import groovy.json.JsonBuilder gh = load 'ci/github.groovy' ci = load 'ci/jenkins.groovy' gh = load 'ci/github.groovy' utils = load 'ci/utils.groovy' ghcmgr = load 'ci/ghcmgr.groovy' /* Small Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------*/ def pkgUrl(build) { return utils.getEnv(build, 'PKG_URL') } def updateBucketJSON(urls, fileName) { /* latest.json has slightly different key names */ def content = [ DIAWI: urls.Diawi, APK: urls.Apk, IOS: urls.iOS, APP: urls.App, MAC: urls.Mac, WIN: urls.Win, SHA: urls.SHA ] def filePath = "${pwd()}/pkg/${fileName}" /* it might not exist */ sh 'mkdir -p pkg' def contentJson = new JsonBuilder(content).toPrettyString() println "${fileName}:\n${contentJson}" new File(filePath).write(contentJson) return utils.uploadArtifact(filePath) } def notifyPR(success) { if (utils.changeId() == null) { return } try { ghcmgr.postBuild(success) } catch (ex) { /* fallback to posting directly to GitHub */ println "Failed to use GHCMGR: ${ex}" switch (success) { case true: gh.NotifyPRSuccess(); break case false: gh.NotifyPRFailure(); break } } } def prepNixEnvironment() { if (env.TARGET_PLATFORM == 'linux' || env.TARGET_PLATFORM == 'windows' || env.TARGET_PLATFORM == 'android') { def glibcLocales = sh( returnStdout: true, script: ". ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ && nix-build --no-out-link '' -A glibcLocales" ).trim() env.LOCALE_ARCHIVE_2_27 = "${glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive" } } return this