Oskar Thorén 8e22ce9466 utils: Support ERC20 balance-of in order to get token balance
This is necessary in order to display token balance in Wallet.
2017-08-17 17:19:49 +03:00

52 lines
1.7 KiB

(ns status-im.utils.erc20
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[status-im.js-dependencies :as dependencies]))
;; Example
;; Contract: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x29b5f6efad2ad701952dfde9f29c960b5d6199c5#readContract
;; Owner: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/token/0x29b5f6efad2ad701952dfde9f29c960b5d6199c5?a=0xa7cfd581060ec66414790691681732db249502bd
;; With a running node on Ropsten:
;; (let [web3 (:web3 @re-frame.db/app-db)
;; contract "0x29b5f6efad2ad701952dfde9f29c960b5d6199c5"
;; address "0xa7cfd581060ec66414790691681732db249502bd"]
;; (erc20/balance-of web3 contract address println))
;; => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001bd0c4a
;; (hex->int "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001bd0c4a") ;; => 29166666 (note token decimals)
(defn sha3 [s]
(.sha3 dependencies/Web3.prototype (str s)))
(defn hex->int [s]
(js/parseInt s 16))
(defn zero-pad-64 [s]
(str (apply str (drop (count s) (repeat 64 "0"))) s))
(defn format-param [param]
(if (number? param)
(zero-pad-64 (hex->int param))
(zero-pad-64 (subs param 2))))
(defn format-call-params [method-id & params]
(let [params (string/join (map format-param params))]
(str method-id params)))
(defn get-call-params [contract method-id & params]
(let [data (apply format-call-params method-id params)]
{:to contract :data data}))
(defn sig->method-id [signature]
(apply str (take 10 (sha3 signature))))
(defn balance-of-params [token of]
(let [method-id (sig->method-id "balanceOf(address)")]
(get-call-params token method-id of)))
(defn balance-of [web3 token of cb]
(.call (.-eth web3)
(clj->js (balance-of-params token of))