mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 23:06:43 +00:00
[slow sign in] Adding symkeys and filters in batch
This commit changes the way how keys are restored: 1. batch of `ssh.addSymKey` requests for all sym keys is sent at once 2. `:status-im.transport.core/sym-keys-added` event is dispatched with results of all successful `ssh.addSymKey` calls 3. filter is created via `ssh.newMessageFilter` 4. `:shh.callback/filters-added` event is dispatched with all added filters as a parameter 5. profit In ideal case only 2 `re-frame` events are dispatched.
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
:web3/fetch-node-version [web3
[:web3/fetch-node-version-callback %])]}
(protocol/initialize-protocol address)
#(when-not platform/desktop?
(initialize-wallet %)))
(account-and-db-password-do-not-match cofx error)))))
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
(fx/defn initialize-protocol
[{:data-store/keys [transport mailserver-topics mailservers]
:keys [db web3] :as cofx} address]
:keys [db web3] :as cofx}]
(let [network (get-in db [:account/account :network])
network-id (str (get-in db [:account/account :networks network :config :NetworkId]))]
(fx/merge cofx
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
:network-id network-id}}
(mailserver/initialize-mailserver mailservers)
(transport/init-whisper address))))
(fx/defn handle-close-app-confirmed
@ -17,22 +17,23 @@
- adding fixed shh discovery filter
- restoring existing symetric keys along with their unique filters
- (optionally) initializing mailserver"
[{:keys [db web3] :as cofx} current-account-id]
[{:keys [db web3] :as cofx}]
(log/debug :init-whisper)
(when-let [public-key (get-in db [:account/account :public-key])]
(let [sym-key-added-callback (fn [chat-id sym-key sym-key-id]
(re-frame/dispatch [::sym-key-added {:chat-id chat-id
:sym-key sym-key
:sym-key-id sym-key-id}]))
topic (transport.utils/get-topic constants/contact-discovery)]
(let [topic (transport.utils/get-topic constants/contact-discovery)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:shh/add-discovery-filter {:web3 web3
:private-key-id public-key
:topic topic}
:shh/restore-sym-keys {:web3 web3
:transport (filter (comp :topic second) (:transport/chats db))
:on-success sym-key-added-callback}}
{:web3 web3
:private-key-id public-key
:topic topic}
{:web3 web3
:transport (keep (fn [[chat-id {:keys [topic sym-key]
:as chat}]]
(when (and topic sym-key)
(assoc chat :chat-id chat-id)))
(:transport/chats db))
:on-success #(re-frame/dispatch [::sym-keys-added %])}}
(message/resend-contact-messages [])))))
@ -42,17 +43,27 @@
;;it saves the sym-key-id in app-db to send messages later
;;and starts a filter to receive messages
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {:keys [chat-id sym-key sym-key-id]}]]
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ keys]]
(log/debug "PERF" ::sym-keys-added (count keys))
(let [web3 (:web3 db)
{:keys [topic] :as chat} (get-in db [:transport/chats chat-id])]
{:db (assoc-in db [:transport/chats chat-id :sym-key-id] sym-key-id)
:data-store/tx [(transport-store/save-transport-tx {:chat-id chat-id
:chat (assoc chat :sym-key-id sym-key-id)})]
:shh/add-filter {:web3 web3
:sym-key-id sym-key-id
:topic topic
:chat-id chat-id}})))
chats (:transport/chats db)
{:keys [updated-chats filters]}
(fn [{:keys [updated-chats filters]} chat]
(let [{:keys [chat-id sym-key-id]} chat
{:keys [topic]} (get updated-chats chat-id)]
{:updated-chats (assoc-in updated-chats
[chat-id :sym-key-id] sym-key-id)
:filters (conj filters {:sym-key-id sym-key-id
:topic topic
:chat-id chat-id})}))
{:updated-chats chats
:filters []}
{:db (assoc db :transport/chats updated-chats)
:shh/add-filters {:web3 web3
:filters filters}})))
;;TODO (yenda) uncomment and rework once go implements persistence
#_(doseq [[chat-id {:keys [sym-key-id topic] :as chat}] transport]
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(log/debug :stop-watching filter))
(defn add-filter!
[web3 {:keys [topics to] :as options} callback chat-id]
[web3 {:keys [topics] :as options} callback chat-id]
(let [options (assoc options :allowP2P true)]
(log/debug :add-filter options)
(when-let [filter (.newMessageFilter (utils/shh web3)
@ -27,6 +27,24 @@
#(log/warn :add-filter-error (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js options)) %))]
(re-frame/dispatch [:shh.callback/filter-added (first topics) chat-id filter]))))
(defn add-filters!
