#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This script takes a maven-inputs.txt file and builds a Nix expression that can be used by maven-repo-builder.nix to produce a path to a local Maven repository # function getSHA() { nix-prefetch-url --type sha256 "$1" 2> /dev/null } _tmp=$(mktemp) sort $1 | uniq > $_tmp trap "rm $_tmp" EXIT INT apacheUrl='https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2' clojarsUrl='https://repo.clojars.org' fabricUrl='https://maven.fabric.io/public' googleUrl='https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2' gradleUrl='http://repo.gradle.org/gradle/libs-releases-local' gradlePluginsUrl='https://plugins.gradle.org/m2' javaUrl='https://maven.java.net/content/repositories/releases' jcenterUrl='https://jcenter.bintray.com' jitpackUrl='https://jitpack.io' mavenUrl='https://repo1.maven.org/maven2' sonatypeSnapshotsUrl='https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots' sonatypePublicGridUrl='https://repository.sonatype.org/content/groups/sonatype-public-grid' # Writes Nix attribute set describing a package (represented by its URL) function writeEntry() { local depurl=$1 if [[ "$depurl" = "$apacheUrl"* ]]; then host='apache' prefix=$apacheUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$clojarsUrl"* ]]; then host='clojars' prefix=$clojarsUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$fabricUrl"* ]]; then host='fabric-io' prefix=$fabricUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$googleUrl"* ]]; then host='google' prefix=$googleUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$gradleUrl"* ]]; then host='gradle' prefix=$gradleUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$gradlePluginsUrl"* ]]; then host='gradlePlugins' prefix=$gradlePluginsUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$jcenterUrl"* ]]; then host='jcenter' prefix=$jcenterUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$jitpackUrl"* ]]; then host='jitpack' prefix=$jitpackUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$javaUrl"* ]]; then host='java' prefix=$javaUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$mavenUrl"* ]]; then host='maven' prefix=$mavenUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$sonatypeSnapshotsUrl"* ]]; then host='sonatypeSnapshots' prefix=$sonatypeSnapshotsUrl elif [[ "$depurl" = "$sonatypePublicGridUrl"* ]]; then host='sonatypePublicGrid' prefix=$sonatypePublicGridUrl else echo "Unknown host in $depurl, exiting." exit 1 fi deppath="${depurl/$prefix\//}" pom_sha256=$(getSHA "$depurl.pom") [ -n "$pom_sha256" ] && pom_sha1=$(curl -s "$depurl.pom.sha1") || unset pom_sha1 jar_sha256=$(getSHA "$depurl.jar") type='jar' if [ -z "$jar_sha256" ]; then jar_sha256=$(getSHA "$depurl.aar") [ -n "$jar_sha256" ] && type='aar' fi [ -n "$jar_sha256" ] && jar_sha1=$(curl -s "$depurl.${type}.sha1") || unset jar_sha1 if [ -z "$pom_sha256" ] && [ -z "$jar_sha256" ] && [ -z "$aar_sha256" ]; then echo "Warning: failed to download $depurl" > /dev/stderr echo "Exiting." > /dev/stderr exit 1 fi echo -n " \"$depurl\" = { host = repositories.$host; path = \"$deppath\"; type = \"$type\";" if [ -n "$pom_sha256" ]; then echo -n " pom = { sha1 = \"$pom_sha1\"; sha256 = \"$pom_sha256\"; };" fi if [ -n "$jar_sha256" ]; then echo -n " jar = { sha1 = \"$jar_sha1\"; sha256 = \"$jar_sha256\"; };" fi echo " };" } lineCount=$(wc -l $1 | cut -f 1 -d ' ') currentLine=0 pstr="[=======================================================================]" echo "# Auto-generated by $(realpath --relative-to="$(dirname $1)" ${BASH_SOURCE}) { }: let repositories = { apache = \"$mavenUrl\"; clojars = \"$clojarsUrl\"; fabric-io = \"$fabricUrl\"; google = \"$googleUrl\"; gradle = \"$gradleUrl\"; gradlePlugins = \"$gradlePluginsUrl\"; java = \"$javaUrl\"; jcenter = \"$jcenterUrl\"; jitpack = \"$jitpackUrl\"; maven = \"$mavenUrl\"; sonatypeSnapshots = \"$sonatypeSnapshotsUrl\"; sonatypePublicGrid = \"$sonatypePublicGridUrl\"; }; in {" echo "Generating Nix file from $1..." > /dev/stderr while read depurl do currentLine=$(( $currentLine + 1 )) pd=$(( $currentLine * 73 / $lineCount )) printf "\r%3d.%1d%% %.${pd}s" $(( $currentLine * 100 / $lineCount )) $(( ($currentLine * 1000 / $lineCount) % 10 )) $pstr > /dev/stderr if [ -z "$depurl" ]; then continue fi writeEntry $depurl # com.android.tools.build:aapt2 package also includes a platform-specific package, so we should add that too if [[ "$depurl" = *'com/android/tools/build/aapt2/'* ]]; then writeEntry "$depurl-linux" writeEntry "$depurl-osx" fi done < $_tmp echo "}"