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synced 2025-01-24 23:50:33 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Julien Eluard <julien.eluard@gmail.com>
133 lines
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133 lines
4.9 KiB
(ns status-im.data-store.messages
(:require [cljs.reader :as reader]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.data-store.realm.core :as core]
[status-im.utils.core :as utils]))
(defn- command-type?
#{constants/content-type-command constants/content-type-command-request}
(defn- transform-message [{:keys [content-type] :as message}]
(cond-> (update message :message-type keyword)
(command-type? content-type)
(update :content reader/read-string)))
(defn- get-by-chat-id
(get-by-chat-id chat-id 0))
([chat-id from]
(let [messages (-> (core/get-by-field @core/account-realm :message :chat-id chat-id)
(core/sorted :timestamp :desc)
(core/page from (+ from constants/default-number-of-messages))
(core/all-clj :message))]
(map transform-message messages))))
;; TODO janherich: define as cofx once debug handlers are refactored
(defn get-log-messages
(->> (get-by-chat-id chat-id 0)
(filter #(= (:content-type %) constants/content-type-log-message))
(map #(select-keys % [:content :timestamp]))))
(def default-values
{:outgoing false
:to nil})
(fn [cofx _]
(assoc cofx :get-stored-messages get-by-chat-id)))
(fn [cofx _]
(assoc cofx :stored-message-ids (let [chat-id->message-id (volatile! {})]
(-> @core/account-realm
(.objects "message")
(.map (fn [msg _ _]
(vswap! chat-id->message-id
#(update %
(aget msg "chat-id")
(fnil conj #{})
(aget msg "message-id"))))))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} _]
(assoc cofx
(into {}
(map (fn [[chat-id user-statuses]]
[chat-id (into #{} (map :message-id) user-statuses)]))
(group-by :chat-id
(-> @core/account-realm
:and {:whisper-identity (:current-public-key db)
:status "received"})
(core/all-clj :user-status)))))))
(defn- prepare-content [content]
(if (string? content)
;; TODO janherich: this is ugly and not systematic, define something like `:not-persisent`
;; option for command params instead
(update content :params dissoc :password :password-confirmation))))
(defn- prepare-message [message]
(utils/update-if-present message :content prepare-content))
(defn save-message-tx
"Returns tx function for saving message"
[{:keys [message-id from] :as message}]
(fn [realm]
(when-not (core/exists? realm :message :message-id message-id)
(core/create realm
(prepare-message (merge default-values
{:from (or from "anonymous")}))))))
(defn delete-message-tx
"Returns tx function for deleting message"
(fn [realm]
(when-let [message (core/get-by-field realm :message :message-id message-id)]
(core/delete realm message)
(core/delete realm (core/get-by-field realm :user-status :message-id message-id)))))
(defn update-message-tx
"Returns tx function for updating message"
[{:keys [message-id] :as message}]
(fn [realm]
(when (core/exists? realm :message :message-id message-id)
(core/create realm :message (prepare-message message) true))))
(defn update-messages-tx
"Returns tx function for updating messages"
(fn [realm]
(doseq [message messages]
((update-message-tx message) realm))))
(defn delete-messages-tx
"Returns tx function for deleting messages with user statuses for given chat-id"
(fn [realm]
(core/delete realm (core/get-by-field realm :message :chat-id chat-id))
(core/delete realm (core/get-by-field realm :user-status :chat-id chat-id))))
(defn hide-messages-tx
"Returns tx function for hiding messages for given chat-id"
(fn [realm]
(.map (core/get-by-field realm :message :chat-id chat-id)
(fn [msg _ _]
(aset msg "show?" false)))))