 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent e781645a58
commit e2d42289f7
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 830 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 50 KiB

View File

@ -336,6 +336,11 @@ StatusWindow {
selected: viewLoader.source.toString().includes(title)
onClicked: mainPageView.page(title, true);
StatusNavigationListItem {
title: "StatusCard"
selected: viewLoader.source.toString().includes(title)
onClicked: mainPageView.page(title, true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import Sandbox 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
Item {
ColumnLayout {
id: layout
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.top: parent.top
spacing: 20
RowLayout {
StatusSelect {
id: select
label: "Select Card State"
model: ListModel {
ListElement {
name: "default"
ListElement {
name: "unavailable"
ListElement {
name: "error"
ListElement {
name: "unpreferred"
selectMenu.delegate: StatusMenuItemDelegate {
statusPopupMenu: select
action: StatusMenuItem {
text: name
onTriggered: {
selectedItem.text = name
card.state = name
selectedItemComponent: Item {
id: selectedItem
anchors.fill: parent
property string text: "default"
StatusBaseText {
text: selectedItem.text
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
StatusCheckBox {
text: "advancedMode"
onClicked: {
card.advancedMode = checked
StatusCard {
id: card
primaryText: "Mainnet"
secondaryText: state === "unavailable" ? "No Gas" : "75"
tertiaryText: state === "unpreferred" ? "UNPREFERRED" : "BALANCE: " + 250
cardIconName: "status"
advancedInputText: "75"
disabledText: "Disabled"
Rectangle {
height: 1
width: 700
color: "black"
// Below is an example on how to implement the network routing using StatusCard and Canvas, also the function in Utils to draw an arrow
Row {
id: cards
spacing: 200
Column {
id: leftColumn
spacing: 20
Repeater {
model: fromNetworksList
StatusCard {
primaryText: name
secondaryText: balance === 0 ? "No Balance" : !hasGas ? "No Gas" : tokensToSend
tertiaryText: "BALANCE: " + balance
state: balance === 0 || !hasGas ? "unavailable" : "default"
cardIconName: iconName
advancedMode: card.advancedMode
advancedInputText: tokensToSend
disabledText: "Disabled"
Column {
id: rightColumn
spacing: 20
Repeater {
model: toNetworksList
StatusCard {
primaryText: name
secondaryText: tokensToReceive
tertiaryText: ""
state: preferred ? "default" : "unprefeered"
cardIconName: iconName
opacity: preferred ? 1 : 0
advancedMode: card.advancedMode
advancedInputText: tokensToReceive
disabledText: "Disabled"
Canvas {
id: canvas
x: layout.x + leftColumn.x
y: cards.y
width: cards.width
height: cards.height
function clear() {
var ctx = getContext("2d");
onPaint: {
// Get the canvas context
var ctx = getContext("2d");
for(var i = 0; i< fromNetworksList.count; i++) {
if(fromNetworksList.get(i).routedTo !== "") {
for(var j = 0; j< toNetworksList.count; j++) {
if(fromNetworksList.get(i).routedTo === toNetworksList.get(j).name) {
Utils.drawArrow(ctx, leftColumn.children[i].x + leftColumn.children[i].width,
leftColumn.children[i].y + leftColumn.children[i].height/2,
rightColumn.x + rightColumn.children[j].x,
rightColumn.children[j].y + rightColumn.children[j].height/2,
ListModel {
id: toNetworksList
ListElement {
name: "Mainnet"
iconName: "status"
tokensToReceive: 75
preferred: true
ListElement {
name: "Aztec"
iconName: "status"
tokensToReceive: 0
preferred: false
ListElement {
name: "Hermez"
iconName: "status"
tokensToReceive: 75
preferred: true
ListElement {
name: "Loppring"
iconName: "status"
tokensToReceive: 0
preferred: true
ListElement {
name: "Optimism"
iconName: "status"
tokensToReceive: 100
preferred: true
ListElement {
name: "zkSync"
iconName: "status"
tokensToReceive: 0
preferred: false
ListModel {
id: fromNetworksList
ListElement {
name: "Mainnet"
iconName: "status"
tokensToSend: 75
balance: 75
routedTo: "Mainnet"
hasGas: true
ListElement {
name: "Aztec"
iconName: "status"
tokensToSend: 0
balance: 75
routedTo: ""
hasGas: false
ListElement {
name: "Hermez"
iconName: "status"
tokensToSend: 75
balance: 75
routedTo: "Hermez"
hasGas: true
ListElement {
name: "Loppring"
iconName: "status"
tokensToSend: 0
balance: 0
routedTo: ""
hasGas: false
ListElement {
name: "Optimism"
iconName: "status"
tokensToSend: 75
balance: 75
routedTo: "Optimism"
hasGas: true
ListElement {
name: "zkSync"
iconName: "status"
tokensToSend: 25
balance: 25
routedTo: "Optimism"
hasGas: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
\qmltype StatusCard
\inherits Rectangle
\inqmlmodule StatusQ.Components
\since StatusQ.Components 0.1
\brief This component represents a StatusCard as defined in design under https://www.figma.com/file/FkFClTCYKf83RJWoifWgoX/Wallet-v2?node-id=3161%3A171040
There is an advanced mode avialable where a StatusBaseInput is provided for the user to be able to change values.
