# OSX # .DS_Store .projectile .cljs_rhino_repl/ .#* # Xcode # build/ *.pbxuser !default.pbxuser *.mode1v3 !default.mode1v3 *.mode2v3 !default.mode2v3 *.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3 xcuserdata *.xccheckout *.moved-aside DerivedData *.hmap *.ipa *.xcuserstate project.xcworkspace # Android/IJ # .idea .gradle *.iml **/android/.project # Atom .tags* # VS Code .vscode/ipch/ # node.js # node_modules/ npm-debug.log yarn-error.log default.realm/ # BUCK buck-out/ \.buckd/ android/app/libs android/app/obj android/keystores/debug.keystore # Generated by clj-rn # index.android.js index.ios.js target/ env/dev/env/config.cljs externs/ shim.js # Desktop build index.desktop.js # Generated by lein voom # /pom.xml # Figwheel # figwheel_server.log .nrepl-port # Lein # .lein-failures .lein-repl-history ## Doo # out doo-index.html # Bundler .bundle # Status Statusgo.framework #ios ios/Pods ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace .ruby-version status-e2e/ #python *.pyc *.cache # It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the # screenshots whenever they are needed. # For more information about the recommended setup visit: # https://docs.fastlane.tools/best-practices/source-control/ fastlane/report.xml fastlane/Preview.html fastlane/screenshots fastlane/README.md # Clj .cpcache/ # emacs .dir-locals.el #ignore platform-specific files in the root since they are only symlinks to files in folders 'desktop_files' and 'mobile_files' /package-lock.json /package.json /metro.config.js /yarn.lock /.re-natal /re-natal # Jenkins pkg /BUILD_NUMBER # Status Desktop cmake_install.cmake CMakeCache.txt **/CMakeFiles/ /StatusImPackage/* *.AppImage Status-Windows-x86_64.exe /desktop/bin/* /desktop/lib/* /desktop/modules/* /desktop/Makefile /desktop/graph_info.json /desktop/run-app.bat /desktop/run-app.sh /desktop/CMakeFiles/ /desktop/reportApp/Makefile /deployment/windows/Status.rc *_autogen/ CompleteBundleWin.cmake logger_settings.ini # Conan conan*.txt conanbuildinfo.* conan.cmake # Env .env.bkp # nix /.ran-setup /.nix-gcroots/ # modules status-modules/translations status-modules/cljs status-modules/resources ## coverage /.nyc_output /coverage-report