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"confirm": "Befestigje",
"phone-national": "Lanlik",
"amount": "Bedrach",
"members-active": {
"one": "1 lid, 1 aktive",
"other": "{{count}} leden, {{count}} aktive",
"zero": "gjin leden"
"chat-name": "Chatnamme",
"phew-here-is-your-passphrase": "*Poah* dat wie dreech, hjir is dyn wachtsin, *skriuw dizze op en bewarje him goed!* Do silst him nedich ha om dyn account te herstelle.",
"public-group-topic": "Ûnderwerp",
"debug-enabled": "Debug server has been launched! You can now execute *status-dev-cli scan* to find the server from your computer on the same network.",
"chat-settings": "Chatynstellingen",
"offline": "Offline",
"update-status": "Fernij dyn status...",
"invited": "útnoege",
"chat-send-eth": "{{amount}} ETH",
"address": "Adres",
"new-public-group-chat": "Doch mei yn iepenbare chat",
"datetime-hour": {
"one": "oere",
"other": "oeren"
"datetime-ago-format": "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}",
"camera-access-error": "Om de kamera tastimming te jaan, gea nei dyn systeem ynstellings en wêz wis dat Status > Camera selektearre is.",
"address-explication": "Maybe here should be some text explaining what an address is and where to look for it",
"remove": "Fuortsmite",
"add-members": "Foegje leden ta",
"sharing-cancel": "Ôfbrekke",
"popular-tags": "Populêre tags",
"twelve-words-in-correct-order": "12 wurden yn de goeie folchoarder",
"phone-number": "Telefoannûmer",
"photos-access-error": "Om ús tastimming te jaan oan dyn foto's, gea nei dyn systeem ynstellings en wêz wis dat Status > Foto's selektearre is.",
"removed-from-chat": "ferwidere dy út de chat",
"done": "Klear",
"remove-from-contacts": "Fuortsmite út kontakten",
"delete-chat": "Chat fuortsmite",
"new-group-chat": "Nije groepchat",
"edit-chats": "Bewurkje chats",
"sign-in": "Ynlogge",
"datetime-yesterday": "juster",
"create-new-account": "Nij akkount oanmeitsje",
"sign-in-to-status": "Oanmelde by Status",
"datetime-ago": "lyn",
"contacts": "Kontaktpersoanen",
"search-chat": "Sykje yn de chat",
"got-it": "Befetsje ik",
"delete-group-confirmation": "Dizze groep sille fuortsmiten wurde fan dyn groepen. Dit sil gjin ynfloed ha mei jo kontakten",
"move-to-internal-failure-message": "We need to move some important files from external to internal storage. To do this, we need your permission. We won't be using external storage in future versions.",
"active-online": "Online",
"password": "Wachtwurd",
"status-seen-by-everyone": "Troch eltsenien sjoen",
"edit-group": "Bewurkje group",
"not-specified": "Net opjûn",
"delete-group": "Wiskje groep",
"browsing-title": "Blêdzje",
"reorder-groups": "Reorder groepen",
"discover": "Ûntdekking",
"browsing-cancel": "Ôfbrekke",
"faucet-success": "Faucet fersyk is ûntfongen",
"intro-status": "Chat mei my om dyn account yn te stellen en dyn ynstellingen te wizigjen!",
"name": "Namme",
"phone-number-required": "Tik hjir om dyn telefoannûmer yn te fieren, dan sykje ik dyn freonen",
"unknown-address": "Ûnbekend adres",
"received-invitation": "Chatútnoeging ûntfange",
"show-qr": "Toan QR",
"connect": "Ferbine",
"choose-from-contacts": "Kies út de kontakten",
"edit": "Bewurkje",
"account-generation-message": "Jou my in momintsje, ik moat wat yngewikkelde berekkeningen dwaan om dyn account oan te meitsjen !",
"no-messages": "Gjin berjochten",
"passphrase": "Wachtsin",
"recipient": "Ûntfanger",
"members-title": "Leden",
"new-group": "Nije groep",
"phone-e164": "Ynternasjonaal 1",
"suggestions-requests": "Oanfreegje",
"settings": "Ynstellingen",
"remove-from-group": "Fuortsmite út groep",
"contacts-syncronized": "Dyn kontaktpersoanen binne syngroniseard",
"add-new-contact": "Foegje nij kontaktpersoan ta ",
"delete": "Wiskje",
"search-contacts": "Sykje kontakten",
"chats": "Chats",
"transaction": "Transaksje",
"public-group-status": "Iepenbier",
