
355 lines
13 KiB

(ns status-im.ui.components.react
(:require-macros [status-im.utils.views :as views])
(:require [goog.object :as object]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im.ui.components.styles :as styles]
[status-im.utils.utils :as utils]
[status-im.utils.core :as utils.core]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.react-native.js-dependencies :as js-dependencies]
[status-im.ui.components.colors :as colors]
[status-im.ui.components.typography :as typography]))
(defn get-react-property [name]
(if js-dependencies/react-native
(or (object/get js-dependencies/react-native name) {})
#js {}))
(defn lazy-get-react-property [name]
(let [react-property (atom nil)]
(fn []
(if @react-property
(reset! react-property (get-react-property name))))))
(defn adapt-class [class]
(when class
(reagent/adapt-react-class class)))
(defn get-class [name]
(let [react-class (atom nil)]
(fn []
(if @react-class
(reset! react-class
(adapt-class (get-react-property name)))))))
(def native-modules (.-NativeModules js-dependencies/react-native))
(def device-event-emitter (.-DeviceEventEmitter js-dependencies/react-native))
(defn dismiss-keyboard! [] ((js-dependencies/dismiss-keyboard)))
(def splash-screen (.-SplashScreen native-modules))
;; React Components
(def app-registry (get-react-property "AppRegistry"))
(def app-state (lazy-get-react-property "AppState"))
(def net-info (lazy-get-react-property "NetInfo"))
(def view ((get-class "View")))
(def safe-area-view (get-class "SafeAreaView"))
(def progress-bar (get-class "ProgressBarAndroid"))
(def status-bar-class (when-not platform/desktop? (get-react-property "StatusBar")))
(def scroll-view-class (get-class "ScrollView"))
(def web-view (get-class "WebView"))
(def keyboard-avoiding-view-class (get-class "KeyboardAvoidingView"))
(def refresh-control (get-class "RefreshControl"))
(def text-class ((get-class "Text")))
(def text-input-class (get-class "TextInput"))
(def image-class (get-class "Image"))
(def picker-obj (lazy-get-react-property "Picker"))
(defn picker-class [] (adapt-class (picker-obj)))
(defn picker-item-class [] (adapt-class (.-Item (picker-obj))))
(defn valid-source? [source]
(or (not (map? source))
(not (contains? source :uri))
(and (contains? source :uri)
(:uri source))))
(defn image [{:keys [source] :as props}]
(when (valid-source? source)
(let [source (if (fn? source) (source) source)]
[(image-class) (assoc props :source source)])))
(def switch-class (get-class "Switch"))
(defn switch [props]
[(switch-class) props])
(def touchable-highlight-class (get-class "TouchableHighlight"))
(def touchable-without-feedback-class (get-class "TouchableWithoutFeedback"))
(def touchable-opacity-class (get-class "TouchableOpacity"))
(def activity-indicator-class (get-class "ActivityIndicator"))
(defn activity-indicator [props]
[(activity-indicator-class) props])
(def modal (get-class "Modal"))
(def pan-responder (lazy-get-react-property "PanResponder"))
(def animated (lazy-get-react-property "Animated"))
(defn animated-view-class []
(reagent/adapt-react-class (.-View (animated))))
(defn animated-view [props & content]
(vec (conj content props (animated-view-class))))
(def dimensions (lazy-get-react-property "Dimensions"))
(def keyboard (lazy-get-react-property "Keyboard"))
(def linking (lazy-get-react-property "Linking"))
(def desktop-notification (.-DesktopNotification (.-NativeModules js-dependencies/react-native)))
(def max-font-size-multiplier 1.25)
(defn prepare-text-props [props]
(-> props
(update :style typography/get-style)
(assoc :max-font-size-multiplier max-font-size-multiplier)))
(defn prepare-nested-text-props [props]
(-> props
(update :style typography/get-nested-style)
(assoc :nested? true)))
;; Accessor methods for React Components
(defn text
"For nested text elements, use nested-text instead"
(text {} text-element))
([options text-element]
[text-class (prepare-text-props options) text-element]))
(defn nested-text
"Returns nested text elements with proper styling and typography
Do not use the nested? option, it is for internal usage of the function only"
[options & nested-text-elements]
(let [options-with-style (if (:nested? options)
(prepare-nested-text-props options)
(prepare-text-props options))]
(reduce (fn [acc text-element]
(conj acc
(if (string? text-element)
(let [[options & nested-text-elements] text-element]
(apply nested-text (prepare-nested-text-props options)
[text-class (dissoc options-with-style :nested?)]
