if(typeof StatusHttpProvider === "undefined"){ var callbackId = 0; var callbacks = {}; function bridgeSend(data){ WebViewBridge.send(JSON.stringify(data)); } window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { if (!event.data || !event.data.type) { return; } if (event.data.type === 'STATUS_API_REQUEST') { bridgeSend({ type: 'status-api-request', permissions: event.data.permissions, host: window.location.hostname }); } }); WebViewBridge.onMessage = function (message) { data = JSON.parse(message); if (data.type === "status-api-success") { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('statusapi', { detail: { permissions: data.keys, data: data.data } })); } else if (data.type === "web3-send-async-callback") { var id = data.messageId; var callback = callbacks[id]; if (callback) { if (callback.results) { callback.results.push(data.error || data.result); if (callback.results.length == callback.num) callback.callback(undefined, callback.results); } else { callback.callback(data.error, data.result); } } } else if (data.type === "scan-qr-code-callback") { var id = data.data.messageId; var callback = callbacks[id]; if (callback) { var result = data.result; var regex = new RegExp(callback.regex); if (regex.test(result)) { if (callback.resolve) { callback.resolve(result); } } else { if (callback.reject) { callback.reject(result); } } } } }; var StatusHttpProvider = function () {}; StatusHttpProvider.prototype.isStatus = true; StatusHttpProvider.prototype.isConnected = function () { return true; }; function web3Response (payload, result){ return {id: payload.id, jsonrpc: "2.0", result: result}; } function getSyncResponse (payload) { if (payload.method == "eth_accounts"){ return web3Response(payload, [currentAccountAddress]) } else if (payload.method == "eth_coinbase"){ return web3Response(payload, currentAccountAddress) } else if (payload.method == "net_version"){ return web3Response(payload, networkId) } else if (payload.method == "eth_uninstallFilter"){ return web3Response(payload, true); } else { return null; } } StatusHttpProvider.prototype.send = function (payload) { //TODO to be compatible with MM https://github.com/MetaMask/faq/blob/master/DEVELOPERS.md#dizzy-all-async---think-of-metamask-as-a-light-client if (payload.method == "eth_uninstallFilter"){ this.sendAsync(payload, function (res, err) {}) } var syncResponse = getSyncResponse(payload); if (syncResponse){ return syncResponse; } else { alert('You tried to send "' + payload.method + '" synchronously. Synchronous requests are not supported, sorry.'); return null; } }; StatusHttpProvider.prototype.sendAsync = function (payload, callback) { var syncResponse = getSyncResponse(payload); if (syncResponse && callback){ callback(null, syncResponse); } else { var messageId = callbackId++; if (Array.isArray(payload)) { callbacks[messageId] = {num: payload.length, results: [], callback: callback}; for (var i in payload) { bridgeSend({type: 'web3-send-async', messageId: messageId, payload: payload[i]}); } } else { callbacks[messageId] = {callback: callback}; bridgeSend({type: 'web3-send-async', messageId: messageId, payload: payload}); } } }; StatusHttpProvider.prototype.scanQRCode = function (regex) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var messageId = callbackId++; callbacks[messageId] = {resolve: resolve, reject: reject, regex: regex}; bridgeSend({type: 'scan-qr-code', messageId: messageId}); }); }; StatusHttpProvider.prototype.enable = function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(resolve, 1000);}); }; } var protocol = window.location.protocol if (typeof web3 === "undefined") { //why do we need this condition? if (protocol == "https:" || protocol == "http:") { console.log("StatusHttpProvider"); ethereum = new StatusHttpProvider(); web3 = new Web3(ethereum); web3.eth.defaultAccount = currentAccountAddress; } }