"leave-chat": "Ferlit chat",
"image-source-make-photo": "Foto nimme",
"start-conversation": "Start konversaasje",
"topic-format": "Ferkearde yndieling [a-z0-9\\-]+",
"save": "Opslaan",
"enter-valid-public-key": "Fear in jildich adres public kaai yn of scan in QR koade",
"faucet-error": "Faucet fersyk flater",
"phone-significant": "Significant",
"search-for": "Sykje om...",
"sharing-copy-to-clipboard": "Nei it klamboerd ta kopiearje",
"phone-international": "Ynternasjonaal 2",
"sync-in-progress": "Wurdt syngronisearre ...",
"enter-address": "Fier adres yn",
"switch-users": "Skeakel tusken brûkers ",
"send-transaction": "Stjoer transaksje",
"recover-access": "Tagong herstelle",
"incorrect-code": [
"Sorry, de koade wie ferkeard, fier hem opnei yn"
"image-source-gallery": "Kies út galerij",
"sync-synced": "Syngronisearre",
"status-pending": "Yn behanneling",
"delete-contact": "Wiskje kontakt",
"datetime-day": {
"one": "dei",
"other": "dagen"
"mute-notifications": "Mute notifikaasjes",
"invalid-phone": "Ûnjildich telefoannûmer",
"scan-qr": "QR scanne",
"contact-s": {
"one": "kontakt",
"other": "kontakten"
"status-sending": "Wurdt ferstjoerd ",
"next": "Folgjende",
"recent": "Koartlyn",
"confirmation-code": [
"Tiige tank! Wy ha dy in sms stjoerd mei in befêstigingskoade",
". Jou dyn koade op om dyn telefoannûmer te befêstigje"
"status": "Status",
"from": "Fan",
"wrong-password": "Ferkeard wachtwurd",
"search-chats": "Sykje chats",
"in-contacts": "Yn kontakten",
"sharing-share": "Diele...",
"type-a-message": "Typ in berjocht...",
"type-a-command": "Begjin mei in kommando te typen...",
"shake-your-phone": "Hast in bug fûn of hast in suggestje? ~Skodzje~ dyn telefoan!",
"contacts-group-new-chat": "Start neie chat",
"and-you": "en do",
"clear-history": "Wis skiednis",
"no-contacts": "Noch gjin kontaktpersoanen",
"status-sent": "Ferstjoerd",
"status-prompt": "Foeg in status ta om oare minsken te litte witte wast do oanbiedest, do kinst ek #hashtags gebroeke.",
"delete-contact-confirmation": "Dit kontakt sil fuortsmiten wurde fan jo kontakten",
"datetime-today": "hjoed",
"add-a-status": "Foegje in status ta...",
"web-view-error": "oeps, flater",
"notifications-title": "Notifikaasjes en gelûden ",
"error": "Flater",
"edit-contacts": "Bewurkje kontakten",
"more": "mear",
"cancel": "Ôfbrekke",
"no-statuses-found": "Gjin statussen fûn",
"can-not-add-yourself": "Do kinst dysels net tafoegje",
"add-to-contacts": "Oan kontaktpersoanen tafoegje",
"available": "Beskikber",
"You": "Do",
"main-wallet": "Haadbeurs",
"members": {
"one": "1 lid",
"other": "{{count}} leden",
"zero": "gjin leden"
"intro-message1": "Wolkom by Status\nTik op dit berjocht om dyn wachtwurd yn te stellen en oan de slach te gean!",
"not-implemented": "!net ymplemintearre",
"new-contact": "Nije kontaktpersoanen",
"datetime-second": {
"one": "sekonde ",
"other": " sekonden"
"status-failed": "Mislearre",
"is-typing": "typt",
"recover": "Herstelle",
"suggestions-commands": "Kommandos",
"contact-already-added": "De kontaktpersoan is ol tafoege",
"datetime-minute": {
"one": "minút",
"other": "minuten"
"browsing-open-in-web-browser": "Iepenje yn web blêder",
"delete-group-prompt": "Dit sil gjin ynfloed ha mei jo kontakten",
"edit-profile": "Profyl oanpasse",
"active-unknown": "Ûnbekend",
"search-tags": "Typ hjir dyn syktags",
"public-key": "Iepenbiere kaai",
"status-seen": "Sjoen",
"status-delivered": "Besoarge",
"profile": "Profyl",
"no-statuses-discovered": "Gjin statussen ûntdutsen",
"none": "Gjin",
"removed": "ferwidere",
"empty-topic": "Leech ûnderwerp",
"message": "Berjocht",
"here-is-your-passphrase": "Dat wie dreech, hjir is dyn wachtsin, *skriuw dizze op en bewarje him goed!* Do silst him nedich ha om dyn account te herstelle.",
"image-source-title": "Profylfoto",
"current-network": "Aktuele netwurk",
"left": "gie fuort",
"to": "Ta",
"data": "Data"