Show message timestamps on tap, remove from bubbles

Signed-off-by: andrey <>
This commit is contained in:
Ajay Sivan 2021-12-14 12:39:10 +05:30 committed by andrey
parent b18d7b6a2a
commit f3533c5f99
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 89B67245FD2F0272
4 changed files with 172 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
:message-id @current-player-message-id}))
(defview message-content [{:keys [audio audio-duration-ms message-id outgoing]} timestamp-view]
(defview message-content [{:keys [audio audio-duration-ms message-id outgoing]}]
(letsubs [state (reagent/atom nil)
progress (reagent/atom 0)
progress-anim (anim/create-value 0)
@ -223,5 +223,4 @@
(#{:playing :paused :seeking} (:general @state)) @progress
:else (:duration @state))
s (quot time 1000)]
(gstring/format "%02d:%02d" (quot s 60) (mod s 60)))]
(gstring/format "%02d:%02d" (quot s 60) (mod s 60)))]]]))))

View File

@ -24,42 +24,64 @@
[ :as components.reply]
[ :as link-preview]
[status-im.ui.screens.communities.icon :as communities.icon]
[status-im.ui.components.animation :as animation]
[ :as])
(:require-macros [status-im.utils.views :refer [defview letsubs]]))
(defn message-timestamp-anim
[anim-opacity show-timestamp?]
{:toValue 1
:duration 100
:easing (.-ease ^js animation/easing)
:useNativeDriver true})
{:toValue 0
:delay 2000
:duration 100
:easing (.-ease ^js animation/easing)
:useNativeDriver true})]) #(reset! show-timestamp? false)))
(defview mention-element [from]
(letsubs [contact-name [:contacts/contact-name-by-identity from]]
(def edited-at-text (str " ⌫ " (i18n/label :t/edited)))
(defn message-status [{:keys [outgoing content outgoing-status pinned edited-at in-popover?]}]
(when-not in-popover? ;; We keep track if showing this message in a list in pin-limit-popover
{:align-self :flex-end
:position :absolute
:bottom 9 ; 6 Bubble bottom, 3 message baseline
(if (:rtl? content) :left :right) 0
:flex-direction :row
:align-items :flex-end}
(when outgoing
[icons/icon (case outgoing-status
:sending :tiny-icons/tiny-pending
:sent :tiny-icons/tiny-sent
:not-sent :tiny-icons/tiny-warning
:delivered :tiny-icons/tiny-delivered
{:width 16
:height 12
:color (if pinned colors/gray colors/white)
:accessibility-label (name outgoing-status)}])
(when edited-at [react/text {:style (style/message-status-text (and outgoing (not pinned)))} edited-at-text])]))
(defn message-timestamp
[message-timestamp message false])
([{:keys [timestamp-str outgoing content outgoing-status pinned edited-at in-popover?]} justify-timestamp?]
(when-not in-popover? ;; We keep track if showing this message in a list in pin-limit-popover
[react/view (when justify-timestamp?
{:align-self :flex-end
:position :absolute
:bottom 9 ; 6 Bubble bottom, 3 message baseline
(if (:rtl? content) :left :right) 0
:flex-direction :row
:align-items :flex-end})
(when (and outgoing justify-timestamp?)
[icons/icon (case outgoing-status
:sending :tiny-icons/tiny-pending
:sent :tiny-icons/tiny-sent
:not-sent :tiny-icons/tiny-warning
:delivered :tiny-icons/tiny-delivered
{:width 16
:height 12
:color (if pinned colors/gray colors/white)
:accessibility-label (name outgoing-status)}])
[react/text {:style (style/message-timestamp-text (and outgoing (not pinned)))}
(when edited-at edited-at-text))]])))
[{:keys [timestamp-str in-popover?] :as message} show-timestamp?]
(when-not in-popover? ;; We keep track if showing this message in a list in pin-limit-popover
(let [anim-opacity (animation/create-value 0)]
[react/animated-view {:style (style/message-timestamp-wrapper message) :opacity anim-opacity}
(when @show-timestamp? (message-timestamp-anim anim-opacity show-timestamp?))
[react/text {:style (style/message-timestamp-text)}
(defview quoted-message
[_ {:keys [from parsed-text image]} outgoing current-public-key public? pinned]
@ -168,19 +190,19 @@
(defn render-parsed-text [message tree]
(reduce (fn [acc e] (render-block message acc e)) [:<>] tree))
(defn render-parsed-text-with-timestamp [{:keys [timestamp-str outgoing edited-at in-popover?] :as message} tree]
(defn render-parsed-text-with-message-status [{:keys [outgoing edited-at in-popover?] :as message} tree]
