mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 09:36:33 +00:00
207 lines
8.9 KiB
207 lines
8.9 KiB
numToKeepStr: '2',
daysToKeepStr: '3',
artifactNumToKeepStr: '2',
artifactDaysToKeepStr: '3'
def installJSDeps() {
def attempt = 1
def maxAttempts = 10
def installed = false
sh 'node -v'
sh 'npm -v'
while (!installed && attempt <= maxAttempts) {
println "#${attempt} attempt to install npm deps"
sh 'scripts/prepare-for-platform.sh desktop'
sh 'npm install --verbose'
installed = fileExists('node_modules/web3/index.js')
attemp = attempt + 1
def doGitRebase() {
try {
sh 'git rebase origin/develop'
} catch (e) {
sh 'git rebase --abort'
throw e
def cleanupBuild(packageFolder) {
sh 'rm -rf node_modules'
sh ( 'rm -rf ' + packageFolder )
sh 'rm -rf desktop/modules'
sh 'rm -rf desktop/node_modules'
parallel (
"MacOS parallel build stream" : {
timeout(90) {
node ('macos1') {
def apkUrl = ''
def ipaUrl = ''
def testPassed = true
def branch;
def scriptOutput = ''
def packageFolder = './StatusImPackage'
def scriptPath = sh(script: 'pwd -P', returnStdout: true).trim()
load "$HOME/env.groovy"
try {
stage('Git & Dependencies') {
slackSend channel: '#jenkins-desktop', color: 'good', message: BRANCH_NAME + '(' + env.CHANGE_BRANCH + ') MacOS build started. ' + env.BUILD_URL
sh ('echo ' + scriptPath)
checkout scm
sh 'cp .env.jenkins .env'
sh 'lein deps'
stage('Build ClojureScript') {
sh 'rm -f index.desktop.js'
sh 'lein prod-build-desktop'
sh ( 'mkdir ' + packageFolder )
sh ( 'react-native bundle --entry-file index.desktop.js --bundle-output ' + packageFolder + '/StatusIm.jsbundle --dev false --platform desktop --assets-dest ' + packageFolder + '/assets' )
stage('Build MacOS binaries') {
sh 'cd desktop && rm -rf CMakeFiles CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake Makefile'
sh 'export PATH=/Users/administrator/qt/5.9.1/clang_64/bin:$PATH && cd desktop && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DEXTERNAL_MODULES_DIR="node_modules/react-native-i18n/desktop;node_modules/react-native-config/desktop;node_modules/react-native-fs/desktop;node_modules/react-native-http-bridge/desktop;node_modules/react-native-webview-bridge/desktop;node_modules/react-native-keychain/desktop;node_modules/react-native-securerandom/desktop;modules/react-native-status/desktop"\
-DJS_BUNDLE_PATH="' + scriptPath + '/' + packageFolder + '/StatusIm.jsbundle" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:="-DBUILD_FOR_BUNDLE=1" . && make'
stage('Prepare and create MacOS Bundle') {
sh ('cd ' + packageFolder + ' && ../scripts/download-package-files.sh "StatusIm.app.zip" "1Vkb6MD3nsmT02Az6rRRZywQSwCz1ZN9V" && unzip ./StatusIm.app.zip')
sh ('cp -r ' + packageFolder + '/assets/share/assets ' + packageFolder +'/StatusIm.app/Contents/MacOs')
sh ('chmod +x ' + packageFolder + '/StatusIm.app/Contents/MacOs/ubuntu-server')
sh ('cp ./desktop/bin/StatusIm ' + packageFolder +'/StatusIm.app/Contents/MacOs')
sh ('export PATH=/Users/administrator/qt/5.9.1/clang_64/bin:$PATH && cd ' + packageFolder + ' && macdeployqt StatusIm.app -verbose=1 -dmg -qmldir="' + scriptPath + '/node_modules/react-native/ReactQt/runtime/src/qml/"')
sh 'rm -f StatusIm.app.zip'
stage('Archive built artifact') {
archiveArtifacts "StatusImPackage/*.dmg"
slackSend channel: '#jenkins-desktop', color: 'good', message: BRANCH_NAME + '(' + env.CHANGE_BRANCH + ') MacOS build finished successfully. ' + env.BUILD_URL
} catch (e) {
slackSend channel: '#jenkins-desktop', color: 'bad', message: BRANCH_NAME + ' failed to build on MacOS. ' + env.BUILD_URL
throw e
"Linux parallel build stream" : {
timeout(90) {
node ('linux1') {
def apkUrl = ''
def ipaUrl = ''
def testPassed = true
def branch;
def scriptOutput = ''
def packageFolder = './StatusImPackage'
def scriptPath = sh(script: 'pwd -P', returnStdout: true).trim()
sh ('echo ' + scriptPath)
