{ lib, stdenv, utils, callPackage, buildGoPackage , go, androidPkgs, openjdk, gomobile, xcodeWrapper # object with source attributes , meta, source , platform ? "android" , architectures ? [ "arm64" "arm" "x86" ] , goBuildFlags ? [ ] , goBuildLdFlags ? [ ] , outputFileName ? "status-go-${source.shortRev}-${platform}.aar" }: let inherit (stdenv) isDarwin; inherit (lib) concatStrings concatStringsSep concatMapStrings optionalString getAttr attrValues makeBinPath optional; removeReferences = [ go ]; removeExpr = refs: ''remove-references-to ${concatMapStrings (ref: " -t ${ref}") refs}''; # formatted for use with -target targetArchs = map (a: "${platform}/${a}") architectures; in buildGoPackage { pname = source.repo; version = "${source.cleanVersion}-${source.shortRev}-${platform}"; inherit meta; inherit (source) src goPackagePath; nativeBuildInputs = [ gomobile ] ++ optional (platform == "android") openjdk ++ optional isDarwin xcodeWrapper; # Fixes Cgo related build failures (see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/25959 ) hardeningDisable = [ "fortify" ]; # Ensure XCode is present for iOS build, instead of failing at the end of the build preConfigure = optionalString (isDarwin && platform == "ios") utils.enforceXCodeAvailable; # Build mobile libraries preBuild = let NIX_GOWORKDIR = "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/go-build"; in '' mkdir ${NIX_GOWORKDIR} export GO111MODULE=off export GOPATH=${gomobile.out}:$GOPATH export NIX_GOWORKDIR=${NIX_GOWORKDIR} '' + optionalString (platform == "android") '' export ANDROID_HOME=${androidPkgs} export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=${androidPkgs}/ndk-bundle export PATH="${makeBinPath [ openjdk ]}:$PATH" ''; # Build the Go library using gomobile for each of the configured platforms buildPhase = let ldFlags = [ "-extldflags=-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition" ] ++ goBuildLdFlags; CGO_LDFLAGS = concatStringsSep " " ldFlags; in '' runHook preBuild runHook renameImports echo -e "\nBuilding for targets: ${concatStringsSep "," targetArchs}\n" ${gomobile}/bin/gomobile bind \ -target=${concatStringsSep "," targetArchs} \ -ldflags="${CGO_LDFLAGS}" \ ${optionalString (platform == "android") "-androidapi 23"} \ ${optionalString (platform == "ios") "-iosversion=8.0"} \ ${concatStringsSep " " goBuildFlags} \ -o ${outputFileName} \ ${source.goPackagePath}/mobile rm -rf $NIX_GOWORKDIR runHook postBuild ''; # replace hardcoded paths to go package in /nix/store, otherwise Nix will fail the build fixupPhase = '' find $out -type f -exec ${removeExpr removeReferences} '{}' + || true ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out mv ${outputFileName} $out/ ''; outputs = [ "out" ]; }