pipeline { agent { label 'linux' } parameters { string( name: 'APK_NAME', description: 'Filename of APK uploaded to SauceLabs (base for upgrade, usually release build)', ) string( name: 'APK_NAME_UPGRADE', description: 'Filename of APK of upgraded application (installed on top of base)', ) string( name: 'KEYWORD_EXPRESSION', description: 'This will run tests which contain names that match the given string expression (Optional)', defaultValue: '', ) string( name: 'TR_CASE_IDS', description: 'IDs of the TestRail case, separated by a comma (Optional)', defaultValue: '', ) } options { disableConcurrentBuilds() } stages { stage('Setup') { steps { script { dir('test/appium') { sh 'pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt' } } } } stage('Test') { steps { script { /* for managing optional arguments */ def extraPytestOpts = '' if (params.TR_CASE_IDS != '') { extraPytestOpts = "--run_testrail_ids='${params.TR_CASE_IDS}'" } withCredentials([ usernamePassword( credentialsId: 'test-rail-api', usernameVariable: 'TESTRAIL_USER', passwordVariable: 'TESTRAIL_PASS' ), usernamePassword( credentialsId: 'sauce-labs-api', usernameVariable: 'SAUCE_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY' ), string( credentialsId: 'etherscan-api-key', variable: 'ETHERSCAN_API_KEY' ), string( credentialsId: 'infura-e2e-token', variable: 'WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID' ), ]) { dir('test/appium/tests') { sh """ python3 -m pytest \ -m "upgrade" \ -k \"${params.KEYWORD_EXPRESSION}\" \ --numprocesses 15 \ --rerun_count=2 \ --testrail_report=True \ --apk=${params.APK_NAME} \ --apk_upgrade=${params.APK_NAME_UPGRADE} \ ${extraPytestOpts} """ } } } } } } post { always { script { sauce('sauce-labs-cred') { saucePublisher() } } } success { script { junit( testDataPublishers: [[$class: 'SauceOnDemandReportPublisher', jobVisibility: 'public']], testResults: 'test/appium/tests/*.xml' ) } } } }