fix(StatusChatInfoButton): pinned messages counter
- fix the "pinned messages" counter, add plural handling (Fixes #899) - modernize using layouts (Fixes #898) - add some more examples
This commit is contained in:
@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ GridLayout {
implicitHeight: 48
StatusChatInfoButton {
title: "Iuri Matias elided"
subTitle: "Contact"
subTitle: "Very long subtitle should elide as well"
asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7
asset.isImage: true
|||| "qrc:/demoapp/data/profile-image-1.jpeg"
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.OneToOneChat
muted: true
pinnedMessagesCount: 1
pinnedMessagesCount: 10
width: 100
@ -199,6 +199,14 @@ GridLayout {
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat
StatusChatInfoButton {
title: "community-channel"
subTitle: "Some very long description text to see how the whole item wraps or elides"
asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat
pinnedMessagesCount: 3
StatusSlider {
width: 360
from: 0
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Column {
headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton {
width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width)
title: "Some contact"
subTitle: "Contact"
title: "Muted public chat"
subTitle: "Some subtitle"
asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.PublicChat
pinnedMessagesCount: 1
@ -44,14 +44,35 @@ Column {
headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton {
width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width)
title: "Some contact"
subTitle: "Contact"
title: "Group chat"
subTitle: "Group chat subtitle"
asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.OneToOneChat
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.GroupChat
pinnedMessagesCount: 1
StatusToolBar {
width: 518
headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton {
title: "Community chat"
subTitle: "Some very long description text to see how the whole item wraps or ellides"
asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat
pinnedMessagesCount: 3
StatusToolBar {
headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton {
title: "Very long chat name"
asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat
pinnedMessagesCount: 1234567891
StatusToolBar {
notificationCount: 1
width: 518
@ -473,8 +494,5 @@ Column {
@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
Rectangle {
id: statusChatInfoButton
Button {
id: root
objectName: "chatInfoButton"
implicitWidth: identicon.width +
statusChatInfoButtonTitle.anchors.leftMargin + statusChatInfoButtonTitle.implicitWidth,
statusChatInfoButtonTitle.anchors.leftMargin + statusChatInfoButtonSubTitle.implicitWidth
) + 8
implicitHeight: 48
property string title: ""
property string subTitle: ""
property bool muted: false
property int pinnedMessagesCount: 0
property string title: text
property string subTitle
property bool muted
property int pinnedMessagesCount
property StatusAssetSettings asset: StatusAssetSettings {
width: 36
@ -29,9 +25,7 @@ Rectangle {
property int type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.PublicChat
property alias tooltip: statusToolTip
property alias sensor: sensor
signal clicked(var mouse)
signal pinnedMessagesCountClicked(var mouse)
signal unmute()
signal linkActivated(string link)
@ -46,192 +40,162 @@ Rectangle {
CommunityChat // 6
radius: 8
color: sensor.enabled && sensor.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.baseColor2 : "transparent"
horizontalPadding: 4
verticalPadding: 2
spacing: 4
MouseArea {
id: sensor
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: enabled ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor
background: Rectangle {
radius: 8
color: root.enabled && root.hovered ? Theme.palette.baseColor2 : "transparent"
onClicked: statusChatInfoButton.clicked(mouse)
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
cursorShape: root.hovered ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : undefined
contentItem: RowLayout {
spacing: root.spacing
// identicon
StatusSmartIdenticon {
id: identicon
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 4
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
asset: statusChatInfoButton.asset
name: statusChatInfoButton.title
asset: root.asset
name: root.title
Item {
id: statusChatInfoButtonTitle
anchors.topMargin: statusChatInfoButtonSubTitle.visible ? 0 : 8
anchors.left: identicon.right
anchors.leftMargin: 8
// text
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 2
width: Math.min(parent.width - anchors.leftMargin
- identicon.width - identicon.anchors.leftMargin,
height: chatName.height
// title
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeading | Qt.AlignBottom
spacing: root.spacing
implicitWidth: statusIcon.width + chatName.anchors.leftMargin + chatName.implicitWidth
+ mutedDelta
StatusIcon {
visible: root.type !== StatusChatInfoButton.Type.OneToOneChat
Layout.preferredWidth: 14
Layout.preferredHeight: 14
color: root.muted ? Theme.palette.baseColor1 : Theme.palette.directColor1
icon: {
switch (root.type) {
case StatusChatInfoButton.Type.PublicCat:
return "tiny/public-chat"
case StatusChatInfoButton.Type.GroupChat:
return "tiny/group"
case StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat:
return "tiny/channel"
return "tiny/public-chat"
property real mutedDelta: mutedIcon.visible ? mutedIcon.width + 8 : 0
StatusBaseText {
objectName: "statusChatInfoButtonNameText"
Layout.fillWidth: true
elide: Text.ElideRight
text: root.type === StatusChatInfoButton.Type.PublicChat && !root.title.startsWith("#") ?
