if(typeof StatusHttpProvider === "undefined"){ var callbackId = 0; var callbacks = {}; function httpCallback(id, data) { var result = data; var error = null; try { result = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { error = {message: "InvalidResponse"}; } if (callbacks[id]) { callbacks[id](error, result); } } var StatusHttpProvider = function (host, timeout) { this.host = host || 'http://localhost:8545'; this.timeout = timeout || 0; }; StatusHttpProvider.prototype.send = function (payload) { if (typeof StatusBridge == "undefined") { if (window.location.protocol == "https:") { throw new Error('You tried to send "' + payload.method + '" synchronously. Synchronous requests are not supported, sorry.'); } var request = this.prepareRequest(false); try { request.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); } catch (error) { throw errors.InvalidConnection(this.host); } var result = request.responseText; try { result = JSON.parse(result); } catch (e) { throw errors.InvalidResponse(request.responseText); } return result; } else { result = StatusBridge.sendRequestSync(JSON.stringify(payload)); try { result = JSON.parse(result); } catch (e) { throw new Error("InvalidResponse: " + result); } return result; } }; StatusHttpProvider.prototype.prepareRequest = function () { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('POST', "http://localhost:8545", false); request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return request; }; function sendAsync(payload, callback) { var messageId = callbackId++; callbacks[messageId] = callback; if (typeof StatusBridge == "undefined") { var data = { payload: JSON.stringify(payload), callbackId: JSON.stringify(messageId) }; webkit.messageHandlers.sendRequest.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data)); } else { StatusBridge.sendRequest(JSON.stringify(messageId), JSON.stringify(payload)); } }; StatusHttpProvider.prototype.sendAsync = sendAsync; /** * Synchronously tries to make Http request * * @method isConnected * @return {Boolean} returns true if request haven't failed. Otherwise false */ StatusHttpProvider.prototype.isConnected = function () { try { this.sendAsync({ id: 9999999999, jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'net_listening', params: [] }, function () { }); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; } var protocol = window.location.protocol console.log(protocol); if (typeof web3 === "undefined") { if (protocol == "https:") { console.log("StatusHttpProvider"); web3 = new Web3(new StatusHttpProvider("http://localhost:8545")); } else if (protocol == "http:") { console.log("HttpProvider"); web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545")); } }