Eric Dvorsak 8eb5047d7a
[fix #4819] update react-native to 0.56
Fix figwheel-bridge path in clj-rn.conf.edn
update SplashScreen
update ios to 9.0
updated Podfile.lock
downgrade cocoapods to 1.5.2
update package-lock.json
update pod repo when installing
update appcompat to v27

Signed-off-by: Dmitry Novotochinov <>
2018-09-05 21:27:46 +03:00

51 lines
2.1 KiB

(ns status-im.react-native.js-dependencies)
(def action-button #js {:default #js {:Item #js {}}})
(def config #js {:default #js {}})
(def camera #js {:default #js {:constants #js {}}})
(def dialogs #js {})
(def dismiss-keyboard #js {})
(def emoji-picker #js {:default #js {}})
(def fs #js {})
(def http-bridge #js {})
(def i18n #js {:locale "en"})
(def image-crop-picker #js {})
(def image-resizer #js {})
(def instabug #js {})
(def linear-gradient #js {})
(def nfc #js {})
(def orientation #js {})
(def popup-menu #js {})
(def qr-code #js {})
(def react-native
#js {:NativeModules #js {}
:Animated #js {:View #js {}
:Text #js {}}
:DeviceEventEmitter #js {:addListener (fn [])}
:Dimensions #js {:get (fn [])}})
(def realm #js {:schemaVersion (fn [])
:defaultPath "/tmp/realm"
:close (fn [])})
(def vector-icons #js {:default #js {}})
(def webview-bridge #js {:default #js {}})
(def svg #js {:default #js {}})
(defrecord Notification [])
(def react-native-firebase #js {:default #js {:notifications #js {:Notification Notification}}})
(def snoopy #js {:default #js {}})
(def snoopy-filter #js {:default #js {}})
(def snoopy-bars #js {:default #js {}})
(def snoopy-buffer #js {:default #js {}})
(def EventEmmiter #js {})
(def fetch #js {})
(def testfairy #js {})
(def background-timer #js {:setTimeout js/setTimeout
:setInterval js/setInterval
:clearTimeout js/clearTimeout
:clearInterval js/clearInterval})
(def keychain #js {:setGenericPassword (constantly (.resolve js/Promise true))})
(def secure-random #(.resolve js/Promise (clj->js (range 0 %))))