Example of how the component looks like:
\image status_card.png
Example of how to use it:
StatusCard {
id: card
primaryText: "Mainnet"
secondaryText: "75"
tertiaryText: "BALANCE: " + 250
cardIconName: "status"
advancedMode: false
For a list of components available see StatusQ.
Rectangle {
id: root
\qmlproperty string StatusCard::disabledText
This property is the text to be shown when the card is disabled
property string disabledText: ""
\qmlproperty bool StatusCard::disabled
This property holds if the card is disbaled
property bool disabled: false
\qmlproperty bool StatusCard::clickable
This property holds if the card is clickable
property bool clickable: true
\qmlproperty bool StatusCard::advancedMode
This property holds if advanced mode is on for the StatusCard component
property bool advancedMode: false
\qmlproperty int StatusCard::lockTimeout
This property enables user to customise the amount of time given to the user to enter a new value in
advanced mode before it locked for any new changes
property int lockTimeout: 1500
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::primaryText
Used to set Primary text in the StatusCard
property alias primaryText: primaryText.text
\qmlproperty string StatusCard::secondaryText
Used to set Secondary text in the StatusCard
property string secondaryText: ""
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::tertiaryText
Used to set Tertiary text in the StatusCard
property alias tertiaryText: tertiaryText.text
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::advancedInputText
Used to set text in the StatusBaseInput in advancedMode
property alias advancedInputText: advancedInput.text
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::errorIconName
Used to assign an icon to the error icon in StatusCard
property alias errorIconName: errorIcon.icon
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::cardIconName
Used to assign an icon to the card icon in StatusCard
property alias cardIconName: cardIcon.icon
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::primaryLabel
This property allows user to customize the primary label in the StatusCard
property alias primaryLabel: primaryText
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::secondaryLabel
This property allows user to customize the secondary label in the StatusCard
property alias secondaryLabel: secondaryLabel
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::tertiaryLabel
This property allows user to customize the tertiary label in the StatusCard
property alias tertiaryLabel: tertiaryText
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::advancedInput
This property allows user to customize the StatusBaseInput in advanced mode
property alias advancedInput: advancedInput
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::errorIcon
This property allows user to customize the error icon in the StatusCard
property alias errorIcon: errorIcon
\qmlproperty alias StatusCard::cardIcon
This property allows user to customize the card icon in the StatusCard
property alias cardIcon: cardIcon
\qmlsignal StatusCard::clicked
This signal is emitted when the card is clicked
signal clicked()
\qmlproperty string StatusCard::state
This property holds the states of the StatusCard.
