#!/usr/bin/env bash DEV_ID="Developer ID Application: STATUS HOLDINGS PTE. LTD. (DTX7Z4U3YA)" OBJECT="$1" GPG_ENCRYPTED_KEYCHAIN="$2" if [ `uname` != 'Darwin' ]; then echo "This only works on macOS." exit 1 elif [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "sign-macos-bundle.sh <path to .app bundle or .dmg image> <path to encrypted keychain>" exit 1 elif [ ! -e "$OBJECT" ]; then echo "Object does not exist." exit 1 elif [ ! -f "$GPG_ENCRYPTED_KEYCHAIN" ]; then echo "Encrypted keychain file does not exist." exit 1 fi # Required env variables: export GPG_PASS_OUTER export GPG_PASS_INNER export KEYCHAIN_PASS [ -z "$GPG_PASS_OUTER" ] && echo 'Missing env var: GPG_PASS_OUTER' && exit 1 [ -z "$GPG_PASS_INNER" ] && echo 'Missing env var: GPG_PASS_INNER' && exit 1 [ -z "$KEYCHAIN_PASS" ] && echo 'Missing env var: KEYCHAIN_PASS' && exit 1 # If GPG hasn't been run on this host before, we run it once # quietly to make sure it creates the directories it needs first # and doesn't trip when trying to do the decryption further down script -q /dev/null gpg < /dev/null > /dev/null set -e echo -e "\n### Storing original keychain search list..." ORIG_KEYCHAIN_LIST="$(security list-keychains \ | grep -v "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" | xargs)" echo -e "\n### Creating ramdisk..." RAMDISK="$(hdiutil attach -nomount ram://20480 | tr -d '[:blank:]')" MOUNTPOINT="$(mktemp -d)" KEYCHAIN="${MOUNTPOINT}/macos-developer-id.keychain-db" function clean_up { local STATUS=$? set +e if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\n###### DONE." else echo -e "\n###### ERROR. See above for details." fi echo -e "\n###### Cleaning up..." echo -e "\n### Locking keychain..." security lock-keychain "$KEYCHAIN" echo -e "\n### Restoring original keychain search list..." security list-keychains -s $ORIG_KEYCHAIN_LIST security list-keychains echo -e "\n### Wiping keychain file..." rm -P "$KEYCHAIN" echo -e "\n### Destroying ramdisk..." diskutil umount force "$RAMDISK" diskutil eject "$RAMDISK" exit $STATUS } trap clean_up EXIT echo -e "\n### Formatting and mounting ramdisk..." newfs_hfs "$RAMDISK" mount -t hfs "$RAMDISK" "$MOUNTPOINT" echo -e "\n### Decrypting keychain to $KEYCHAIN ..." gpg --batch --passphrase "$GPG_PASS_OUTER" --pinentry-mode loopback \ --decrypt "$GPG_ENCRYPTED_KEYCHAIN" \ | gpg --batch --passphrase "$GPG_PASS_INNER" --pinentry-mode loopback \ --decrypt > "$KEYCHAIN" echo -e "\n### Adding code-signing keychain to search list..." security list-keychains -s $ORIG_KEYCHAIN_LIST "$KEYCHAIN" security list-keychains echo -e "\n### Unlocking keychain..." security unlock-keychain -p "$KEYCHAIN_PASS" "$KEYCHAIN" echo -e "\n### Signing object..." # If `OBJECT` is a directory, we assume it's an app # bundle, otherwise we consider it to be a dmg. if [ -d "$OBJECT" ]; then codesign --sign "$DEV_ID" --deep --force --verbose=4 "$OBJECT" else codesign --sign "$DEV_ID" --force --verbose=4 "$OBJECT" fi echo -e "\n### Verifying signature..." codesign --verify --strict=all --deep --verbose=4 "$OBJECT" echo -e "\n### Assessing Gatekeeper validation..." if [ -d "$OBJECT" ]; then spctl --assess --type execute --verbose=2 "$OBJECT" else spctl --assess --type open --context context:primary-signature --verbose=2 "$OBJECT" fi