
199 lines
5.1 KiB

def version() {
return readFile("${env.WORKSPACE}/VERSION").trim()
def getBuildType() {
def jobName = env.JOB_NAME
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/pull requests')) {
return 'pr'
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/nightly')) {
return 'nightly'
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/release')) {
return 'release'
return params.BUILD_TYPE
def buildBranch(name = null, buildType = null) {
/* default to current build type */
buildType = buildType ? buildType : getBuildType()
/* need to drop origin/ to match definitions of child jobs */
def branchName = env.GIT_BRANCH.replace('origin/', '')
/* always pass the BRANCH and BUILD_TYPE params with current branch */
def b = build(
job: name,
/* this allows us to analize the job even after failure */
propagate: false,
parameters: [
[name: 'BRANCH', value: branchName, $class: 'StringParameterValue'],
[name: 'BUILD_TYPE', value: buildType, $class: 'StringParameterValue'],
/* BlueOcean seems to not show child-build links */
print "Build: ${b.getAbsoluteUrl()} (${b.result})"
if (b.result != 'SUCCESS') {
error("Build Failed")
return b
def copyArts(projectName, buildNo) {
projectName: projectName,
target: 'pkg',
flatten: true,
selector: specific("${buildNo}")
def installJSDeps(platform) {
def attempt = 1
def maxAttempts = 10
def installed = false
/* prepare environment for specific platform build */
sh "scripts/ ${platform}"
while (!installed && attempt <= maxAttempts) {
println "#${attempt} attempt to install npm deps"
sh 'npm install'
installed = fileExists('node_modules/web3/index.js')
attemp = attempt + 1
def doGitRebase() {
try {
sh 'git rebase origin/develop'
} catch (e) {
sh 'git rebase --abort'
throw e
def tagBuild(increment = false) {
def opts = (increment ? '--increment' : '')
$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId: 'status-im-auto',
usernameVariable: 'GIT_USER',
passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASS'
]]) {
return sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: "./scripts/ ${opts}"
def getDirPath(path) {
return path.tokenize('/')[0..-2].join('/')
def getFilename(path) {
return path.tokenize('/')[-1]
def uploadArtifact(path) {
/* defaults for upload */
def domain = ''
def bucket = 'status-im'
/* There's so many PR builds we need a separate bucket */
if (getBuildType() == 'pr') {
bucket = 'status-im-prs'
/* WARNING: s3cmd can't guess APK MIME content-type */
def customOpts = ''
if (path.endsWith('apk')) {
customOpts += "--mime-type='application/'"
/* We also need credentials for the upload */
credentialsId: 'digital-ocean-access-keys',
usernameVariable: 'DO_ACCESS_KEY',
passwordVariable: 'DO_SECRET_KEY'
)]) {
sh """
s3cmd \\
--acl-public \\
${customOpts} \\
--host='${domain}' \\
--host-bucket='%(bucket)s.${domain}' \\
--access_key=${DO_ACCESS_KEY} \\
--secret_key=${DO_SECRET_KEY} \\
put ${path} s3://${bucket}/
return "https://${bucket}.${domain}/${getFilename(path)}"
def timestamp() {
def now = new Date(currentBuild.timeInMillis)
return now.format('yyMMdd-HHmmss', TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
def gitCommit() {
return GIT_COMMIT.take(6)
def pkgFilename(type, ext) {
return "StatusIm-${timestamp()}-${gitCommit()}-${type}.${ext}"
def githubNotify(apkUrl, e2eUrl, ipaUrl, dmgUrl, appUrl, changeId) {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'GIT_HUB_TOKEN', variable: 'githubToken')]) {
def message = (
"#### :white_check_mark: CI BUILD SUCCESSFUL\\n" +
"Jenkins job: [${currentBuild.displayName}](${currentBuild.absoluteUrl})\\n"+
"##### Mobile\\n" +
"* [Android](${apkUrl}), ([e2e](${e2eUrl}))\\n" +
"* [iOS](${ipaUrl})\\n")
if (dmgUrl != null && appUrl != null) {
message = message +
"##### Desktop\\n" +
"* [MacOS](${dmgUrl})\\n" +
"* [AppImage](${appUrl})"
def script = (
"curl "+
"-u status-im:${githubToken} " +
"-H 'Content-Type: application/json' " +
"--data '{\"body\": \"${message}\"}' " +
def ghOutput = sh(returnStdout: true, script: script)
println("Result of github comment curl: " + ghOutput);
def pkgFind(glob) {
return findFiles(glob: "pkg/*${glob}")[0].path
def setBuildDesc(Map links) {
def desc = 'Links: \n'
links.each { type, url ->
if (url != null) {
desc += "<a href=\"${url}\">${type}</a> \n"
currentBuild.description = desc
def getParentRunEnv(name) {
def c = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause)
if (c == null) { return null }
return c.getUpstreamRun().getEnvironment()[name]
def runLint() {
sh 'lein cljfmt check'
def runTests() {
sh 'lein test-cljs'
return this