"#" + root.title
: root.title
color: root.muted ? Theme.palette.directColor5 : Theme.palette.directColor1
font.weight: Font.Medium
StatusIcon {
id: statusIcon
anchors.topMargin: -2
anchors.left: parent.left
StatusIcon {
objectName: "mutedIcon"
Layout.preferredWidth: 13
Layout.preferredHeight: 13
icon: "tiny/muted"
color: mutedIconSensor.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1
visible: root.muted
visible: statusChatInfoButton.type !== StatusChatInfoButton.Type.OneToOneChat
width: visible ? 14 : 0
color: statusChatInfoButton.muted ? Theme.palette.baseColor1 : Theme.palette.directColor1
icon: {
switch (statusChatInfoButton.type) {
case StatusChatInfoButton.Type.PublicCat:
return "tiny/public-chat"
case StatusChatInfoButton.Type.GroupChat:
return "tiny/group"
case StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat:
return "tiny/channel"
return "tiny/public-chat"
MouseArea {
id: mutedIconSensor
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: root.unmute()
StatusToolTip {
id: statusToolTip
text: qsTr("Unmute")
visible: mutedIconSensor.containsMouse
orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom
y: parent.height + 12
StatusBaseText {
id: chatName
objectName: "statusChatInfoButtonNameText"
// subtitle
RowLayout {
id: subtitleRow
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeading | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.rightMargin: 4
spacing: 0
anchors.left: statusIcon.visible ? statusIcon.right : parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: statusIcon.visible ? 1 : 0
elide: Text.ElideRight
width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width
- statusIcon.width
- statusChatInfoButtonTitle.mutedDelta)
text: statusChatInfoButton.type === StatusChatInfoButton.Type.PublicChat &&
!statusChatInfoButton.title.startsWith("#") ?
"#" + statusChatInfoButton.title :
color: statusChatInfoButton.muted ? Theme.palette.directColor5 : Theme.palette.directColor1
font.pixelSize: 15
font.weight: Font.Medium
StatusIcon {
objectName: "mutedIcon"
id: mutedIcon
anchors.left: chatName.right
anchors.leftMargin: 4
anchors.topMargin: -2
width: 13
icon: "tiny/muted"
color: mutedIconSensor.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1
visible: statusChatInfoButton.muted
MouseArea {
id: mutedIconSensor
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: statusChatInfoButton.unmute()
StatusSelectableText {
Layout.fillWidth: implicitWidth + separator.width + pinIcon.width + pinText.width > subtitleRow.width
text: root.subTitle
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: 12
onLinkActivated: root.linkActivated(link)
StatusToolTip {
id: statusToolTip
text: "Unmute"
visible: mutedIconSensor.containsMouse
orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom
y: parent.height + 12
Rectangle {
id: separator
Layout.preferredHeight: 12
Layout.preferredWidth: 1
Layout.leftMargin: 4
Layout.rightMargin: 2
color: Theme.palette.directColor7
visible: root.subTitle && root.pinnedMessagesCount
Item {
id: statusChatInfoButtonSubTitle
anchors.left: statusChatInfoButtonTitle.left
|||| statusChatInfoButtonTitle.bottom
visible: !!statusChatInfoButton.subTitle || statusChatInfoButton.pinnedMessagesCount > 0
height: visible ? chatType.height : 0
width: Math.min(parent.width - statusChatInfoButtonTitle.anchors.leftMargin
- identicon.width - identicon.anchors.leftMargin - 8,
implicitWidth: chatType.implicitWidth + pinIconDelta + 8
property real pinIconDelta: pinIcon.visible ? pinIcon.width + pinIcon.anchors.leftMargin
+ divider.width + divider.anchors.leftMargin
: 0
StatusSelectableText {
id: chatType
text: statusChatInfoButton.subTitle
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: 12
width: Math.min(parent.width - (pinIcon.visible ? divider.width + divider.anchors.leftMargin + pinIcon.width + pinIcon.anchors.leftMargin : 0),
onLinkActivated: statusChatInfoButton.linkActivated(link)
Rectangle {
id: divider
height: 12
width: 1
color: Theme.palette.directColor7
anchors.left: chatType.right
anchors.leftMargin: 4
anchors.verticalCenter: chatType.verticalCenter
visible: !!chatType.text && pinIcon.visible
StatusIcon {
id: pinIcon
anchors.left: divider.visible ? divider.right : parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: -2
anchors.verticalCenter: chatType.verticalCenter
height: 14
visible: statusChatInfoButton.pinnedMessagesCount > 0
icon: "pin"
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
StatusBaseText {
objectName: "StatusChatInfo_pinText"
anchors.left: pinIcon.right
anchors.leftMargin: -6
anchors.verticalCenter: pinIcon.verticalCenter
width: 14
text: statusChatInfoButton.pinnedMessagesCount
font.pixelSize: 12
font.underline: pinCountSensor.containsMouse
visible: pinIcon.visible
color: pinCountSensor.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1
MouseArea {
objectName: "pinMessagesCounterSensor"
id: pinCountSensor
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: statusChatInfoButton.pinnedMessagesCountClicked(mouse)
StatusIcon {
id: pinIcon
Layout.preferredHeight: 14
Layout.preferredWidth: 14
visible: root.pinnedMessagesCount > 0
icon: "pin"
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
StatusBaseText {
id: pinText
TextMetrics {
id: tm
font: pinText.font
elide: Text.ElideRight
elideWidth: pinText.width
text: qsTr("%Ln pinned message(s)", "", root.pinnedMessagesCount)
objectName: "StatusChatInfo_pinText"
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: tm.elidedText !== tm.text ? root.pinnedMessagesCount : tm.text
font.pixelSize: 12
font.underline: pinCountSensor.containsMouse
visible: root.pinnedMessagesCount
color: pinCountSensor.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1
MouseArea {
objectName: "pinMessagesCounterSensor"
id: pinCountSensor
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: root.pinnedMessagesCountClicked(mouse)
Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
Reference in New Issue