mirror of
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(ns mocks.js-dependencies
(:require-macros [legacy.status-im.utils.slurp :refer [slurp]])
[legacy.status-im.fleet.default-fleet :refer (default-fleets)])
(:require [tests.test-utils :as utils.test]))
;; to generate a js Proxy at js/__STATUS_MOBILE_JS_IDENTITY_PROXY__ that accept any (.xxx) call and
;; return itself
;; For the convenience to mock eg.
;; (-> reanimated/slide-out-up-animation .springify (.damping 20) (.stiffness 300))
;; (-> reanimated/slide-out-up-animation (.damping 20) .springify (.stiffness 300))
var globalThis
if (typeof window === \"undefined\") {
globalThis = global
} else {
globalThis = window
globalThis.__STATUS_MOBILE_JS_IDENTITY_PROXY__ = new Proxy({}, {get() { return () => globalThis.__STATUS_MOBILE_JS_IDENTITY_PROXY__}})
(def action-button #js {:default #js {:Item #js {}}})
(def config #js {:default #js {}})
(def camera #js {:RNCamera #js {:Constants #js {}}})
(def dialogs #js {})
(def dismiss-keyboard #js {})
(def emoji-picker #js {:default #js {}})
(def fs #js {})
(def i18n #js {:locale "en"})
(def image-crop-picker #js {})
(def image-resizer #js {})
(def qr-code #js {})
(def svg #js {})
(def react-native
{:NativeModules {:RNGestureHandlerModule {:Direction (fn [])}
:PushNotifications {}
:Status utils.test/status
:EncryptionUtils utils.test/encryption-utils
:AccountManager utils.test/account-manager
:Utils utils.test/utils
:LogManager utils.test/log-manager
:NetworkManager utils.test/network
:UIHelper utils.test/ui-helper
:ReanimatedModule {:configureProps (fn [])}}
:View {}
:RefreshControl {}
:AppState {}
:Alert {:alert (fn [])}
:FlatList {}
:SectionList {}
:Text {}
:StatusBar {:setBarStyle identity}
:ScrollView {}
:SafeAreaView {}
:KeyboardAvoidingView {}
:TextInput {}
:Image {}
:Picker {:Item {}}
:Switch {}
:Modal {}
:Keyboard {:dismiss (fn [])}
:Linking {}
:TouchableWithoutFeedback {}
:TouchableHighlight {}
:Pressable {}
:TouchableOpacity {}
:ActivityIndicator {}
:StyleSheet {:create (fn [])}
:Animated {:createAnimatedComponent identity
:Value (fn [])
:ValueXY (fn [])
:View {}
:FlatList {}
:ScrollView {}
:Text {}}
:Easing {:bezier (fn [])
:poly (fn [])
:out (fn [])
:in (fn [])
:inOut (fn [])}
:DeviceEventEmitter {:addListener (fn [])}
:Dimensions {:get (fn []) :addEventListener identity}
:useWindowDimensions {}
:Platform {:select (fn [])}
:I18nManager {:isRTL ""}
:NativeEventEmitter (fn [])
:LayoutAnimation {:Presets #js
{:easeInEaseOut nil
:linear nil
:spring nil}
:Types #js {}
:Properties #{}
:create (fn [])
:configureNext (fn [])}
:requireNativeComponent (fn [] {:propTypes ""})
:Appearance {:getColorScheme (fn [])
:addChangeListener (fn [])}
:PixelRatio {:get (fn [])}}))
(set! js/ReactNative react-native)
(def reanimated-bottom-sheet #js {:default #js {}})
(def icons #js {:default #js {}})
(def webview #js {:WebView #js {}})
(def status-keycard
{:default #js
{:nfcIsSupported (fn [] #js {:then identity})
:nfcIsEnabled (fn [] #js {:then identity})}})
(def snoopy #js {:default #js {}})
(def snoopy-filter #js {:default #js {}})
(def snoopy-bars #js {:default #js {}})
(def snoopy-buffer #js {:default #js {}})
(def fetch #js {})
(def async-storage-atom (atom {}))
(def async-storage
{:default #js
{:setItem #(js/Promise.resolve)
:multiGet #(js/Promise.resolve)
:getItem #(js/Promise.resolve)}})
(def background-timer
(clj->js {:default {:setTimeout js/setTimeout
:setInterval js/setInterval
:clearTimeout js/clearTimeout
:clearInterval js/clearInterval}}))
(def keychain
{:setGenericPassword (constantly (.resolve js/Promise true))
:setInternetCredentials #(js/Promise.resolve)
:resetInternetCredentials #(js/Promise.resolve)
(def react-native-mail #js {:mail #js {}})
(def react-native-screens #js {})
(def react-native-shake #js {})
(def react-native-share #js {:default {}})
(def react-native-svg
{:ClipPath #js {:render identity}
:Circle #js {:render identity}
:Defs #js {:render identity}
:G #js {:render identity}
:Path #js {:render identity}
:Rect #js {:render identity}
:SvgUri #js {:render identity}
:SvgXml #js {:render identity}
:LinearGradient #js {:render identity}
:Stop #js {:render identity}
:default #js {:render identity}})
(def react-native-webview #js {:default {}})
(def react-native-audio-toolkit
{:MediaStates {}
:PlaybackCategories {}})
