* fix: change nav buttons to :photo when scrolled to top
Signed-off-by: Cristian Lungu <lungucristian95@gmail.com>
* fix: renamed to use-messages-scrolled-to-threshold
Signed-off-by: Cristian Lungu <lungucristian95@gmail.com>
* fix: nav buttons are shown without flicker on mount
Signed-off-by: Cristian Lungu <lungucristian95@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Cristian Lungu <lungucristian95@gmail.com>
* Add memoized versions to convert keys
* Add placeholder for SVG collectibles due to errors and warnings
* Add events to request collectibles per account
* Update subs to list all accounts collectibles evenly
* Update collectibles tab to pull new data when end is reached
* Use memoized version of key transformation
This commit adds the feature to handle blockchain status signals from the status-go and shows a toast if the provider for any of the blockchains is down.
Signed-off-by: Mohamed Javid <19339952+smohamedjavid@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit brings numerous improvements to integration tests. The next step
will be to apply the same improvements to contract tests.
Fixes https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/18676
- Setting up the application and logged account per test is now done with an
async test fixture, which is a very idiomatic way to solve this problem. No
need anymore to write macros to wrap day8.re-frame.test/wait-for. The macros
in test-helpers.integration will be removed once we apply the same
improvements to contract tests.
- Integration test timeouts can be controlled per test, with a configurable,
global default (60s).
- Now the integration test suite will fail-fast by default, i.e. a test failure
short-circuits the entire suite immediately. This option can be overridden on
a test-by-test basis. This improvement is very useful when investigating
failures because the error will be shown on the spot, with no need to search
backwards across lots of logs.
- Noisy messages from re-frame can be silenced with a test fixture. We can
silence even more in the future if we remove the hardcoded printf call from
C++ on every signal and control it with Clojure. We can disable most logs as
well with the more direct (status-im.common.log/setup "ERROR") at the top of
tests.integration-test.core. We can make verbosity even more convenient to
control, but I think this should be designed outside this PR.
- Removed dependency on lib day8.re-frame/test for integration tests (see
detailed explanation below).
- Each call to (our) wait-for can customize the timeout to process re-frame
event IDs passed to it.
- Syntax is now flat, instead of being nested on every call to wait-for. You
can now compose other async operations anywhere in a test.
- promesa.core/do is essential in the integration test suite, as it makes sync &
async operations play nice with each other without the developer having to
promisify anything manually.
- There are lots of logs related to async storage ("unexpected token u in JSON at
position..."). This isn't fixed yet.
Are we not going to use day8.re-frame.test?
We don't need this library in integration tests and we won't need it in contract
tests. Whether it will be useful after we remove it from integration and
contract tests is yet to be seen (probably not).
A few reasons:
- The async model of promises is well understood and battle tested. The one
devised in the lib is poorly understood and rigid.
- There's basically no way to correctly integrate other async operations in the
test, unless they can be fully controlled via re-frame events. For instance,
how would you control timeouts? How would you retry in a test? How would
forcefully delay an operation by a few seconds? These things are useful (to me
at least) when developing integration/contract tests.
- Every call to day8.re-frame.test/wait-for forces you to nest code one more
level. Code readability suffers from that choice.
- Have you ever looked up the implementation of wait-for? It's quite convoluted.
One could say the source code is not that important, but many times I had to
look it up because I couldn't understand the async model they built with their
macro approach. The de facto primitive in JS for asynchronicity is promises,
and we fully leverage it in this PR.
- The lib has an interesting macro run-test-sync, but we have no usage for it. I
used it in status-mobile for a while. At one point, all event unit tests for
the Activity Center used it (e.g. commit
08fb0de7b09beec83e91567cbf2ff795cde39f3f), but I replaced them with the
simpler pure function style.
This commit adds a feature to display token prices for each token in the Wallet home and Account screens.
Signed-off-by: Mohamed Javid <19339952+smohamedjavid@users.noreply.github.com>
* Modify reanimated/view to support vectors contained in styles
* Add code examples of animated inline styles
* Fix warning about reactive deref not supported in lazy-seqs
* Add `utils.money/add` version able to work with `nil`s
* Store token raw-balance as big-number
* Improve account balance calculations using `utils.money` existing functions
* Update `:wallet/tokens-filtered` sub
* Make `prettify-balance` able to work with bignumbers
This commit is the foundational step to start using malli
(https://github.com/metosin/malli) in this project.