(defn text-input
[options text]
{:underline-color-android :transparent
:max-font-size-multiplier max-font-size-multiplier
:placeholder-text-color colors/text-gray
:placeholder (i18n/label :t/type-a-message)
:value text}
(-> options
(update :style typography/get-style)
(update :style dissoc :line-height)))])
(defn i18n-text
[{:keys [style key]}]
[text {:style style} (i18n/label key)])
(defn icon
([n] (icon n styles/icon-default))
([n style]
[image {:source {:uri (keyword (str "icon_" (name n)))}
:resizeMode "contain"
:style style}]))
(defn touchable-opacity [props content]
[(touchable-opacity-class) props content])
(defn touchable-highlight [props content]
(merge {:underlay-color :transparent} props)
(defn touchable-without-feedback [props content]
(defn get-dimensions [name]
(js->clj (.get (dimensions) name) :keywordize-keys true))
(defn list-item [component]
(reagent/as-element component))
(defn value->picker-item [{:keys [value label]}]
[(picker-item-class) {:value (or value "") :label (or label value "")}])
(defn picker [{:keys [style on-change selected enabled data]}]
[(picker-class) (merge (when style {:style style})
(when enabled {:enabled enabled})
(when on-change {:on-value-change on-change})
(when selected {:selected-value selected}))]
(map value->picker-item data)))
;; Image picker
(def image-picker-class js-dependencies/image-crop-picker)
(defn show-access-error [o]
(when (= "E_PERMISSION_MISSING" (object/get o "code"))
(utils/show-popup (i18n/label :t/error)
(i18n/label :t/photos-access-error))))
(defn show-image-picker
(show-image-picker images-fn nil))
([images-fn media-type]
(let [image-picker (.-default (image-picker-class))]
(-> image-picker
(.openPicker (clj->js {:multiple false :mediaType (or media-type "any")}))
(.then images-fn)
(.catch show-access-error)))))
;; Clipboard
(def sharing
(.-Share js-dependencies/react-native))
(defn copy-to-clipboard [text]
(.setString (.-Clipboard js-dependencies/react-native) text))
(defn get-from-clipboard [clbk]
(let [clipboard-contents (.getString (.-Clipboard js-dependencies/react-native))]
(.then clipboard-contents #(clbk %))))
;; HTTP Bridge
(def http-bridge js-dependencies/http-bridge)
;; KeyboardAvoidingView
(defn keyboard-avoiding-view [props & children]
(let [view-element (if platform/ios?
[(keyboard-avoiding-view-class) (merge {:behavior :padding} props)]
[view props])]
(vec (concat view-element children))))
(defn scroll-view [props & children]
(vec (conj children props (scroll-view-class))))
(views/defview with-activity-indicator
[{:keys [timeout style enabled? preview]} comp]
[loading (reagent/atom true)]
{:component-did-mount (fn []
(if (or (nil? timeout)
(> 100 timeout))
(reset! loading false)
(utils/set-timeout #(reset! loading false)
(if (and (not enabled?) @loading)
(or preview
[view {:style (or style {:justify-content :center
:align-items :center})}
[activity-indicator {:animating true}]])
(defn navigation-wrapper
"Wraps component so that it will be shown only when current-screen is one of views"
[{:keys [component views current-view hide?]
:or {hide? false}}]
(let [current-view? (if (set? views)
(views current-view)
(= views current-view))
style (if current-view?
{:flex 1
:zIndex 0}
{:opacity 0
:flex 0
:zIndex -1})
component' (if (fn? component) [component] component)]
(when (or (not hide?) (and hide? current-view?))
(if hide?
[view style (if (fn? component) [component] component)]))))
(defn with-empty-preview [comp]
{:preview [view {}]}
;; Platform-specific View
(defmulti create-main-screen-view #(cond
platform/iphone-x? :iphone-x
platform/ios? :ios
platform/android? :android))
(defmethod create-main-screen-view :iphone-x [current-view]
(fn [props & children]
(let [props (merge props
(case current-view
bottom-background (when (#{:wallet
:wallet-modal} current-view)
[view {:background-color colors/white
:position :absolute
:bottom 0
:right 0
:left 0
:height 100
:z-index -1000}])
children (conj children bottom-background)]
(apply vector (safe-area-view) props children))))
(defmethod create-main-screen-view :default [_]
(views/defview main-screen-modal-view [current-view & components]
(views/letsubs []
(let [main-screen-view (create-main-screen-view current-view)]
[main-screen-view styles/flex
[(if (= current-view :chat-modal)
{:flex 1 :flex-direction :column}
(apply vector view styles/flex components)]])))