(def react-native-clipboard
{:getEnforcing {}})
(def net-info #js {})
(def react-native-biometrics #js {:default {}})
(def react-native-static-safe-area-insets #js {:default {}})
(def back-handler
{:addEventListener identity
:removeEventListener identity})
(def react
{:useCallback nil
:useEffect nil
:useRef nil
:createRef nil
:Fragment identity})
(def react-navigation-native
{:NavigationContainer #js {}
:useFocusEffect identity
:CommonActions #js {}
:StackActions #js {}})
(def react-native-navigation
{:Navigation #js
{:constants (fn [] #js {:then identity})
:setDefaultOptions identity
:setRoot identity
:dismissOverlay #(js/Promise.resolve)
:showOverlay identity
:setLazyComponentRegistrator identity
:pop identity
:push identity
:mergeOptions identity
:popToRoot identity
:showModal identity
:dismissModal identity
:registerComponent identity
(fn []
{:registerModalDismissedListener identity
:registerAppLaunchedListener identity
:registerBottomTabSelectedListener identity
:registerComponentDidDisappearListener identity
:registerComponentDidAppearListener identity
:registerNavigationButtonPressedListener identity})}})
(def react-navigation-stack
{:createStackNavigator identity
:TransitionPresets #js {:ModalPresentationIOS #js {}}})
(def react-navigation-bottom-tabs #js {:createBottomTabNavigator identity})
(def react-native-reanimated
{:default #js
{:createAnimatedComponent identity
:eq nil
:greaterOrEq nil
:greaterThan nil
:lessThan nil
:lessOrEq nil
:add nil
:diff nil
:divide nil
:sub nil
:multiply nil
:abs nil
:min nil
:max nil
:neq nil
:and nil
:or nil
:not nil
:set nil
:startClock nil
:stopClock nil
:Value nil
:Clock nil
:debug nil
:log nil
:event nil
:cond nil
:block nil
:interpolateNode nil
:call nil
:timing nil
:onChange nil
:View #js {}
:Image #js {}
:FlatList #js {}
:ScrollView #js {}
:Text #js {}
:Extrapolate #js {:CLAMP nil}
:Code #js {}}
:EasingNode #js
{:bezier identity
:linear identity}
:clockRunning nil
:useSharedValue (fn [])
:useAnimatedStyle (fn [])
:withTiming (fn [])
:withDelay (fn [])
:Easing #js {:bezier identity}
:Keyframe (fn [])
:enableLayoutAnimations (fn [])
:LinearTransition js/__STATUS_MOBILE_JS_IDENTITY_PROXY__})
(def react-native-gesture-handler
{:FlatList #js {}
:Gesture #js {:Pan nil}
:GestureDetector #js {}
:LongPressGestureHandler #js {}
:NativeViewGestureHandler #js {}
:PanGestureHandler #js {}
:PureNativeButton #js {}
:RectButton #js {}
:ScrollView #js {}
:State #js
{:BEGAN nil
:END nil
:Swipeable #js {}
:TapGestureHandler #js {}
:TouchableHighlight #js {}
:TouchableOpacity #js {}
:TouchableWithoutFeedback #js {}
:createNativeWrapper identity
:default #js {}})
(def react-native-redash
{:clamp nil
:withPause (fn [])})
(def react-native-device-info
#js {:getInstallReferrer identity})
(def react-native-camera-kit
{:Camera #js {}
:CameraType #js {}})
(def react-native-push-notification
{:localNotification identity
:requestPermission identity})
(def react-native-gradien #js {:default #js {}})
(def masked-view #js {:default #js {}})
(def react-native-permissions #js {:default #js {}})
(def push-notification-ios
{:default #js
{:abandonPermissions identity
:removeAllDeliveredNotifications identity}})
(def react-native-hole-view
#js {:RNHoleView #js {}})
(def react-native-draggable-flatlist
#js {:default #js {}})
(def react-native-blob-util
#js {:default #js {}})
(def react-native-blur
(clj->js {:BlurView {}}))
(def react-native-shadow-2
(clj->js {:Shadow {}}))
(def react-native-camera-roll
(clj->js {:default #js {}
:CameraRoll #js {}}))
(def react-native-orientation-locker
(clj->js {:default #js {}
:useDeviceOrientationChange #js {}}))
(def react-native-transparent-video #js {:default #js {}})
(def react-native-gifted-charts
{:BarChart #js {}
:PieChart #js {}
:LineChart #js {}
:LineChartBicolor #js {}})
(def worklet-factory
#js {:applyAnimationsToStyle (fn [])})
;; Update i18n_resources.cljs
(defn mock
(case module
"react-native-background-timer" background-timer
"react-native-image-crop-picker" image-crop-picker
"react-native-gesture-handler" react-native-gesture-handler
"react-native-static-safe-area-insets" react-native-static-safe-area-insets
"react-native-config" config
"react-native-iphone-x-helper" (clj->js {:getStatusBarHeight (fn [])
:getBottomSpace (fn [])})
"react-native-screens" (clj->js {})
"react-native-reanimated" react-native-reanimated
