fix(StatusAssetSelector): Fixed error of crypto balance not updated correctly

Also added error handling in case in case that crypto symbol image is not available
Added a way to display the balance in currently selected currency on the widget
To do this the consumer of this widget needs to implement "getCurrencyBalanceString" based on the currently selected currency

fixes #4079
This commit is contained in:
Khushboo Mehta 2021-11-15 14:31:58 +01:00 committed by r4bbit.eth
parent 9fa1592aaa
commit 2040d0f857
2 changed files with 31 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -13,22 +13,26 @@ Column {
spacing: 8
StatusAssetSelector {
getCurrencyBalanceString: function (currencyBalance) {
return currencyBalance.toFixed(2) + " USD"
tokenAssetSourceFn: function (symbol) {
return "../../assets/img/icons/snt.svg"
assets: ListModel {
ListElement {
address: "0x1234"
name: "Status Network Token"
value: "20"
balance: "20"
symbol: "SNT"
fiatBalance: "9992.01"
fiatBalanceDisplay: "9992.01"
currencyBalance: 9992.01
ListElement {
address: "0x1234"
name: "DAI Token"
value: "20"
balance: "15"
symbol: "DAI"
fiatBalance: "20"
fiatBalanceDisplay: "20"
currencyBalance: 20.00001

View File

@ -12,17 +12,12 @@ Item {
id: root
property var assets
property var selectedAsset
property string defaultToken: ""
property var tokenAssetSourceFn: function (symbol) {
return ""
property var assetGetterFn: function (index, field) {
// This is merely to make the component work with nim model data
// as well as static QML ListModel data
if (typeof assets.get === "function") {
return assets.get(index)[field]
return assets.rowData(index, field)
// Define this in the usage to get balance in currency selected by user
property var getCurrencyBalanceString: function (currencyBalance) { return "" }
implicitWidth: 86
implicitHeight: 32
@ -38,20 +33,6 @@ Item {
onAssetsChanged: {
if (!assets) {
selectedAsset = {
name: assetGetterFn(0, "name"),
symbol: assetGetterFn(0, "symbol"),
value: assetGetterFn(0, "value"),
fiatBalanceDisplay: assetGetterFn(0, "fiatBalanceDisplay"),
address: assetGetterFn(0, "address"),
fiatBalance: assetGetterFn(0, "fiatBalance")
StatusSelect {
id: select
width: parent.width
@ -71,6 +52,11 @@ Item {
width: 24
height: 24
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
image.onStatusChanged: {
if (iconImg.image.status === Image.Error) {
iconImg.image.source = defaultToken
StatusBaseText {
id: selectedTextField
@ -101,6 +87,11 @@ Item {
anchors.leftMargin: 16
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
image.source: root.tokenAssetSourceFn(symbol.toUpperCase())
image.onStatusChanged: {
if (iconImg.image.status === Image.Error) {
iconImg.image.source = defaultToken
Column {
anchors.left: iconImg.right
@ -125,23 +116,28 @@ Item {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
StatusBaseText {
font.pixelSize: 15
text: parseFloat(value).toFixed(4) + " " + symbol
text: parseFloat(balance).toFixed(4) + " " + symbol
StatusBaseText {
font.pixelSize: 15
anchors.right: parent.right
text: fiatBalanceDisplay.toUpperCase()
text: getCurrencyBalanceString(currencyBalance)
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
background: Rectangle {
color: itemContainer.highlighted ? Theme.palette.statusSelect.menuItemHoverBackgroundColor : Theme.palette.statusSelect.menuItemBackgroundColor
Component.onCompleted: {
if(index === 0 ) {
selectedAsset = { name: name, symbol: symbol, address: address, balance: balance, currencyBalance: currencyBalance}
MouseArea {
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
anchors.fill: itemContainer
onClicked: {
root.selectedAsset = { address, name, value, symbol, fiatBalance, fiatBalanceDisplay }
selectedAsset = {name: name, symbol: symbol, address: address, balance: balance, currencyBalance: currencyBalance}