the defn macro knows register the function as an events under the
keywords provided in the :events key of the attributes map. It also
adds the interceptors provided in the :interceptors map
(fx/defn hello4
{:doc "this function is useless as well"
:events [:test/valid1 :test/valid2]}
[{:keys [db]} b]
{:db (assoc db :a b) :b (:a db)})
Signed-off-by: yenda <>
move utils.ethereum.tokens to ethereum.tokens
move utils.ethereum.abi-spec to ethereum.abi-spec
move utils.ethereum.core to ethereum.core
move utils.ethereum.eip165 to ethereum.eip165
move utils.ethereum.eip55 to ethereum.eip55
move utils.ethereum.eip681 to ethereum.eip681
move utils.ethereum.ens to ethereum.ens
move utils.ethereum.erc721 to ethereum.erc721
move utils.ethereum.mnemonics to ethereum.mnemonics
move utils.ethereum.resolver to ethereum.resolver
move utils.ethereum.macros to ethereum.macros
Signed-off-by: yenda <>
in many places in the codebase, we are doing various destructuring
and function calls to get the normalized current address and the chain
keyword for the current network
this PR replace all usages by utility functions introduced recently
Signed-off-by: yenda <>
- introduce json-rpc namespace, which provides `call` and `eth-call`,
a generic way of calling a json-rpc method taking care of conversions
and error handling
- remove web3 usage from wallet
- clean up effects, reducing the amount of computations when login in
- settings are stored in a manifest that is pointed at by the contract
- during login the contract is checked to fetch the settings
Signed-off-by: yenda <>