(let [elements (render-parsed-text message tree)
timestamp [react/text {:style (style/message-timestamp-placeholder)}
(str (if (and outgoing (not in-popover?)) " " " ") (when-not in-popover? (str timestamp-str (when edited-at edited-at-text))))]
message-status [react/text {:style (style/message-status-placeholder)}
(str (if (and outgoing (not in-popover?)) " " " ") (when (and (not in-popover?) edited-at) edited-at-text))]
last-element (peek elements)]
;; Using `nth` here as slightly faster than `first`, roughly 30%
;; It's worth considering pure js structures for this code path as
;; it's perfomance critical
(if (= react/text-class (nth last-element 0))
;; Append timestamp to last text
(conj (pop elements) (conj last-element timestamp))
;; Append timestamp to new block
(conj elements timestamp))))
;; Append message status to last text
(conj (pop elements) (conj last-element message-status))
;; Append message status to new block
(conj elements message-status))))
(defn unknown-content-type
[{:keys [outgoing content-type content] :as message}]
@ -409,7 +431,8 @@
(defn collapsible-text-message [{:keys [mentioned]} _]
(let [collapsed? (reagent/atom false)
collapsible? (reagent/atom false)]
collapsible? (reagent/atom false)
show-timestamp? (reagent/atom false)]
(fn [{:keys [content outgoing current-public-key public? pinned in-popover?] :as message} on-long-press modal]
(let [max-height (when-not (or outgoing modal)
(if @collapsible?
@ -418,7 +441,8 @@
(when-not modal
{:on-press (fn [_]
(reset! show-timestamp? true))
:delay-long-press 100
:on-long-press (fn []
(if @collapsed?
@ -426,40 +450,41 @@
(js/setTimeout #(on-long-press-fn on-long-press message content) 200))
(on-long-press-fn on-long-press message content)))
:disabled in-popover?})
[react/view {:style (style/message-view message)}
[react/view {:style (style/message-view-content)
:max-height max-height}
(let [response-to (:response-to content)]
[react/view {:on-layout
#(when (and (> (.-nativeEvent.layout.height ^js %) max-message-height-px)
(not @collapsible?)
(not outgoing)
(not modal))
(reset! collapsed? true)
(reset! collapsible? true))}
(when (and (seq response-to) (:quoted-message message))
[quoted-message response-to (:quoted-message message) outgoing current-public-key public? pinned])
[render-parsed-text-with-timestamp message (:parsed-text content)]])
(when-not @collapsed?
[message-timestamp message true])
(when (and @collapsible? (not modal))
(if @collapsed?
(let [color (if pinned colors/pin-background (if mentioned colors/mentioned-background colors/blue-light))]
{:on-press #(swap! collapsed? not)
:style {:position :absolute :bottom 0 :left 0 :right 0 :height 72}}
[react/linear-gradient {:colors [(str color "00") color]
:start {:x 0 :y 0} :end {:x 0 :y 0.9}}
[react/view {:height 72 :align-self :center :justify-content :flex-end
:padding-bottom 10}
[react/view (style/collapse-button)
[icons/icon :main-icons/dropdown
{:color colors/white}]]]]])
[react/touchable-highlight {:on-press #(swap! collapsed? not)
:style {:align-self :center :margin 5}}
[react/view (style/collapse-button)
[icons/icon :main-icons/dropdown-up
{:color colors/white}]]]))]]]))))
[react/view (style/message-view-wrapper outgoing)
[message-timestamp message show-timestamp?]
[react/view {:style (style/message-view message)}
[react/view {:style (style/message-view-content)
:max-height max-height}
(let [response-to (:response-to content)]
[react/view {:on-layout
#(when (and (> (.-nativeEvent.layout.height ^js %) max-message-height-px)
(not @collapsible?)
(not outgoing)
(not modal))
(reset! collapsed? true)
(reset! collapsible? true))}
(when (and (seq response-to) (:quoted-message message))
[quoted-message response-to (:quoted-message message) outgoing current-public-key public? pinned])
[render-parsed-text-with-message-status message (:parsed-text content)]])
(when-not @collapsible? [message-status message])
(when (and @collapsible? (not modal))
(if @collapsed?
(let [color (if pinned colors/pin-background (if mentioned colors/mentioned-background colors/blue-light))]
