# This file contains the fastlane.tools configuration # You can find the documentation at https://docs.fastlane.tools # # For a list of all available actions, check out # # https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions # # There are a few env variables defined in the .env file in # this directory (fastlane/.env) # unlocks keychain if KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD variable is present # (to be used on CI machines) def unlock_keychain_if_needed if ENV["KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD"] unlock_keychain( path:"login.keychain", password:ENV["KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD"], set_default: true) end end def clean_up_realm_core_ios realm_dir ="../node_modules/realm/vendor/realm-ios/" if Dir.exists?(realm_dir) FileUtils.remove_dir(realm_dir) end FileUtils.mkdir(realm_dir) end # uploads `file` to sauce labs (overwrites if there is anoter file from the # same commit) def upload_to_saucelabs(file) username = ENV["SAUCE_USERNAME"] key = ENV["SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY"] unique_name = ENV["SAUCE_LABS_APK"] url = "https://saucelabs.com/rest/v1/storage/" + username + '/' + unique_name + "?overwrite=true" upload_result = sh( "curl", "-u", username + ':' + key, "-X", "POST", "-H", "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", url, # this command has `status-react/fastlane` as cwd # so we need to jump outside this folder to get a file "--data-binary", "@" + "../" + file ) # fail the lane if upload fails UI.user_error!( "failed to upload file to saucelabs: " + upload_result ) unless upload_result.include? "filename" end # builds an ios app with ad-hoc configuration and put it # to "status-adhoc" output folder def build_ios_adhoc match( type: "adhoc", force_for_new_devices: true, readonly: true, keychain_name: "login.keychain" ) workaround_realm_core_sync_issues build_ios_app( scheme: "StatusIm", workspace: "ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace", configuration: "Release", clean: true, export_method: "ad-hoc", output_directory: "status-adhoc" ) end def notify_about_new_build(source, url) branch_name = ENV["BRANCH_NAME"] branch_name = "develop" if branch_name.nil? msg = "Branch: " + branch_name + ", " if source.end_with? ".ipa" msg = msg + "iOS build uploaded to diawi: " + url else msg = msg + "Android build uploaded to diawi: " + url end slack( message: msg, slack_url: ENV["SLACK_URL"] ) change_id = ENV["CHANGE_ID"] unless change_id.nil? github_api( server_url: "https://api.github.com", api_token: ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], http_method: "POST", path: "/repos/status-im/status-react/issues/" + change_id + "/comments", body: { "body": msg } ) end end def upload_to_diawi_and_notify(source) diawi( token: ENV["DIAWI_TOKEN"], file: source ) File.write("diawi.out", lane_context[SharedValues::UPLOADED_FILE_LINK_TO_DIAWI]) notify_about_new_build( source, lane_context[SharedValues::UPLOADED_FILE_LINK_TO_DIAWI] ) end platform :ios do desc "`fastlane ios adhoc` - ad-hoc lane for iOS." desc "This lane is used PRs, Releases, etc." desc "It creates an .ipa that can be used by a list of devices, registeded in the App Store Connect." desc "This .ipa is ready to be distibuted through diawi.com" lane :adhoc do unlock_keychain_if_needed build_ios_adhoc end desc "`fastlane ios nightly` - makes a new nightly in TestFlight" desc "This lane builds a new nightly and uploads it to TestFlight" desc "It also leaves an .ipa that is ad-hoc signed (can be uploaded to diawi)" lane :nightly do unlock_keychain_if_needed match( type: "appstore", force_for_new_devices: true, readonly: true, keychain_name: "login.keychain" ) workaround_realm_core_sync_issues build_ios_app( scheme: "StatusIm", workspace: "ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace", configuration: "Release", clean: true, export_method: "app-store", output_directory: "status_appstore" ) upload_to_testflight( ipa: "status_appstore/StatusIm.ipa" ) slack( message: "New nightly build uploaded to TestFlight", slack_url: ENV["SLACK_URL"] ) # additional .ipa is