(ns status-im.utils.datetime (:require [cljs-time.core :as t :refer [date-time plus days hours before?]] [cljs-time.coerce :refer [from-long to-long from-date]] [cljs-time.format :refer [formatters formatter unparse]] [status-im.i18n :refer [label label-pluralize]] [goog.string :as gstring] goog.string.format goog.i18n.DateTimeFormat [clojure.string :as s] [goog.object :refer [get]])) (defn now [] (t/now)) (def hour (* 1000 60 60)) (def day (* hour 24)) (def week (* 7 day)) (def units [{:name :t/datetime-second :limit 60 :in-second 1} {:name :t/datetime-minute :limit 3600 :in-second 60} {:name :t/datetime-hour :limit 86400 :in-second 3600} {:name :t/datetime-day :limit nil :in-second 86400}]) (def time-zone-offset (hours (- (/ (.getTimezoneOffset (js/Date.)) 60)))) ;; xx-YY locale, xx locale or en fallback (defn- locale-symbols [locale-name] (if-let [loc (get goog.i18n (str "DateTimeSymbols_" locale-name))] loc (let [name-first (s/replace (or locale-name "") #"-.*$" "") loc (get goog.i18n (str "DateTimeSymbols_" name-first))] (or loc goog.i18n.DateTimeSymbols_en)))) ;; detects if given locale symbols timeformat generates AM/PM ("a") (defn- is24Hour-locsym [locsym] (not (s/includes? (nth (get locsym 'TIMEFORMATS) 2) "a"))) ;; returns is24Hour from device or from given locale symbols ;; when device-info module is not available (ie. desktop) returns from the given locale ; ; TODO integrate with native module. example: ; (defn- is24Hour [locsym] ; (if rn/device-info ; (.is24Hour rn/device-info) ; (is24Hour-locsym locsym))) (defn- is24Hour [locsym] (is24Hour-locsym locsym)) ;; time formats (defn- short-time-format [locsym] (if (is24Hour locsym) "HH:mm" "h:mm a")) (defn- time-format [locsym] (if (is24Hour locsym) "HH:mm:ss" "h:mm:ss a")) ;; date formats (defn- short-date-format [locsym] "dd MMM") (defn- medium-date-format [locsym] (nth (get locsym 'DATEFORMATS) 2)) ; get medium format from current locale symbols ;; date-time formats (defn- medium-date-time-format [locsym] (str (medium-date-format locsym) ", " (time-format locsym))) ;; get formatter for current locale symbols and format function (defn- mk-fmt [locale format-fn] (let [locsym (locale-symbols locale)] (goog.i18n.DateTimeFormat. (format-fn locsym) locsym))) ;; generate formatters for different formats (def date-time-fmt (mk-fmt status-im.i18n/locale medium-date-time-format)) (def date-fmt (mk-fmt status-im.i18n/locale medium-date-format)) (def time-fmt (mk-fmt status-im.i18n/locale short-time-format)) (def short-date-fmt (mk-fmt status-im.i18n/locale short-date-format)) ;; ;; functions which apply formats for the given timestamp ;; (defn- to-str [ms old-fmt-fn yesterday-fmt-fn today-fmt-fn] (let [date (from-long ms) local (plus date time-zone-offset) ; this is wrong, it uses the current timezone offset, regardless of DST today (t/today-at-midnight) yesterday (plus today (days -1))] (cond (before? date yesterday) (old-fmt-fn local) (before? date today) (yesterday-fmt-fn local) :else (today-fmt-fn local)))) (defn to-short-str [ms] (to-str ms #(.format date-fmt %) #(label :t/datetime-yesterday) #(.format time-fmt %))) (defn day-relative [ms] (to-str ms #(.format date-fmt %) #(label :t/datetime-yesterday) #(label :t/datetime-today))) (defn timestamp->mini-date [ms] (.format short-date-fmt (-> ms from-long (plus time-zone-offset)))) (defn timestamp->time [ms] (.format time-fmt (-> ms from-long (plus time-zone-offset)))) (defn timestamp->date-key [ms] (keyword (unparse (formatter "YYYYMMDD") (-> ms from-long (plus time-zone-offset))))) (defn timestamp->long-date [ms] (.format date-time-fmt (-> ms from-long (plus time-zone-offset)))) (defn format-time-ago [diff unit] (let [name (label-pluralize diff (:name unit))] (label :t/datetime-ago-format {:ago (label :t/datetime-ago) :number diff :time-intervals name}))) (defn time-ago [time] (let [diff (t/in-seconds (t/interval time (t/now)))] (if (< diff 60) (label :t/active-online) (let [unit (first (drop-while #(and (>= diff (:limit %)) (:limit %)) units))] (-> (/ diff (:in-second unit)) Math/floor int (format-time-ago unit)))))) (defn to-date [ms] (from-long ms)) (defn timestamp [] (inst-ms (js/Date.))) (defn format-date [format date] (let [local (plus (from-date date) time-zone-offset)] (unparse (formatter format) local))) (defn get-ordinal-date [date] (let [local (plus (from-date date) time-zone-offset) day (js/parseInt (unparse (formatter "d") local)) s {0 "th" 1 "st" 2 "nd" 3 "rd"} m (mod day 100)] (str day (or (s (mod (- m 20) 10)) (s m) (s 0)))))