title: Status Network subtitle: "A new kind of tool for a new kind of internet" description: "Status is the mobile windown onto Ethereum, the platform with which we will onboard the first million users of a truly distributed web." author: Status timezone: UTC language: - en - ko - zh - ru - fr locale: en i18n: type: [page, post] permalink_defaults: lang: en i18n_dir: :lang url: https://statusnetwork.com/ root: / code_dir: downloads/code new_post_name: :year-:month-:day-:title.md # File name of new posts post_asset_folder: true per_page: 0 highlight: enable: false theme: navy deploy: type: git repo: git@github.com:status-im/status-network-site.git branch: gh-pages disqus_shortname: hexojs twitter: ethstatus github: status-im