Icaro Motta 7f960f9be5
Add custom linter for i18n/label translation keywords (#17610)
This commit adds a custom linter to verify i18n/label is called with a qualified
keyword, like :t/foo. More sophisticated linters are possible too.

We also set the stage for other developers to consider more lint automation
instead of manually reviewing conventions in PRs.

If you want to understand how to write custom linters, check out
https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo/blob/master/doc/hooks.md. You can fire
the Clojure JVM REPL in status-mobile and play with the clj-kondo hook too, it
works beautifully.

Why do we care? By making sure all translation keywords are qualified with "t",
it is trivial to grep or replace them because they're unique in the repo, and
can't be confused with other words if you search by ":t/<something>".

Note: It's a best practice to commit clj-kondo configuration from external
libraries in the .clj-kondo directory. The directory .clj-kondo/babashka is
auto-generated, that's why it was added.
2023-10-11 18:53:34 -03:00

67 lines
4.4 KiB

{:config-paths ["status-im"]
:lint-as {status-im.utils.views/defview clojure.core/defn
status-im.utils.views/letsubs clojure.core/let
reagent.core/with-let clojure.core/let
status-im.utils.fx/defn clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all
utils.re-frame/defn clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all
quo.react/with-deps-check clojure.core/fn
quo.previews.preview/list-comp clojure.core/for
status-im.utils.styles/def clojure.core/def
status-im.utils.styles/defn clojure.core/defn
test-helpers.unit/deftest-sub clojure.core/defn
taoensso.tufte/defnp clojure.core/defn}
:linters {:case-duplicate-test {:level :error}
:case-quoted-test {:level :error}
:case-symbol-test {:level :error}
:clj-kondo-config {:level :error}
:cond-else {:level :error}
:consistent-alias {:level :error
:aliases {clojure.string string
clojure.set set
clojure.walk walk
taoensso.timbre log}}
:deprecated-namespace {:level :warning}
:docstring-blank {:level :error}
:equals-true {:level :error}
:inline-def {:level :error}
:invalid-arity {:skip-args [status-im.utils.fx/defn utils.re-frame/defn]}
:loop-without-recur {:level :error}
:minus-one {:level :error}
:misplaced-docstring {:level :error}
:missing-body-in-when {:level :error}
:missing-clause-in-try {:level :error}
:missing-else-branch {:level :error}
:not-empty? {:level :error}
:plus-one {:level :error}
:redundant-do {:level :error}
:redundant-let {:level :error}
:refer-all {:level :error}
:shadowed-var {:level :error
;; We temporarily use :include to define an
;; allowlist of core Clojure vars. In the
;; future, as we progressively fix shadowed
;; vars, we should be able to delete this
;; option and lint all vars.
:exclude [type name]}
:single-operand-comparison {:level :error}
:syntax {:level :error}
:unbound-destructuring-default {:level :error}
:unknown-require-option {:level :error}
:unreachable-code {:level :error}
:unresolved-namespace {:level :error}
;; TODO remove number when this is fixed
;; https://github.com/borkdude/clj-kondo/issues/867
:unresolved-symbol {:exclude [PersistentPriorityMap.EMPTY
:unresolved-var {:level :error}
:uninitialized-var {:level :error}
:unused-alias {:level :warning}
:unused-binding {:level :error}
:unused-import {:level :error}
:unused-namespace {:level :error}
:unused-private-var {:level :error}
:unused-referred-var {:level :error}
:use {:level :error}}
:config-in-ns {mocks.js-dependencies {:linters {:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var {:level :off}}}}}