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synced 2025-03-01 00:30:49 +00:00
Fixes #8635 by adding VERSION and BUILD_NUMBER files in the correct nix template and updating bash script in order to prevent it from failing, due to the git repository being not initialized in the nix environment. Move scripts/build_no.sh and scripts/gen_build_no.sh to scripts/version/build_no.sh to prevent Nix from rebuilding when unrelated scripts are touched. Signed-off-by: Andrey Shovkoplyas <motor4ik@gmail.com>
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193 lines
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def getVersion() {
def path = "${env.WORKSPACE}/VERSION"
return readFile(path).trim()
def getToolVersion(name) {
def version = sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: "${env.WORKSPACE}/scripts/toolversion ${name}"
return version
def branchName() {
return env.GIT_BRANCH.replaceAll(/.*origin\//, '')
def parentOrCurrentBuild() {
def c = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause)
if (c == null) { return currentBuild }
return c.getUpstreamRun()
def timestamp() {
/* we use parent if available to make timestmaps consistent */
def now = new Date(parentOrCurrentBuild().timeInMillis)
return now.format('yyMMdd-HHmmss', TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
def gitCommit() {
return GIT_COMMIT.take(6)
def pkgFilename(type, ext) {
return "StatusIm-${timestamp()}-${gitCommit()}-${type}.${ext}"
def doGitRebase() {
if (getBuildType() != 'pr') {
println 'Skipping rebase due for non-PR build...'
def rebaseBranch = 'develop'
if (env.CHANGE_TARGET) { /* This is available for PR builds */
rebaseBranch = env.CHANGE_TARGET
sh 'git status'
sh "git fetch --force origin ${rebaseBranch}:${rebaseBranch}"
try {
sh "git rebase ${rebaseBranch}"
} catch (e) {
sh 'git rebase --abort'
throw e
def genBuildNumber() {
def number = sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: "${env.WORKSPACE}/scripts/version/gen_build_no.sh"
println "Build Number: ${number}"
return number
def readBuildNumber() {
def number = sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: "${env.WORKSPACE}/scripts/version/build_no.sh"
return number
def getDirPath(path) {
return path.tokenize('/')[0..-2].join('/')
def getFilename(path) {
return path.tokenize('/')[-1]
def getEnv(build, envvar) {
return build.getBuildVariables().get(envvar)
def buildDuration() {
def duration = currentBuild.durationString
return '~' + duration.take(duration.lastIndexOf(' and counting'))
def pkgFind(glob) {
def fullGlob = "pkg/*${glob}"
def found = findFiles(glob: fullGlob)
if (found.size() == 0) {
sh 'ls -l pkg/'
error("File not found via glob: ${fullGlob} ${found.size()}")
return found[0].path
def uploadArtifact(path) {
/* defaults for upload */
def domain = 'ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com'
def bucket = 'status-im'
/* There's so many PR builds we need a separate bucket */
if (getBuildType() == 'pr') {
bucket = 'status-im-prs'
/* WARNING: s3cmd can't guess APK MIME content-type */
def customOpts = ''
if (path.endsWith('apk')) {
customOpts += "--mime-type='application/vnd.android.package-archive'"
/* We also need credentials for the upload */
credentialsId: 'digital-ocean-access-keys',
usernameVariable: 'DO_ACCESS_KEY',
passwordVariable: 'DO_SECRET_KEY'
)]) {
sh """
s3cmd \\
--acl-public \\
${customOpts} \\
--host='${domain}' \\
--host-bucket='%(bucket)s.${domain}' \\
--access_key=${DO_ACCESS_KEY} \\
--secret_key=${DO_SECRET_KEY} \\
put ${path} s3://${bucket}/
return "https://${bucket}.${domain}/${getFilename(path)}"
def getBuildType() {
def jobName = env.JOB_NAME
if (jobName.contains('e2e')) {
return 'e2e'
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/prs')) {
return 'pr'
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/nightly')) {
return 'nightly'
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/release')) {
return 'release'
return params.BUILD_TYPE
def getParentRunEnv(name) {
def c = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause)
if (c == null) { return null }
return c.getUpstreamRun().getEnvironment()[name]
def changeId() {
/* CHANGE_ID can be provided via the build parameters or from parent */
def changeId = env.CHANGE_ID
changeId = params.CHANGE_ID ? params.CHANGE_ID : changeId
changeId = getParentRunEnv('CHANGE_ID') ? getParentRunEnv('CHANGE_ID') : changeId
if (!changeId) {
println('This build is not related to a PR, CHANGE_ID missing.')
println('GitHub notification impossible, skipping...')
return null
return changeId
def updateEnv(type) {
def envFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/.env.jenkins"
/* select .env based on type of build */
if (['nightly', 'release', 'e2e'].contains(type)) {
envFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/.env.${type}"
sh "ln -sf ${envFile} .env"
/* find a list of .env settings to check for them in params */
def envContents = readFile(envFile)
def envLines = envContents.split()
def envVars = envLines.collect { it.split('=').first() }
/* for each var available in params modify the .env file */
envVars.each { var ->
if (params.get(var)) { /* var exists in params and is not empty */
println("Changing setting: ${var}=${params.get(var)}")
sh "sed -i'.bkp' 's/${var}=.*/${var}=${params.get(var)}/' ${envFile}"
/* show contents for debugging purposes */
sh "cat ${envFile}"
return this