# # This script prepares a finalized version of node_modules # (required because for Android we need to run `gradle react-native-android:installArchives`, which builds some additional native libraries # under node_modules/react-native), as well as a local version of the Maven repository required by Gradle scripts # { stdenv, stdenvNoCC, lib, callPackage, gradle, bash, file, nodejs, status-go, zlib, projectNodePackage, androidEnvShellHook, localMavenRepoBuilder, mkFilter }: let mavenLocalRepo = callPackage ./maven { inherit localMavenRepoBuilder; stdenv = if stdenv.isLinux then stdenv else stdenvNoCC; }; # Import the native dependencies for React Native Android builds jsc-filename = "jsc-android-236355.1.1"; react-native-deps = callPackage ./maven/reactnative-android-native-deps.nix { inherit stdenvNoCC jsc-filename; }; createMobileFilesSymlinks = root: '' ln -sf ${root}/mobile_files/package.json.orig ${root}/package.json ln -sf ${root}/mobile_files/metro.config.js ${root}/metro.config.js ln -sf ${root}/mobile_files/yarn.lock ${root}/yarn.lock ''; # fake build to pre-download deps into fixed-output derivation deps = let # Place build target directories in NIX_BUILD_TOP (normally represents /build) projectDir = "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/project"; mavenRepoDir = "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/.m2/repository"; reactNativeMavenPackageDir = "${mavenRepoDir}/com/facebook/react/react-native"; # This is directory where the react-native Maven package will be generated in reactNativeDepsDir = "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/deps"; # Use local writable deps, otherwise (probably due to some interaction between Nix sandboxing and Java) gradle will fail copying directly from the nix store in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "android-gradle-and-npm-modules"; src = let path = ./../../../..; # Import the root /android and /mobile_files folders clean of any build artifacts in builtins.path { # We use builtins.path so that we can name the resulting derivation, otherwise the name would be taken from the checkout directory, which is outside of our control inherit path; name = "status-react-source-gradle-install"; filter = # Keep this filter as restrictive as possible in order to avoid unnecessary rebuilds and limit closure size mkFilter { dirRootsToInclude = [ "android" "mobile_files" "packager" "resources" "translations" "status-modules" ]; dirsToExclude = [ ".git" ".svn" "CVS" ".hg" ".gradle" "build" "intermediates" "libs" "obj" ]; filesToInclude = [ ".babelrc" ]; filesToExclude = [ "android/gradlew" ]; root = path; }; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ projectNodePackage ]; buildInputs = [ gradle nodejs bash file zlib mavenLocalRepo ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ react-native-deps ] ++ status-go.buildInputs; unpackPhase = '' runHook preUnpack # Copy project directory mkdir -p ${projectDir} cp -a $src/. ${projectDir} chmod u+w ${projectDir} cd ${projectDir} # Copy RN maven dependencies and make them writable, otherwise Gradle copy fails (since the top-level directory is read-only, Java isn't smart enough to copy the child files/folders into that target directory) mkdir -p ${mavenRepoDir} cp -a ${mavenLocalRepo}/. ${mavenRepoDir} mkdir -p ${reactNativeMavenPackageDir} chmod u+w ${reactNativeMavenPackageDir}/ cp -a ${react-native-deps}/deps ${reactNativeDepsDir} for d in `find ${reactNativeDepsDir} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d`; do chmod -R u+w $d done # Copy node_modules from Nix store rm -rf ${projectDir}/node_modules mkdir -p ${projectDir}/node_modules cp -a ${projectNodePackage}/node_modules/. ${projectDir}/node_modules/ # Adjust permissions chmod -R u+w ${projectDir} cp -R ${projectDir}/status-modules/ ${projectDir}/node_modules/status-modules/ cp -R ${projectDir}/translations/ ${projectDir}/node_modules/status-modules/translations/ # Set up symlinks to mobile enviroment in project root ${createMobileFilesSymlinks projectDir} # Create a dummy VERSION, since we don't want this expression to be invalidated just because the version changed echo '0.0.1' > ${projectDir}/VERSION runHook postUnpack ''; patchPhase = '' runHook prePatch prevSet=$- set -e patchShebangs ${projectDir} function patchMavenSource() { set +e local targetGradleFile="$1" local source="$2" local deriv="$3" grep "$source" $targetGradleFile > /dev/null && \ substituteInPlace $targetGradleFile --replace "$source" "$deriv" } function patchMavenSources() { set +e local targetGradleFile="$1" local deriv="$2" patchMavenSource $targetGradleFile 'mavenCentral()' 'mavenLocal()' patchMavenSource $targetGradleFile 'google()' 'mavenLocal()' patchMavenSource $targetGradleFile 'jcenter()' 'mavenLocal()' grep 'https://maven.google.com' $targetGradleFile > /dev/null && \ substituteInPlace $targetGradleFile --replace 'https://maven.google.com' "$deriv" grep 'https://jitpack.io' $targetGradleFile > /dev/null && \ substituteInPlace $targetGradleFile --replace 'https://jitpack.io' "$deriv" } # Patch maven and google central repositories with our own local directories. This prevents the builder from downloading Maven artifacts patchMavenSources 'android/build.gradle' '${mavenLocalRepo}' for f in `find ${projectDir}/node_modules/ -name build.gradle`; do patchMavenSources $f '${mavenLocalRepo}' done # Patch prepareJSC so that it doesn't try to download from registry substituteInPlace ${projectDir}/node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/build.gradle \ --replace 'prepareJSC(dependsOn: downloadJSC)' 'prepareJSC(dependsOn: createNativeDepsDirectories)' \ --replace 'def jscTar = tarTree(downloadJSC.dest)' "def jscTar = tarTree(new File(\"${react-native-deps}/deps/${jsc-filename}.tar.gz\"))" # Do not add a BuildId to the generated libraries, for reproducibility substituteInPlace ${projectDir}/node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/src/main/jni/Application.mk \ --replace '-Wl,--build-id' '-Wl,--build-id=none' # Disable Gradle daemon and caching, since that causes rebuilds (and subsequently errors) anyway due to cache being considered stale substituteInPlace ${projectDir}/android/gradle.properties \ --replace 'org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx8704M' 'org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx8704M org.gradle.daemon=false org.gradle.caching=false' # Patch the path to nodejs in project.ext.react substituteInPlace ${projectDir}/android/app/build.gradle \ --replace 'nodeExecutableAndArgs: ["node"' 'nodeExecutableAndArgs: ["${nodejs}/bin/node"' set $prevSet runHook postPatch ''; buildPhase = androidEnvShellHook + status-go.shellHook + '' export HOME=$NIX_BUILD_TOP export REACT_NATIVE_DEPENDENCIES="${reactNativeDepsDir}" export STATUS_REACT_HOME="${projectDir}" pushd ${projectDir}/android # NOTE: This generates the react-native-android binaries under node_modules/react-native/android LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${lib.makeLibraryPath [ zlib ]} \ gradle -Dmaven.repo.local=${mavenRepoDir} --offline -S react-native-android:installArchives || exit popd > /dev/null ''; doCheck = true; checkPhase = '' runHook preCheck test -d ${projectDir}/node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/build/intermediates/javac/release/compileReleaseJavaWithJavac/classes/com/facebook || \ exit 1 test -d ${projectDir}/node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/build/react-ndk/exported || \ exit 2 runHook postCheck ''; installPhase = '' rm -rf $out mkdir -p $out/project $out/.m2/repository # TODO: maybe node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/build/{tmp,generated} can be discarded? cp -R ${mavenRepoDir} $out/.m2/ cp -R ${projectDir}/android/ ${projectDir}/node_modules/ $out/project ''; fixupPhase = '' # Patch prepareJSC so that it doesn't subsequently try to build NDK libs substituteInPlace $out/project/node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/build.gradle \ --replace 'packageReactNdkLibs(dependsOn: buildReactNdkLib, ' 'packageReactNdkLibs(' ''; # The ELF types are incompatible with the host platform, so let's not even try # TODO: Use Android NDK to strip binaries manually dontPatchELF = true; dontStripHost = true; # Take whole sources into consideration when calculating sha outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; }; in { deriv = deps; shellHook = '' ${createMobileFilesSymlinks "$STATUS_REACT_HOME"} export STATUSREACT_NIX_MAVEN_REPO="${deps}/.m2/repository" ''; }