
167 lines
5.5 KiB

{ stdenv, lib, config, callPackage,
bash, file, gnumake, watchmanFactory, gradle,
androidPkgs, mavenAndNpmDeps,
nodejs, openjdk, jsbundle, status-go, unzip, zlib }:
buildEnv ? "prod", # Value for BUILD_ENV checked by Clojure code at compile time
secretsFile ? "", # Path to the file containing secret environment variables
watchmanSockPath ? "", # Path to the socket file exposed by an external watchman instance (workaround needed for building Android on macOS)
assert (lib.stringLength watchmanSockPath) > 0 -> stdenv.isDarwin;
inherit (lib) toLower optionalString stringLength getConfig makeLibraryPath;
buildType = getConfig "build-type" "prod";
buildNumber = getConfig "build-number" 9999;
gradleOpts = getConfig "android.gradle-opts" null;
keystorePath = getConfig "android.keystore-path" null;
baseName = "release-android";
name = "status-react-build-${baseName}";
gradleHome = "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/.gradle";
localMavenRepo = "${mavenAndNpmDeps.drv}/.m2/repository";
sourceProjectDir = "${mavenAndNpmDeps.drv}/project";
envFileName = if (buildType == "release" || buildType == "nightly" || buildType == "e2e")
then ".env.${buildType}"
else if buildType != "" then ".env.jenkins"
else ".env";
# There are only two types of Gradle builds: pr and release
gradleBuildType = if (buildType == "pr" || buildType == "e2e")
then "Pr"
else "Release"; # PR builds shouldn't replace normal releases
apksPath = "$PROJECT/android/app/build/outputs/apk/${toLower gradleBuildType}";
patchedWatchman = watchmanFactory watchmanSockPath;
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit name;
src = let path = ./../../../..;
# We use builtins.path so that we can name the resulting derivation
in builtins.path {
inherit path;
name = "status-react-source-${baseName}";
# Keep this filter as restrictive as possible in order to avoid unnecessary rebuilds and limit closure size
filter = lib.mkFilter {
root = path;
include = [
"mobile/js_files.*" "resources/.*" "translations/.*"
envFileName "VERSION" ".watchmanconfig"
"status-go-version.json" "react-native.config.js"
buildInputs = [ nodejs openjdk ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ bash gradle unzip ]
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ file gnumake patchedWatchman ];
# Used by Clojure at compile time to include JS modules
BUILD_ENV = buildEnv;
# custom env variables derived from config
STATUS_GO_SRC_OVERRIDE = getConfig "nimbus.src-override" null;
ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT = getConfig "android.abi-split" "false";
ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE = getConfig "android.abi-include" "armeabi-v7a;arm64-v8a;x86";
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = "${androidPkgs}";
ANDROID_NDK_ROOT = "${androidPkgs}/ndk-bundle";
# Used by the Android Gradle build script in android/build.gradle
STATUS_GO_ANDROID_LIBDIR = "${status-go}";
# Used by the Android Gradle wrapper in android/gradlew
STATUSREACT_NIX_MAVEN_REPO = "${mavenAndNpmDeps.drv}/.m2/repository";
phases = [
"unpackPhase" "patchPhase" "secretPhase" "buildPhase" "checkPhase" "installPhase"
unpackPhase = ''
cp -r $src ./project
chmod u+w -R ./project
export PROJECT=$PWD/project
runHook postUnpack
postUnpack = assert lib.assertMsg (keystorePath != null) "keystore-file has to be set!"; ''
mkdir -p ${gradleHome}
# Keep the same keystore path for determinism
export KEYSTORE_PATH="${gradleHome}/status-im.keystore"
cp -a --no-preserve=ownership "${keystorePath}" "$KEYSTORE_PATH"
# Ensure we have the right .env file
cp -f $PROJECT/${envFileName} $PROJECT/.env
# Copy index.js and app/ input files
cp -ra --no-preserve=ownership ${jsbundle}/* $PROJECT/
# Copy android/ directory
cp -a --no-preserve=ownership ${sourceProjectDir}/android/ $PROJECT/
chmod u+w $PROJECT/android
chmod u+w $PROJECT/android/app
mkdir -p $PROJECT/android/build
chmod -R u+w $PROJECT/android/build
# Copy node_modules/ directory
cp -a --no-preserve=ownership ${sourceProjectDir}/node_modules/ $PROJECT/
# Make android/build directories writable under node_modules
for d in `find $PROJECT/node_modules -type f -name build.gradle | xargs dirname`; do
chmod -R u+w $d
patchPhase = ''
set -e
substituteInPlace $PROJECT/android/gradlew \
--replace \
'exec gradle' \
"exec gradle -Dmaven.repo.local='${localMavenRepo}' --offline ${toString gradleOpts}"
set $prevSet
secretPhase = optionalString (secretsFile != "") ''
source "${secretsFile}"
buildPhase = let
adhocEnvVars = optionalString stdenv.isLinux
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${makeLibraryPath [ zlib ]}";
assert ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT != null && ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT != "";
assert stringLength ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE > 0;
# create mobile node/yarn symlinks
ln -sf $PROJECT/mobile/js_files/* $PROJECT/
# fix permissions so gradle can create directories
chmod -R +w $PROJECT/android
pushd $PROJECT/android
${adhocEnvVars} ./gradlew \
--stacktrace \
-PversionCode=${toString buildNumber} \
assemble${gradleBuildType} \
|| exit 1
popd > /dev/null
doCheck = true;
checkPhase = ''
ls ${apksPath}/*.apk | xargs -n1 unzip -qql | grep 'assets/'
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out
cp ${apksPath}/*.apk $out/