(ns status-im.appium (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.test :refer :all]) (:import (org.openqa.selenium.remote DesiredCapabilities) (org.openqa.selenium By) (io.appium.java_client.android AndroidDriver) (java.net URL) (java.util.concurrent TimeUnit))) (defn init [] (let [dir (io/file (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/android/app/build/outputs/apk")) app (io/file dir "app-debug.apk") capabilities (doto (DesiredCapabilities.) (.setCapability "deviceName" "device") (.setCapability "platformVersion" "6.0.0") (.setCapability "app" (.getAbsolutePath app)) (.setCapability "appPackage" "com.statusim") (.setCapability "appActivity" ".MainActivity")) driver (AndroidDriver. (URL. "") capabilities)] (-> driver .manage .timeouts (.implicitlyWait 25 TimeUnit/SECONDS)) driver)) (defn by-xpath [driver xpath] (.findElement driver (By/xpath xpath))) (defn elements-by-xpath [driver xpath] (.findElements driver (By/xpath xpath))) (defn by-id [driver id] (.findElementByAccessibilityId driver (name id))) (defn get-element [driver id] (if (keyword? id) (by-id driver id) (by-xpath driver id))) (defn click [driver id] (.click (get-element driver id))) (defn write [driver input-xpath text] (.sendKeys (get-element driver input-xpath) (into-array [text]))) (defn get-text [driver xpath] (.getText (by-xpath driver xpath))) (defn xpath-by-text [text] (str ".//*[@text='" text "']")) (defn contains-text [driver text] (is (= 1 (->> (xpath-by-text text) (elements-by-xpath driver) (.size))))) (defn quit [driver] (.quit driver)) (defmacro appium-test "Defines test which will create new appium session and will pass that session as first argument to each command inside it's body. After execution of all commands session will be closed. For instance, (appium-test my-test (click :button) (write :input \"oops\")) will be expanded to (deftest my-test (let [session (init)] (click session :button) (write session :input \"oops\") (quit session)))" [name & body] (let [sym (gensym)] `(deftest ~name (let [~sym (init)] ~@(for [[f & rest] body] `(~f ~sym ~@rest)) (quit ~sym)))))