Take in consideration we will only be able to realize malli's full power in
future iterations.
For those without context: the mobile team watched a presentation about malli
and went through a light RFC to put everyone on the same page, among other
discussions here and there in PRs.
To keep things relatively short:
1. Unit, integration and component tests will short-circuit (fail) when
inputs/outputs don't conform to their respective function schemas (CI should
fail too).
2. Failed schema checks will not block the app from initializing, nor throw an
exception that would trigger the LogBox. Exceptions are only thrown in the
scope of automated tests.
3. There's zero performance impact in production code because we only
instrument. Instrumentation is removed from the compiled code due to the
usage of "^boolean js.goog/DEBUG".
4. We shouldn't expect any meaningful slowdown during development.
**What are we instrumenting in this PR?**
Per our team's agreement, we're only instrumenting the bare minimum to showcase 2 examples.
- Instrument a utility function utils.money/format-amount using the macro
- Instrument a quo component quo.components.counter.step.view/view using the
functional approach.
Both approaches are useful, the functional approach is powerful and allow us to
instrument anonymous functions, like the ones we pass to subscriptions or event
handlers, or the higher-order function quo.theme/with-theme. The macro approach
is perfect for functions already defined with defn.
**I evaluated the schema or function in the REPL but nothing changes**
- If you evaluate the source function, you need to evaluate schema/=> or
schema/instrument as well.
- Remember to *var quote* when using schema/instrument.
- You must call "(status-im2.setup.schema/setup!)" after any var is
re-instrumented. It's advisable to add a keybinding in your editor to send
this expression automatically to the CLJS REPL, or add the call at the end of
the namespace you are working on (similar to how some devs add "(run-tests)"
at the end of test namespaces).
**Where should schemas be defined?**
For the moment, we should focus on instrumenting quo components, so define each
function schema in the same namespace as the component's public "view" var.
To be specific:
- A schema used only to instrument a single function and not used elsewhere,
like a quo component schema, wouldn't benefit from being defined in a separate
namespace because that would force the developer to constantly open two files
instead of one to check function signatures.
- A common schema reused across the repo, like ":schema.common/theme" should be
registered in the global registry "schema.registry" so that consumers can just
refer to it by keyword, as if it was a built-in malli schema.
- A common schema describing status-go entities like message, notification,
community, etc can be stored either in the respective
"src/status_im2/contexts/*" or registered globally, or even somewhere else.
This is yet to be defined, but since I chose not to include schemas for them,
we can postpone this guideline.
fix: improving UI and gestures
fix: expanding on press now works reliably
fix: center text and disable gestures for short messages
feat: added styling for one-lined messages
fix: small opacity fix
ref: small condition change
fix: horizontal swiping being unreliable with vertical scrolling
ref: reusing shared value from lightbox animations
fix: text-sheet bottom gradient not visible on android
fix: addressed qa issues 1,2,4
fix: zoomable-image stuck if moved vertically when full screen
clean: removed unused var
chore: removed unused require
fix: don't allow returning text-sheet down and up in one move
fix: text-sheet bar styling was wrong
fix: adjusted gradient animation with designs
fix: text-sheet bar opacity
Upgrades and cleans up all production Clojure dependencies and 1 dev-only
dependency (com.taoensso/tufte).
- Remove warning "WARNING: update-keys already refers to:
#'clojure.core/update-keys in namespace: io.aviso.exception"
- Remove hickory and mvxcvi/alphabase dependencies they are not used.
- Upgrade com.taoensso/tufte from 2.1.0 to 2.6.3
- Upgrade transit-cljs from 0.8.248 to 0.8.280
- Upgrade cljs-bean from 1.3.0 to 1.9.0
- Remove workaround for com.taoensso/timbre in shadow-cljs.edn
- Upgrade com.taoensso/timbre from 4.10 (Status fork) to 6.3.1