nix = load 'ci/nix.groovy' utils = load 'ci/utils.groovy' def bundle() { /* we use the method because parameter build type does not take e2e into account */ def btype = utils.getBuildType() /* Disable Gradle Daemon */ def gradleOpt = "-PbuildUrl='${currentBuild.absoluteUrl}' --console plain " /* we don't need x86 for any builds except e2e */ env.ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE="armeabi-v7a;arm64-v8a" env.ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT="false" /* some builds tyes require different architectures */ switch (btype) { case 'e2e': env.ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE="x86" /* e2e builds are used with simulators */ break case 'release': env.ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT="true" gradleOpt += "-PreleaseVersion='${utils.getVersion()}'" break } /* credentials necessary to open the keystore and sign the APK */ withCredentials([ string( credentialsId: 'android-keystore-pass', variable: 'STATUS_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD' ), usernamePassword( credentialsId: 'android-keystore-key-pass', usernameVariable: 'STATUS_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS', passwordVariable: 'STATUS_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD' ) ]) { /* Nix target which produces the final APKs */ attr: '', conf: [ '': '1', '': btype, 'status-im.status-react.gradle-opts': gradleOpt, '': utils.readBuildNumber(), ], safeEnv: [ 'STATUS_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS', 'STATUS_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD', 'STATUS_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD', ], keep: [ 'ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT', 'ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE', 'STATUS_RELEASE_STORE_FILE', ], sbox: [ env.STATUS_RELEASE_STORE_FILE, ], link: false ) } /* necessary for Fastlane */ def apks = renameAPKs() /* for use with Fastlane */ env.APK_PATHS = apks.join(";") return apks } def extractArchFromAPK(name) { def pattern = /app-(.+)-[^-]+.apk/ /* extract architecture from filename */ def matches = (name =~ pattern) if (matches.size() > 0) { return matches[0][1] } if (utils.isE2EBuild()) { return 'x86' } /* non-release builds make universal APKs */ return 'universal' } /** * We need more informative filenames for all builds. * For more details on the format see utils.pkgFilename(). **/ def renameAPKs() { /* find all APK files */ def apkGlob = 'result/*.apk' def found = findFiles(glob: apkGlob) if (found.size() == 0) { throw "APKs not found via glob: ${apkGlob}" } def renamed = [] /* rename each for upload & archiving */ for (apk in found) { def arch = extractArchFromAPK(apk) def pkg = utils.pkgFilename(env.BUILD_TYPE, 'apk', arch) def newApk = "result/${pkg}" renamed += newApk sh "cp ${apk.path} ${newApk}" } return renamed } def uploadToPlayStore(type = 'nightly') { withCredentials([ string(credentialsId: "SUPPLY_JSON_KEY_DATA", variable: 'GOOGLE_PLAY_JSON_KEY'), ]) { "fastlane android ${type}", keep: ['FASTLANE_DISABLE_COLORS', 'APK_PATHS', 'GOOGLE_PLAY_JSON_KEY'], attr: 'shells.fastlane' ) } } def uploadToSauceLabs() { def changeId = utils.changeId() if (changeId != null) { env.SAUCE_LABS_NAME = "${changeId}.apk" } else { def pkg = utils.pkgFilename(env.BUILD_TYPE, 'apk', 'x86') env.SAUCE_LABS_NAME = "${pkg}" } withCredentials([ usernamePassword( credentialsId: 'sauce-labs-api', usernameVariable: 'SAUCE_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY' ), ]) { 'fastlane android saucelabs', keep: [ 'FASTLANE_DISABLE_COLORS', 'APK_PATHS', 'SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY', 'SAUCE_USERNAME', 'SAUCE_LABS_NAME' ], attr: 'shells.fastlane', pure: false ) } return env.SAUCE_LABS_NAME } def uploadToDiawi() { withCredentials([ string(credentialsId: 'diawi-token', variable: 'DIAWI_TOKEN'), ]) { 'fastlane android upload_diawi', keep: ['FASTLANE_DISABLE_COLORS', 'APK_PATHS', 'DIAWI_TOKEN'], attr: 'shells.fastlane', pure: false ) } diawiUrl = readFile "${env.WORKSPACE}/fastlane/diawi.out" return diawiUrl } def coverage() { withCredentials([ string(credentialsId: 'coveralls-status-react-token', variable: 'COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN'), ]) { 'make coverage', keep: ['COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN', 'COVERALLS_SERVICE_NAME', 'COVERALLS_SERVICE_JOB_ID'] ) } } return this