Possible values are:
\ "default" : Normal state
\ "unavailable" : Unavailable state
\ "unpreferred": Not preffered state
\ "error" : Error state
state: "default"
implicitHeight: advancedInput.visible ? 90 : 76
implicitWidth: 128
radius: 8
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
enabled: root.clickable && root.state !== "unavailable"
onClicked: {
disabled = !disabled
RowLayout {
id: layout
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.leftMargin: 8
anchors.rightMargin: 8
anchors.topMargin: 8
ColumnLayout {
Layout.maximumWidth: root.width - cardIcon.width - 24
StatusBaseText {
id: primaryText
Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width
font.pixelSize: 15
font.weight: Font.Medium
elide: Text.ElideRight
RowLayout {
id: basicInput
StatusBaseText {
id: secondaryLabel
font.pixelSize: 13
font.weight: Font.Medium
StatusIcon {
id: errorIcon
width: 14
height: 14
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
icon: "tiny/warning"
color: Theme.palette.pinColor1
StatusBaseInput {
id: advancedInput
property bool locked: false
implicitWidth: 80
implicitHeight: 32
topPadding: 0
bottomPadding: 0
leftPadding: 8
rightPadding: 5
edit.font.pixelSize: 13
edit.readOnly: locked || disabled
rightComponent: Row {
width: implicitWidth
spacing: 4
StatusFlatRoundButton {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
width: 12
height: 12
icon.name: advancedInput.locked ? "lock" : "unlock"
icon.width: 12
icon.height: 12
icon.color: advancedInput.locked ? Theme.palette.primaryColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1
type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary
enabled: !disabled
onClicked: {
advancedInput.locked = !advancedInput.locked
StatusFlatRoundButton {
width: 14
height: 14
icon.name: "clear"
icon.width: 14
icon.height: 14
icon.color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary
onClicked: advancedInput.edit.clear()
onTextChanged: {
locked = false
Timer {
id: waitTimer
interval: lockTimeout
onTriggered: {
advancedInput.locked = true
StatusBaseText {
id: tertiaryText
font.pixelSize: 10
StatusIcon {
id: cardIcon
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignRight
Layout.preferredHeight: 32
Layout.preferredWidth: 32
mipmap: true
states: [
State {
name: "default"
PropertyChanges {
target: root
color: disabled ? Theme.palette.baseColor4 : "transparent"
PropertyChanges {
target: root
border.color: disabled ? "transparent" : Theme.palette.primaryColor2
PropertyChanges {
target: primaryText
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: primaryText
visible: primaryText.text
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
color: disabled ? Theme.palette.directColor5: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
visible: !advancedMode && secondaryLabel.text
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
text: disabled ? disabledText : secondaryText
PropertyChanges {
target: tertiaryText
color: Theme.palette.directColor5
PropertyChanges {
target: tertiaryText
visible: tertiaryText.text
PropertyChanges {
target: cardIcon
opacity: disabled ? 0.4 : 1
PropertyChanges {
target: errorIcon
visible: false
PropertyChanges {
target: advancedInput
visible: advancedMode
PropertyChanges {
target: advancedInput
edit.color: Theme.palette.directColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: basicInput
visible: !advancedMode
State {
name: "error"
PropertyChanges {
target: root
color: disabled ? Theme.palette.baseColor4 : "transparent"
PropertyChanges {
target: root
border.color: disabled ? "transparent" : Theme.palette.primaryColor2
PropertyChanges {
target: primaryText
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: primaryText
visible: primaryText.text
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
color: disabled ? Theme.palette.directColor5: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
visible: !advancedMode && secondaryLabel.text
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
text: disabled ? disabledText : secondaryText
PropertyChanges {
target: tertiaryText
color: disabled ? Theme.palette.directColor5 : Theme.palette.dangerColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: tertiaryText
visible: tertiaryText.text
PropertyChanges {
target: cardIcon
opacity: disabled ? 0.4 : 1
PropertyChanges {
target: errorIcon
visible: false
PropertyChanges {
target: advancedInput
visible: advancedMode
PropertyChanges {
target: advancedInput
edit.color: disabled ? Theme.palette.directColor5 : Theme.palette.dangerColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: basicInput
visible: !advancedMode
State {
name: "unpreferred"
PropertyChanges {
target: root
color: disabled ? Theme.palette.baseColor4 : "transparent"
PropertyChanges {
target: root
border.color: disabled ? "transparent": Theme.palette.pinColor2
