#!/bin/bash # This script automatically sets the version and short version string of # an Xcode project from the Git repository containing the project. # # To use this script in Xcode, add the script's path to a "Run Script" build # phase for your application target. set -o errexit set -o nounset # First, check for git in $PATH hash git 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Git required, not installed. Aborting build number update script."; exit 0; } # Alternatively, we could use Xcode's copy of the Git binary, # but old Xcodes don't have this. #GIT=$(xcrun -find git) # Run Script build phases that operate on product files of the target that defines them should use the value of this build setting [TARGET_BUILD_DIR]. But Run Script build phases that operate on product files of other targets should use ?BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR? instead. INFO_PLIST="${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${INFOPLIST_PATH}" if [[ $(git ls-files -m "StatusIm/Info.plist") = *"Info.plist"* ]]; then echo "version was set in Info.plist" else # Build version (closest-tag-or-branch "-" commits-since-tag "-" short-hash dirty-flag) BUILD_VERSION=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty=+ --match='[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*') # Use the latest tag for short version (expected tag format "vn[.n[.n]]") # or if there are no tags, we make up version 0.0. LATEST_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match='[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*' 2>/dev/null) || LATEST_TAG="HEAD" if [ $LATEST_TAG = "HEAD" ] then COMMIT_COUNT=$(git rev-list --count HEAD) LATEST_TAG="0.0.$COMMIT_COUNT" COMMIT_COUNT_SINCE_TAG=0 else COMMIT_COUNT_SINCE_TAG=$(git rev-list --count ${LATEST_TAG}..) LATEST_TAG=${LATEST_TAG##v} # Remove the "v" from the front of the tag fi if [ $COMMIT_COUNT_SINCE_TAG = 0 ]; then SHORT_VERSION="$LATEST_TAG" else # increment final digit of tag and append "d" + commit-count-since-tag # e.g. commit after 1.0 is 1.1d1, commit after 1.0.0 is 1.0.1d1 # this is the bit that requires /bin/bash OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS="." VERSION_PARTS=($LATEST_TAG) LAST_PART=$((${#VERSION_PARTS[@]}-1)) VERSION_PARTS[$LAST_PART]=$((${VERSION_PARTS[${LAST_PART}]}+1)) SHORT_VERSION="${VERSION_PARTS[*]}d${COMMIT_COUNT_SINCE_TAG}" IFS=$OLD_IFS fi # For debugging: echo "BUILD VERSION: $BUILD_VERSION" echo "LATEST_TAG: $LATEST_TAG" echo "COMMIT_COUNT_SINCE_TAG: $COMMIT_COUNT_SINCE_TAG" echo "SHORT VERSION: $SHORT_VERSION" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleBuildVersion string $BUILD_VERSION" "$INFO_PLIST" 2>/dev/null || /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleBuildVersion $BUILD_VERSION" "$INFO_PLIST" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleShortVersionString $SHORT_VERSION" "$INFO_PLIST" fi