try {
stage('Git & Dependencies') {
slackSend channel: '#jenkins-desktop', color: 'good', message: BRANCH_NAME + '(' + env.CHANGE_BRANCH + ') Linux build started. ' + env.BUILD_URL
sh ('echo ' + scriptPath)
checkout scm
sh 'cp .env.jenkins .env'
sh 'lein deps'
stage('Build ClojureScript') {
sh 'rm -f index.desktop.js'
sh 'lein prod-build-desktop'
sh ( 'mkdir ' + packageFolder )
sh ( 'react-native bundle --entry-file index.desktop.js --bundle-output ' + packageFolder + '/StatusIm.jsbundle --dev false --platform desktop --assets-dest ' + packageFolder + '/assets' )
stage('Build Linux binaries') {
sh 'cd desktop && rm -rf CMakeFiles CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake Makefile'
sh 'export PATH=/home/maxr/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH && cd desktop && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DEXTERNAL_MODULES_DIR="node_modules/react-native-i18n/desktop;node_modules/react-native-config/desktop;node_modules/react-native-fs/desktop;node_modules/react-native-http-bridge/desktop;node_modules/react-native-webview-bridge/desktop;node_modules/react-native-keychain/desktop;node_modules/react-native-securerandom/desktop;modules/react-native-status/desktop"\
-DJS_BUNDLE_PATH="' + scriptPath + '/' + packageFolder + '/StatusIm.jsbundle" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:="-DBUILD_FOR_BUNDLE=1" . && make'
stage('Prepare and create Linux AppImage') {
sh ('rm -rf ' + packageFolder + '/StatusImAppImage')
sh ('cd ' + packageFolder + ' && cp /home/maxr/qttools/StatusImAppImage.zip ./ && unzip ./StatusImAppImage.zip')
sh ('rm -rf ' + packageFolder + '/AppDir && mkdir ' + packageFolder + '/AppDir')
sh ('cp -r ./deployment/linux/usr ' + packageFolder + '/AppDir')
sh ('cp ./deployment/linux/.env ' + packageFolder + '/AppDir')
sh ('cp ./desktop/bin/StatusIm ' + packageFolder+ '/AppDir/usr/bin')
sh ('cp -f /home/maxr/qttools/linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage ./')
sh ('chmod a+x ./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage')
sh 'rm -f Application-x86_64.AppImage'
sh 'rm -f StatusIm-x86_64.AppImage'
sh 'ldd ' + packageFolder+ '/AppDir/usr/bin/StatusIm'
sh ('export PATH=/home/maxr/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH && ./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage ' + packageFolder+ '/AppDir/usr/share/applications/StatusIm.desktop -verbose=3 -always-overwrite -no-strip -no-translations -bundle-non-qt-libs -qmake=/home/maxr/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake -extra-plugins=imageformats/libqsvg.so -qmldir="' + scriptPath + '/node_modules/react-native"')
sh 'ldd ' + packageFolder+ '/AppDir/usr/bin/StatusIm'
sh ('cp -r ' + packageFolder + '/assets/share/assets ' + packageFolder +'/AppDir/usr/bin')
sh ('cp -rf ' + packageFolder + '/StatusImAppImage/* ' + packageFolder +'/AppDir/usr/bin')
sh ('rm -f ' + packageFolder +'/AppDir/usr/bin/StatusIm.AppImage')
sh ('export PATH=/home/maxr/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH && ./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage ' + packageFolder+ '/AppDir/usr/share/applications/StatusIm.desktop -verbose=3 -appimage -qmake=/home/maxr/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake')
sh 'ldd ' + packageFolder+ '/AppDir/usr/bin/StatusIm'
sh ('rm -rf ' + packageFolder +'/StatusIm.AppImage')
sh ('cp -f ./StatusIm-x86_64.AppImage ' + packageFolder + '/StatusIm.AppImage')
stage('Archive built artifact') {
archiveArtifacts "StatusImPackage/*.AppImage"
slackSend channel: '#jenkins-desktop', color: 'good', message: BRANCH_NAME + '(' + env.CHANGE_BRANCH + ') Linux build finished successfully. ' + env.BUILD_URL
} catch (e) {
slackSend channel: '#jenkins-desktop', color: 'bad', message: BRANCH_NAME + ' failed to build on Linux. ' + env.BUILD_URL
throw e