[web3 filters]
(log/debug "PERF" :add-filters (first filters))
(fn [{:keys [options callback chat-id]}]
(when-let [filter (.newMessageFilter
(utils/shh web3)
(clj->js (assoc options :allowP2P true))
#(log/warn :add-filter-error
(.stringify js/JSON (clj->js options)) %))]
{:topic (first (:topics options))
:chat-id chat-id
:filter filter}))
(fn [{:keys [web3 sym-key-id topic chat-id]}]
@ -36,6 +54,24 @@
(re-frame/dispatch [:transport/messages-received js-error js-message chat-id]))]
(add-filter! web3 params callback chat-id))))
(fn [{:keys [web3 filters]}]
(log/debug "PERF" :shh/add-filters)
(let [filters
(fn [acc {:keys [sym-key-id topic chat-id]}]
(conj acc
{:options {:topics [topic]
:symKeyID sym-key-id}
:callback (fn [js-error js-message]
(re-frame/dispatch [:transport/messages-received
js-error js-message chat-id]))
:chat-id chat-id}))
(add-filters! web3 filters))))
(fn [{:keys [web3 private-key-id topic]}]
@ -55,6 +91,7 @@
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ topic chat-id filter]]
(log/debug "PERF" :shh.callback/filter-added)
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc-in db [:transport/filters chat-id] filter)}
@ -62,6 +99,27 @@
:chat-id chat-id})
(fx/defn add-filter
[{:keys [db]} chat-id filter]
{:db (assoc-in db [:transport/filters chat-id] filter)})
(fn [cofx [_ filters]]
(log/debug "PERF" :shh.callback/filters-added)
(let [filters-fx-fns
(fn [{:keys [topic chat-id filter]}]
[(add-filter chat-id filter)
(mailserver/upsert-mailserver-topic {:topic topic
:chat-id chat-id})])
(apply fx/merge cofx
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ chat-id]]
@ -151,6 +151,31 @@
(on-success resp)
(on-error err))))))
(defn add-sym-keys-batch
[{:keys [web3 keys on-success on-error]}]
(let [batch (.createBatch web3)
results (atom [])
total (count keys)
counter (atom 0)
callback (fn [chat-id sym-key err resp]
(swap! counter inc)
(if err
(on-error err)
(swap! results conj {:chat-id chat-id
:sym-key sym-key
:sym-key-id resp}))
(when (= @counter total)
(on-success @results)))]
(log/debug "PERF" :add-sym-key-batch total)
(doseq [{:keys [chat-id sym-key]} keys]
(let [request (.. web3
(request sym-key
(partial callback chat-id sym-key)))]
(.add batch request)))
(.execute batch)))
(defn get-sym-key
[{:keys [web3 sym-key-id on-success on-error]}]
(.. web3
@ -174,15 +199,13 @@
;;TODO (yenda) remove once go implements persistence
(fn [{:keys [web3 transport on-success]}]
(doseq [[chat-id {:keys [sym-key]}] transport]
(when sym-key
(add-sym-key {:web3 web3
:sym-key sym-key
:on-success (fn [sym-key-id]
(on-success chat-id sym-key sym-key-id))
:on-error log-error})))))
(log/debug "PERF" :shh/restore-sym-keys-batch (.now js/Date))
(add-sym-keys-batch {:web3 web3
:keys transport
:on-success on-success
:on-error log-error})))
(defn add-new-sym-key [{:keys [web3 sym-key on-success]}]
(add-sym-key {:web3 web3
@ -6,16 +6,19 @@
(deftest init-whisper
(let [cofx {:db {:account/account {:public-key "1"}
:transport/chats {"1" {:topic "topic-1"}
:transport/chats {"1" {:topic "topic-1"
:sym-key "sk1"}
"2" {}
"3" {:topic "topic-3"}}
:semaphores #{}}}]
"3" {:topic "topic-3"
:sym-key "sk3"}}
:semaphores #{}}}]
(testing "it adds the discover filter"
(is (= {:web3 nil :private-key-id "1" :topic "0xf8946aac"}
(:shh/add-discovery-filter (transport/init-whisper cofx "user-address")))))
(:shh/add-discovery-filter (transport/init-whisper cofx)))))
(testing "it restores the sym-keys"
(is (= [["1" {:topic "topic-1"}] ["3" {:topic "topic-3"}]]
(-> (transport/init-whisper cofx "user-address") :shh/restore-sym-keys :transport))))
(is (= [{:topic "topic-1", :sym-key "sk1", :chat-id "1"}
{:topic "topic-3", :sym-key "sk3", :chat-id "3"}]
(-> (transport/init-whisper cofx) :shh/restore-sym-keys-batch :transport))))
(testing "custom mailservers"
(let [ms-1 {:id "1"
:fleet :eth.beta
@ -48,7 +51,7 @@
(is (= expected-mailservers
(-> (get-in
(protocol/initialize-protocol cofx-with-ms "user-address")
(protocol/initialize-protocol cofx-with-ms)
[:db :mailserver/mailservers])
(update-in [:eth.beta "1"] dissoc :generating-sym-key?)
(update-in [:eth.beta "2"] dissoc :generating-sym-key?)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user