mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 07:41:11 +00:00
fix cursor position for command input
This commit is contained in:
@ -151,7 +151,8 @@
(-> db
(commands/set-command-input (or type :commands) command-key)
(assoc-in [:chats current-chat-id :command-input :content] cu/command-prefix)
(assoc :disable-input true)))
(assoc :disable-input true)
(assoc :just-set-command? true)))
(register-handler :set-chat-command
[(after invoke-suggestions-handler!)
@ -305,4 +306,4 @@
(defn fib-lazy
([] (fib-lazy 0 1))
([x1 x2] (cons x1 (lazy-seq (fib-lazy x2 (+ x1 x2))))))
([x1 x2] (cons x1 (lazy-seq (fib-lazy x2 (+ x1 x2))))))
@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
[status-im.accessibility-ids :as id]
[reagent.core :as r]
[clojure.string :as str]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]))
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[clojure.string :as s]
[status-im.commands.utils :refer [command-prefix]]))
(defn send-button [{:keys [on-press accessibility-label]}]
[touchable-highlight {:on-press on-press
@ -40,9 +42,15 @@
:multiline true
:editable (not disable?)})
(defn command-input-options [{:keys [icon-width disable? sending-disabled?]}]
(defn command-input-options [{:keys [icon-width disable? sending-disabled? flag]}]
{:style (st-response/command-input icon-width disable?)
:on-change-text (when-not disable? command/set-input-message)
:on-change-text (when-not disable? (fn [text]
;; update flag only when the first
;; character was added to commands input
(when (and (s/starts-with? text command-prefix)
(= (inc (count command-prefix)) (count text)))
(reset! flag true))
(command/set-input-message text)))
:on-submit-editing (fn []
(when-not sending-disabled?
(dispatch [:send-command!])))
@ -62,6 +70,21 @@
(assoc options :placeholder ""))))
(defn get-selection
[{:keys [focused? flag input-command command? just-set?]}]
(cond (and command?
(= input-command command-prefix)
(not just-set?))
{:start 2
:end 2}
(and focused? flag)
{:start 3
:end 3}
:else nil))
(defview message-input [set-layout-size]
[input-message [:get-chat-input-text]
input-command [:get-chat-command-content]
@ -72,24 +95,49 @@
command? [:command?]
parameter [:get-command-parameter]
type [:command-type]
sending-disabled? [:chat-ui-props :sending-disabled?]]
(if command?
(command-input-options {:icon-width icon-width
:disable? disable?
:sendind-disabled? sending-disabled?})
(plain-input-options {:set-layout-size-fn set-layout-size
:disable? (or disable? (not active?))}))
{:placeholder-text-color :#c0c5c9
:auto-focus (when command?
(not (:fullscreen command)))
:accessibility-label id/chat-message-input
:default-value (if command?
(or input-command "")
(or input-message ""))}
(when command?
(get-options parameter type)))])
just-set? [:get :just-set-command?]
sending-disabled? [:chat-ui-props :sending-disabled?]
state {:input (atom nil)
:focused? (atom nil)
:3-symbols-flag (r/atom false)}]
{:component-did-update (fn []
(when just-set?
(dispatch [:set :just-set-command? false]))
(when @(:3-symbols-flag state)
(reset! (:3-symbols-flag state) false))
(when (and command?
(not (:fullscreen command)))
(.focus @(:input state))))}
@(:3-symbols-flag state)
(if command?
(command-input-options {:icon-width icon-width
:disable? disable?
:sendind-disabled? sending-disabled?
:flag (:3-symbols-flag state)})
(plain-input-options {:set-layout-size-fn set-layout-size
:disable? (or disable? (not active?))}))
{:placeholder-text-color :#c0c5c9
:onFocus #(reset! (:focused? state) true)
:onBlur #(reset! (:focused? state) false)
:auto-focus (when command? (not (:fullscreen command)))
:ref #(reset! (:input state) %)
:accessibility-label id/chat-message-input
;; for some reason app crashes when this property is not nil and
;; input is not focused
:selection (get-selection {:focused? @(:focused? state)
:flag @(:3-symbols-flag state)
:input-command input-command
:command? command?
:just-set? just-set?})
:default-value (if command?
(or input-command "")
(or input-message ""))}
(when command?
(get-options parameter type)))]))
(defn plain-message-get-initial-state [_]
{:height 0})
@ -125,10 +173,10 @@
(let [on-press (if @command?
#(dispatch [:send-command!])
[send-button {:on-press (fn [e]
(when-not @sending-disabled?
(dispatch [:set-chat-ui-props :show-emoji? false])
(on-press e)))
[send-button {:on-press (fn [e]
(when-not @sending-disabled?
(dispatch [:set-chat-ui-props :show-emoji? false])
(on-press e)))
:accessibility-label id/chat-send-button}]))
(when (and @command? (= :command (:type @command)))
[command/command-icon @command])]]))})))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user