var _status_catalog = { commands: {}, responses: {}, functions: {}, subscriptions: {} }, status = {}; // This is default 'common sense' scope for commands/response which don't // define any. // We want the command/response to apply for 1-1 chats with registered user, // as most of the bot developers will expect the sole registered user (for // things like sending, etc.) and it will be non global, available only // for that particular bot (that's what "dapps" in scope) var defaultScope = ["personal-chats", "registered", "dapps"]; function scopeToBitMask(scope) { // this function transforms scopes array to a single integer by generating a bit mask return ((scope.indexOf("global") > -1) ? 1 : 0) | ((scope.indexOf("personal-chats") > -1) ? 2 : 0) | ((scope.indexOf("group-chats") > -1) ? 4 : 0) | ((scope.indexOf("anonymous") > -1) ? 8 : 0) | ((scope.indexOf("registered") > -1) ? 16 : 0) | ((scope.indexOf("dapps") > -1) ? 32 : 0) | ((scope.indexOf("humans") > -1) ? 64 : 0) | ((scope.indexOf("public-chats") > -1) ? 128 : 0); } function Command() { } function Response() { } Command.prototype.addToCatalog = function () { _status_catalog.commands[[, this["scope-bitmask"]]] = this; }; Command.prototype.param = function (parameter) { this.params.push(parameter); return this; }; Command.prototype.create = function (com) { =; this.title = com.title; this.description = com.description; this.handler = com.handler; this["has-handler"] = com.handler !== null; this["async-handler"] = (com.handler != null) && com.asyncHandler; this.validator = com.validator; this.color = com.color; this.icon = com.icon; this.params = com.params || []; this.preview = com.preview; this["short-preview"] = com.shortPreview; this.fullscreen = com.fullscreen; this.actions = com.actions; this.request = com.request; this["execute-immediately?"] = com.executeImmediately; this["sequential-params"] = com.sequentialParams; this["hide-send-button"] = com.hideSendButton; // scopes this.scope = com.scope || defaultScope; this["scope-bitmask"] = scopeToBitMask(this["scope"]); this.addToCatalog(); return this; }; Response.prototype = Object.create(Command.prototype); Response.prototype.addToCatalog = function () { _status_catalog.responses[[, this["scope-bitmask"]]] = this; }; Response.prototype.onReceiveResponse = function (handler) { this.onReceive = handler; }; var context = {}; function addContext(key, value) { context[status.message_id][key] = value; } function getContext(key) { return context[status.message_id][key]; } function call(pathStr, paramsStr) { var params = JSON.parse(paramsStr), path = JSON.parse(pathStr), fn, callResult, message_id; if (typeof params.context !== "undefined" && typeof params.context["message-id"] !== "undefined") { message_id = params.context["message-id"]; } else { message_id = null; } context[message_id] = {}; status.message_id = message_id; fn = path.reduce(function (catalog, name) { if (catalog && catalog[name]) { return catalog[name]; } }, _status_catalog ); if (!fn) { return null; } context.messages = []; callResult = fn(params.parameters, params.context); result = { returned: callResult, context: context[message_id], messages: context.messages }; return JSON.stringify(result); } function view(options, elements) { return ['view', options].concat(elements); } function text(options, s) { s = Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s]; return ['text', options].concat(s); } function chatPreviewText(options, s) { return ['chat-preview-text', options, s]; } function textInput(options) { return ['text-input', options]; } function image(options) { return ['image', options]; } function qrCode(options) { return ['qr-code', options]; } function linking(options) { return ['linking', options]; } function slider(options) { return ['slider', options]; } function image(options) { return ['image', options]; } function touchable(options, element) { return ['touchable', options, element]; } function activityIndicator(options) { return ['activity-indicator', options]; } function scrollView(options, elements) { return ['scroll-view', options].concat(elements); } function subscribe(path) { return ['subscribe', path]; } function dispatch(path) { return ['dispatch', path]; } function webView(url) { return ['web-view', { source: { uri: url }, javaScriptEnabled: true }]; } function bridgedWebView(url) { return ['bridged-web-view', { url: url }]; } function validationMessage(titleText, descriptionText) { return ['validation-message', { title: titleText, description: descriptionText }]; } function chooseContact(titleText, botDbKey, argumentIndex) { return ['choose-contact', { title: titleText, "bot-db-key": botDbKey, index: argumentIndex }]; } function separator() { return ['separator']; } var status = { command: function (h) { var command = new Command(); return command.create(h); }, response: function (h) { var response = new Response(); return response.create(h); }, addListener: function (name, fn) { _status_catalog.functions[name] = fn; }, localizeNumber: function (num, del, sep) { return I18n.toNumber( num.replace(",", "."), { precision: 10, strip_insignificant_zeros: true, delimiter: del, separator: sep }); }, types: { TEXT: 'text', NUMBER: 'number', PASSWORD: 'password' }, events: { SET_VALUE: 'set-value', SET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT: 'set-command-argument', UPDATE_DB: 'set', SET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT_FROM_DB: 'set-command-argument-from-db', SET_VALUE_FROM_DB: 'set-value-from-db', FOCUS_INPUT: 'focus-input' }, actions: { WEB_VIEW_BACK: 'web-view-back', WEB_VIEW_FORWARD: 'web-view-forward', FULLSCREEN: 'fullscreen', CUSTOM: 'custom', }, components: { view: view, text: text, chatPreviewText: chatPreviewText, textInput: textInput, slider: slider, image: image, qrCode: qrCode, linking: linking, slider: slider, touchable: touchable, activityIndicator: activityIndicator, scrollView: scrollView, webView: webView, validationMessage: validationMessage, bridgedWebView: bridgedWebView, chooseContact: chooseContact, subscribe: subscribe, dispatch: dispatch, separator: separator }, showSuggestions: function (view) { status.sendSignal("show-suggestions", view); }, setDefaultDb: function (db) { addContext("default-db", db); }, updateDb: function (db) { addContext("update-db", db) }, sendMessage: function (message) { if(typeof message !== "string") { message = JSON.stringify(message); } status.sendSignal("send-message", message); }, addLogMessage: function (type, message) { var message = { type: type, message: JSON.stringify(message) }; var logMessages = getContext("log-messages"); if (!logMessages) { logMessages = []; } logMessages.push(message); addContext("log-messages", logMessages); }, defineSubscription: function (name, subscriptions, handler) { _status_catalog.subscriptions[name] = { subscriptions: subscriptions, handler: handler }; }, sendSignal: function (eventName, data) { var event = { event: eventName, data: data }; statusSignals.sendSignal(JSON.stringify(event)); } }; function calculateSubscription(parameters, context) { var subscriptionConfig = _status_catalog.subscriptions[]; if (!subscriptionConfig) { return; } return subscriptionConfig.handler(parameters.subscriptions); } status.addListener("subscription", calculateSubscription); console = (function (old) { return { log: function (text) { old.log(text); status.addLogMessage('log', text); }, debug: function (text) { old.debug(text); status.addLogMessage('debug', text); }, info: function (text) {; status.addLogMessage('info', text); }, warn: function (text) { old.warn(text); status.addLogMessage('warn', text); }, error: function (text) { old.error(text); status.addLogMessage('error', text); } }; }(console)); var localStorage = {}; localStorage.setItem = function(key, value) { if(value === null) { delete localStorageData[key]; } else { localStorageData[key] = value; } status.sendSignal("local-storage", JSON.stringify(localStorageData)); }; localStorage.getItem = function (key) { if (typeof localStorageData[key] === "undefined") { return null; } return localStorageData[key]; };