# This file controls the pinned version of nixpkgs we use for our Nix environment let inherit (import { }) fetchFromGitHub; defaultConfig = { android_sdk.accept_license = true; }; nixpkgsSrc = { name = "nixpkgs-source"; owner = "status-im"; repo = "nixpkgs"; rev = "d9b2c6b8add87098adb8ee34042e39d15f3658c4"; sha256 = "19wnp97nlkyd825pjd9vm9rngy3gcil9bwqncwscivsmaz5c7l37"; # To get the compressed Nix sha256, use: # nix-prefetch-url --unpack https://github.com/${ORG}/nixpkgs/archive/${REV}.tar.gz # The last line will be the hash. }; in { config ? { }, config' ? defaultConfig // config, pkgs ? (import (fetchFromGitHub nixpkgsSrc)) { config = config'; } }: { inherit pkgs; config = config'; }