{:on-press #(swap! collapsed? not)
:style {:position :absolute :bottom 0 :left 0 :right 0 :height 72}}
[react/linear-gradient {:colors [(str color "00") color]
:start {:x 0 :y 0} :end {:x 0 :y 0.9}}
[react/view {:height 72 :align-self :center :justify-content :flex-end
:padding-bottom 10}
[react/view (style/collapse-button)
[icons/icon :main-icons/dropdown
{:color colors/white}]]]]])
[react/touchable-highlight {:on-press #(swap! collapsed? not)
:style {:align-self :center :margin 5}}
[react/view (style/collapse-button)
[icons/icon :main-icons/dropdown-up
{:color colors/white}]]]))]]]]))))
(defmethod ->message constants/content-type-text
[message {:keys [on-long-press modal] :as reaction-picker}]
@ -484,33 +509,37 @@
(defmethod ->message constants/content-type-emoji
[{:keys [content current-public-key outgoing public? pinned in-popover? message-pin-enabled] :as message} {:keys [on-long-press modal]
:as reaction-picker}]
(let [response-to (:response-to content)]
[message-content-wrapper message
[react/touchable-highlight (when-not modal
{:disabled in-popover?
:on-press (fn []
:delay-long-press 100
:on-long-press (fn []
[{:on-press #(re-frame/dispatch [:chat.ui/reply-to-message message])
:id :reply
:label (i18n/label :t/message-reply)}
{:on-press #(react/copy-to-clipboard (get content :text))
:id :copy
:label (i18n/label :t/sharing-copy-to-clipboard)}]
(when message-pin-enabled [{:on-press #(pin-message message)
:label (if pinned (i18n/label :t/unpin) (i18n/label :t/pin))}]))))})
[react/view (style/message-view message)
[react/view {:style (style/message-view-content)}
[react/view {:style (style/style-message-text outgoing)}
(when (and (seq response-to) (:quoted-message message))
[quoted-message response-to (:quoted-message message) outgoing current-public-key public? pinned])
[react/text {:style (style/emoji-message message)}
(:text content)]]
[message-timestamp message]]]]
(let [response-to (:response-to content)
show-timestamp? (reagent/atom false)]
(fn [] [message-content-wrapper message
[react/touchable-highlight (when-not modal
{:disabled in-popover?
:on-press (fn []
(reset! show-timestamp? true))
:delay-long-press 100
:on-long-press (fn []
[{:on-press #(re-frame/dispatch [:chat.ui/reply-to-message message])
:id :reply
:label (i18n/label :t/message-reply)}
{:on-press #(react/copy-to-clipboard (get content :text))
:id :copy
:label (i18n/label :t/sharing-copy-to-clipboard)}]
(when message-pin-enabled [{:on-press #(pin-message message)
:label (if pinned (i18n/label :t/unpin) (i18n/label :t/pin))}]))))})
[react/view (style/message-view-wrapper outgoing)
[message-timestamp message show-timestamp?]
[react/view (style/message-view message)
[react/view {:style (style/message-view-content)}
[react/view {:style (style/style-message-text outgoing)}
(when (and (seq response-to) (:quoted-message message))
[quoted-message response-to (:quoted-message message) outgoing current-public-key public? pinned])
[react/text {:style (style/emoji-message message)}
(:text content)]]
[message-status message]]]]]
(defmethod ->message constants/content-type-sticker
[{:keys [content from outgoing in-popover?]
@ -556,14 +585,19 @@
(defmethod ->message constants/content-type-audio [message {:keys [on-long-press modal]
:as reaction-picker}]
[message-content-wrapper message
[react/touchable-highlight (when-not modal
(fn [] (on-long-press []))})
[react/view {:style (style/message-view message) :accessibility-label :audio-message}
[react/view {:style (style/message-view-content)}
[ message [message-timestamp message false]]]]]
(let [show-timestamp? (reagent/atom false)]
(fn [] [message-content-wrapper message
[react/touchable-highlight (when-not modal
(fn [] (on-long-press []))
:on-press (fn []
(reset! show-timestamp? true))})
[react/view (style/message-view-wrapper (:outgoing message))
[message-timestamp message show-timestamp?]
[react/view {:style (style/message-view message) :accessibility-label :audio-message}
[react/view {:style (style/message-view-content)}
[ message] [message-status message]]]]]
(defmethod ->message :default [message]
[message-content-wrapper message

