Pedro Pombeiro 4462ebf78a
Install nvm if no system nodejs is found
Signed-off-by: Pedro Pombeiro <>
2019-01-17 19:12:13 +01:00

26 lines
945 B

GIT_COMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# WARNING: Remember to change the tag when updating the image
IMAGE_TAG = 1.1.1
IMAGE_NAME = statusteam/windows-desktop-ubuntu:$(IMAGE_TAG)
REACT_NATIVE_DESKTOP_COMMIT_SHA = 2a76c435a27f0bf6c089f74222212b3a58e10385
__read__toolversion__ = $(shell grep $(1) ../../../.TOOLVERSIONS | cut -d'=' -f2-)
rm -rf ./scripts && \
mkdir -p ./scripts/3rd-party && \
cp -R ../../scripts/3rd-party/ ./scripts/ && \
docker build \
--build-arg="CONAN_VERSION=$(call __read__toolversion__,conan)" \
--build-arg="LEIN_VERSION=$(call __read__toolversion__,lein)" \
--build-arg="NODE_VERSION=$(call __read__toolversion__,node)" \
--build-arg="NVM_VERSION=$(call __read__toolversion__,nvm)" \
--label="commit=$(GIT_COMMIT)" \
-t $(IMAGE_NAME) .; \
rm -rf ./scripts
push: build
docker push $(IMAGE_NAME)