"react-native-redash" react-native-redash
"react-native-fetch-polyfill" fetch
"react-native-status-keycard" status-keycard
"react-native-keychain" keychain
"react-native-biometrics" react-native-biometrics
"@react-native-community/netinfo" net-info
"react-native-dialogs" dialogs
"react-native" react-native
"react-native-fs" fs
"react-native-mail" react-native-mail
"react-native-image-resizer" image-resizer
"react-native-device-info" react-native-device-info
"react-native-push-notification" react-native-push-notification
"react-native-linear-gradient" react-native-gradien
"@react-native-community/masked-view" masked-view
"react-native-blob-util" react-native-blob-util
"react-native-navigation" react-native-navigation
"@react-native-community/push-notification-ios" push-notification-ios
"@react-native-community/blur" react-native-blur
"@react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll" react-native-camera-roll
"react-native-camera-kit" react-native-camera-kit
"react-native-permissions" react-native-permissions
"react-native-hole-view" react-native-hole-view
"react-native-draggable-flatlist" react-native-draggable-flatlist
"react-native-webview" react-native-webview
"@react-native-community/audio-toolkit" react-native-audio-toolkit
"@react-native-clipboard/clipboard" react-native-clipboard
"react-native-share" react-native-share
"react-native-shadow-2" react-native-shadow-2
"@react-native-async-storage/async-storage" async-storage
"react-native-svg" react-native-svg
"react-native-transparent-video" react-native-transparent-video
"react-native-orientation-locker" react-native-orientation-locker
"react-native-gifted-charts" react-native-gifted-charts
"@walletconnect/react-native-compat" #js {}
"../resources/data/emojis/en.json" (js/JSON.parse
"../src/js/worklets/core.js" worklet-factory
"../src/js/worklets/shell/bottom_tabs.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/shell/home_stack.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/shell/floating_screen.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/bottom_sheet.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/record_audio.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/scroll_view.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/onboarding_carousel.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/chat/messenger/lightbox.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/chat/messenger/messages.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/chat/messenger/navigation.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/chat/messenger/composer.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/chat/messenger/placeholder.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/parallax.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/profile_header.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/identifiers_highlighting.js" #js {}
"../src/js/worklets/header_animations.js" #js {}
"./fleets.js" default-fleets
"../translations/ar.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/ar.json"))
"../translations/de.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/de.json"))
"../translations/en.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/en.json"))
"../translations/es.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/es.json"))
"../translations/es_419.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp
"../translations/fil.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/fil.json"))
"../translations/fr.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/fr.json"))
"../translations/id.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/id.json"))
"../translations/it.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/it.json"))
"../translations/ko.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/ko.json"))
"../translations/pt_BR.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp
"../translations/ru.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/ru.json"))
"../translations/tr.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/tr.json"))
"../translations/zh.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp "./translations/zh.json"))
"../translations/zh_hant.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp
"../translations/zh_TW.json" (js/JSON.parse (slurp