PropertyChanges {
target: primaryText
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: primaryText
visible: primaryText.text
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
color: disabled ? Theme.palette.directColor5 : Theme.palette.pinColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
visible: !advancedMode && secondaryLabel.text
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
text: disabled ? disabledText : secondaryText
PropertyChanges {
target: tertiaryText
color: disabled ? Theme.palette.directColor5 : Theme.palette.pinColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: tertiaryText
visible: tertiaryText.text
PropertyChanges {
target: cardIcon
opacity: disabled ? 0.4 : 1
PropertyChanges {
target: errorIcon
visible: !disabled && !advancedMode
PropertyChanges {
target: advancedInput
visible: advancedMode
PropertyChanges {
target: advancedInput
edit.color: Theme.palette.directColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: basicInput
visible: !advancedMode
State {
name: "unavailable"
PropertyChanges {
target: root
color: "transparent"
PropertyChanges {
target: root
border.color: "transparent"
PropertyChanges {
target: primaryText
color: Theme.palette.directColor5
PropertyChanges {
target: primaryText
visible: primaryText.text
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
color: Theme.palette.directColor5
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
visible: secondaryLabel.text
PropertyChanges {
target: secondaryLabel
text: secondaryText
PropertyChanges {
target: tertiaryText
color: Theme.palette.directColor5
PropertyChanges {
target: tertiaryText
visible: tertiaryText.text
PropertyChanges {
target: cardIcon
opacity: 0.4
PropertyChanges {
target: errorIcon
visible: false
PropertyChanges {
target: advancedInput
visible: false
PropertyChanges {
target: advancedInput
edit.color: Theme.palette.directColor1
PropertyChanges {
target: basicInput
visible: true

View File

@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ StatusColorSpace 0.0 StatusColorSpace.qml
StatusCommunityCard 0.1 StatusCommunityCard.qml
StatusCommunityTags 0.1 StatusCommunityTags.qml
StatusItemSelector 0.1 StatusItemSelector.qml
StatusCard 0.1 StatusCard.qml

View File

@ -83,6 +83,73 @@ QtObject {
function isHtml(text) {
return (/<\/?[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(text))
// function to draw arrow
function drawArrow(context, fromx, fromy, tox, toy, color) {
const dx = tox - fromx;
const dy = toy - fromy;
const headlen = 10; // length of head in pixels
const angle = 0
const radius = 5
context.strokeStyle = color ? color : '#627EEA'
// straight line
if(dy === 0) {
// draw semicircle
context.arc(fromx, fromy, radius, 3*Math.PI/2, Math.PI/2,false);
// draw straightline
// context.setLineDash([5]);
context.moveTo(fromx + radius, fromy);
context.lineTo(tox, toy);
// draw arrow
context.moveTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 6));
context.lineTo(tox, toy );
context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 6));
// connecting between 2 different y positions
else {
// draw semicircle
context.arc(fromx, fromy, radius, 3*Math.PI/2, Math.PI/2,false);
// draw bent line
context.moveTo(fromx + radius, fromy);
context.lineTo(fromx + dx / 2, fromy);
context.lineTo(fromx + dx / 2, toy - radius);
// draw connecting circle
context.moveTo(fromx + dx / 2 + radius, toy);
context.arc(fromx + dx / 2, toy, radius, 0, 2*Math.PI,false);
// draw straightline
context.moveTo(fromx + dx / 2 + radius, toy);
context.lineTo(tox, toy);
// draw arrow
context.moveTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 6));
context.lineTo(tox, toy );
context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 6));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="10" height="12" viewBox="0 0 10 12" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M2 5.5V3.75641C2 1.97326 3.32593 0.5 5 0.5C6.67407 0.5 8 1.97326 8 3.75641V5.5H8.5C9.32843 5.5 10 6.17157 10 7V10C10 10.8284 9.32843 11.5 8.5 11.5H1.5C0.671573 11.5 0 10.8284 0 10V7C0 6.17157 0.671573 5.5 1.5 5.5H2ZM3.38462 5.5H6.61538V3.75641C6.61538 2.70733 5.87494 1.88462 5 1.88462C4.12506 1.88462 3.38462 2.70733 3.38462 3.75641V5.5Z" fill="#4360DF"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 509 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="10" height="11" viewBox="0 0 10 11" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C3.40689 0 2.12907 1.3342 2.00919 3H3.3996C3.50856 2.07633 4.19774 1.38462 5 1.38462C5.87494 1.38462 6.61538 2.20733 6.61538 3.25641V5H4H3.38462H2H1.5C0.671573 5 0 5.67157 0 6.5V9.5C0 10.3284 0.671573 11 1.5 11H8.5C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5V6.5C10 5.67157 9.32843 5 8.5 5H8V3.25641C8 1.47326 6.67407 0 5 0Z" fill="#939BA1"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 484 B