View File

@ -43,5 +43,5 @@
:justify-content :space-between})
(defn timestamp [outgoing]
(merge ( outgoing)
(merge ( outgoing)
{:margin-left 40}))

View File

@ -29,11 +29,33 @@
(def message-timestamp
{:font-size 10})
(defn message-timestamp-placeholder
(defn message-status-placeholder
(merge message-timestamp {:opacity 0 :color "rgba(0,0,0,0)"}))
(defn message-timestamp-text
(defn message-timestamp-wrapper [{:keys [last-in-group? outgoing group-chat]}]
{:justify-content :center
(if outgoing :margin-right :margin-left) 12 ;; horizontal margin is only required at the adjust side of the message.
:margin-top (if (and last-in-group?
(or outgoing
(not group-chat)))
0) ;; Add gap between message groups
:opacity 0})
(defn message-timestamp-text []
(merge message-timestamp
{:color colors/gray
:text-align :center}))
(defn message-status-text [outgoing]
{:font-size 10
:line-height 10
:color (if outgoing
(defn audio-message-timestamp-text
(merge message-timestamp
{:line-height 10
@ -44,7 +66,7 @@
(defn message-wrapper [{:keys [outgoing in-popover?]}]
(if (and outgoing (not in-popover?))
{:margin-left 96}
{:margin-right 52}))
{:margin-right 96}))
(defn message-author-wrapper
[outgoing display-photo? in-popover?]
@ -156,10 +178,10 @@
:padding-left 3})
(defn emoji-message
[{:keys [incoming-group]}]
[{:keys [incoming-group outgoing]}]
{:font-size 28
:line-height 34 ;TODO: Smaller crops the icon on the top
:margin-right 12
:margin-right (if outgoing 18 0) ;; Margin to display outgoing message status
:margin-top (if incoming-group 4 0)})
(defn collapse-button []
@ -171,6 +193,10 @@
:shadow-color (:shadow-01 @colors/theme)
:shadow-offset {:width 0 :height 4}})
(defn message-view-wrapper [outgoing]
{:align-self :flex-end
:flex-direction (if outgoing :row :row-reverse)})
(defn message-view
[{:keys [content-type outgoing group-chat last-in-group? mentioned pinned]}]