for diawi # we have to re-build it because it uses different config build_ios_adhoc end desc "`fastlane ios release` builds a release & uploads it to TestFlight" lane :release do match( type: "appstore", force_for_new_devices: true, readonly: true, keychain_name: "login.keychain" ) workaround_realm_core_sync_issues build_ios_app( scheme: "StatusIm", workspace: "ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace", configuration: "Release", clean: true, export_method: "app-store", output_directory: "status_appstore", export_options: { "combileBitcode": true, "uploadBitcode": false, "ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption": false } ) upload_to_testflight( ipa: "status_appstore/StatusIm.ipa" ) slack( message: "New release build uploaded to TestFlight", slack_url: ENV["SLACK_URL"] ) end desc "`fastlane ios clean` - remove inactive TestFlight users" desc "uses custom plugin, installed via" desc "`sudo get install fastlane-plugin-clean_testflight_testers`" lane :clean do clean_testflight_testers end desc "`fastlane ios upload-diawi` - upload .ipa to diawi" desc "also notifies in a GitHub comments and in Slack #jenkins channel" desc "expects to have an .ipa prepared: `status-adhoc/StatusIm.ipa`" desc "expects to have a diawi token as DIAWI_TOKEN env variable" desc "expects to have a github token as GITHUB_TOKEN env variable" desc "expects to have a slack webhook URL as SLACK_URL env variable" desc "will fails if file isn't there" desc "---" desc "Output: writes `fastlane/diawi.out` file url of the uploded file" lane :upload_diawi do upload_to_diawi_and_notify( "status-adhoc/StatusIm.ipa" ) end desc "This fastlane step is a workaround!" desc "every now and then Realm fails on iOS on the 'Download Core` step" desc "the issue is being `node_modules/realm/vendor/realm-ios/` dir not being empty" desc "but missing the lock file" desc "as a workaround, we clean up this directory" lane :workaround_realm_core_sync_issues do clean_up_realm_core_ios end end platform :android do desc "Deploy a new internal build to Google Play" desc "expects GOOGLE_PLAY_JSON_KEY environment variable" lane :nightly do upload_to_play_store( track: "internal", apk: "android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk", json_key_data: ENV["GOOGLE_PLAY_JSON_KEY"] ) slack( message: "New nightly build uploaded to Google Play", slack_url: ENV["SLACK_URL"] ) end lane :release do desc "Deploy a new alpha (public) build to Google Play" desc "expects GOOGLE_PLAY_JSON_KEY environment variable" upload_to_play_store( track: "alpha", apk: "android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk", json_key_data: ENV["GOOGLE_PLAY_JSON_KEY"] ) slack( message: "New release build uploaded to Google Play", slack_url: ENV["SLACK_URL"] ) end desc "`fastlane android upload_diawi` - upload .apk to diawi" desc "also notifies in a GitHub comments and in Slack #jenkins channel" desc "expects to have an .apk prepared: `android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk`" desc "expects to have a diawi token as DIAWI_TOKEN env variable" desc "expects to have a github token as GITHUB_TOKEN env variable" desc "expects to have a slack webhook URL as SLACK_URL env variable" desc "will fails if file isn't there" desc "---" desc "Output: writes `fastlane/diawi.out` file url of the uploded file" lane :upload_diawi do upload_to_diawi_and_notify( "android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk" ) end desc "`fastlane android saucelabs` - upload .apk to sauce labs" desc "also notifies in a GitHub comments and in Slack #jenkins channel" desc "expects to have an .apk prepared: `android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk`" desc "expects to have a saucelabs access key as SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY env variable" desc "expects to have a saucelabs username token as SAUCE_USERNAME env variable" desc "expects to have a saucelabs destination name as SAUCE_LABS_APK env variable" desc "will fails if file isn't there" lane :saucelabs do upload_to_saucelabs( "android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk" ) end end