[#13965 #13966 #13969] Implement accept/decline/open chat for contact requests (#14073)

Notification reconciliation is now implemented, which means new notifications
are "merged" with existing app db notifications. The original implementation was
not compatible with the way notifications are fetched by read/unread status.

Unit tests were written to cover event handlers in the new
status-im.activity-center.core namespace. New test utilities were added for two
main reasons: 1) reduce test clutter to arrange data, and 2) to spy on effects
to make sure they are dispatched correctly.
This commit is contained in:
Icaro Motta 2022-09-27 10:05:03 -03:00 committed by GitHub
parent ba1ff91cdd
commit ca144fbe1b
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 339 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
:align-items :flex-start
:flex 1}
[status-tags/status-tag {:size :small
:label (:label status)
:status status}]])
(defn- activity-title

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@ -5,6 +5,34 @@
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]))
;;;; Notification reconciliation
(defn- update-notifications
[old new]
(let [ids-to-be-removed (->> new
(filter #(or (:dismissed %) (:accepted %)))
(map :id))
grouped-new (apply dissoc (group-by :id new) ids-to-be-removed)
grouped-old (apply dissoc (group-by :id old) ids-to-be-removed)]
(->> (merge grouped-old grouped-new)
(map first))))
(fx/defn notifications-reconcile
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile]}
[{:keys [db]} new-notifications]
(let [{read-new true
unread-new false} (group-by :read new-notifications)
read-old (get-in db [:activity-center :notifications-read :data])
unread-old (get-in db [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data])]
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-read :data]
(update-notifications read-old read-new))
(assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data]
(update-notifications unread-old unread-new)))}))
;;;; Notifications fetching and pagination
(def notifications-per-page
@ -29,11 +57,11 @@
{:db (assoc-in db [:activity-center notifications-group :loading?] true)
::json-rpc/call [{:method (notifications-group->rpc-method notifications-group)
:params [cursor notifications-per-page]
:on-success #(re-frame/dispatch [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-success notifications-group %])
:on-error #(re-frame/dispatch [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-error notifications-group %])}]}))
:on-success #(re-frame/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-success notifications-group %])
:on-error #(re-frame/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error notifications-group %])}]}))
(fx/defn notifications-fetch-first-page
{:events [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-first-page]}
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page]}
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [status-filter] :or {status-filter :unread}}]
(let [notifications-group (notifications-read-status->group status-filter)]
(fx/merge cofx
@ -44,7 +72,7 @@
(notifications-fetch start-or-end-cursor notifications-group))))
(fx/defn notifications-fetch-next-page
{:events [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-next-page]}
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-next-page]}
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [status-filter (get-in db [:activity-center :current-status-filter])
notifications-group (notifications-read-status->group status-filter)
@ -53,7 +81,7 @@
(notifications-fetch cofx cursor notifications-group))))
(fx/defn notifications-fetch-success
{:events [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-success]}
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-success]}
[{:keys [db]} notifications-group {:keys [cursor notifications]}]
{:db (-> db
(update-in [:activity-center notifications-group] dissoc :loading?)
@ -63,7 +91,7 @@
(map data-store.activities/<-rpc notifications)))})
(fx/defn notifications-fetch-error
{:events [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-error]}
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error]}
[{:keys [db]} notifications-group error]
(log/warn "Failed to load Activity Center notifications" error)
{:db (update-in db [:activity-center notifications-group] dissoc :loading?)})

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
(ns status-im.activity-center.core-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[day8.re-frame.test :as rf-test]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[status-im.ethereum.json-rpc :as json-rpc]
[status-im.test-helpers :as h]
(defn setup []
(rf/dispatch [:init/app-started]))
(deftest notifications-reconcile-test
(testing "does nothing when there are no new notifications"
(let [read [{:id "0x1" :read true}]
unread [{:id "0x4" :read false}]]
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-read :data] read])
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data] unread])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile nil])
(is (= read (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-read :data])))
(is (= unread (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data]))))))
(testing "removes dismissed or accepted notifications"
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-read :data]
[{:id "0x1" :read true}
{:id "0x2" :read true}
{:id "0x3" :read true}]])
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data]
[{:id "0x4" :read false}
{:id "0x5" :read false}
{:id "0x6" :read false}]])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile
[{:id "0x1" :read true :dismissed true}
{:id "0x3" :read true :accepted true}
{:id "0x4" :read false :dismissed true}
{:id "0x5" :read false :accepted true}]])
(is (= [{:id "0x2" :read true}]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-read :data])))
(is (= [{:id "0x6" :read false}]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data])))))
(testing "replaces old notifications with newly arrived ones"
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-read :data]
[{:id "0x1" :read true}
{:id "0x2" :read true}]])
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data]
[{:id "0x3" :read false}
{:id "0x4" :read false}]])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile
[{:id "0x1" :read true :name "ABC"}
{:id "0x3" :read false :name "XYZ"}]])
(is (= [{:id "0x1" :read true :name "ABC"}
{:id "0x2" :read true}]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-read :data])))
(is (= [{:id "0x3" :read false :name "XYZ"}
{:id "0x4" :read false}]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data]))))))
(deftest notifications-fetch-test
(testing "fetches first page"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks ::json-rpc/call
:on-success (constantly {:cursor "10"
:notifications [{:chatId "0x1"}]}))
(h/spy-fx spy-queue ::json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page])
(is (= :unread (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :current-status-filter])))
(is (nil? (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :loading?])))
(is (= "10" (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :cursor])))
(is (= "" (get-in @spy-queue [0 :args 0 :params 0])))
(is (= [{:chat-id "0x1"}]
(->> (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data])
(map #(select-keys % [:chat-id]))))))))
(testing "does not fetch next page when pagination cursor reached the end"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/spy-fx spy-queue ::json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :current-status-filter] :unread])
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-unread :cursor] ""])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-next-page])
(is (= [] @spy-queue)))))
(testing "fetches next page when pagination cursor is not empty"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks ::json-rpc/call
:on-success (constantly {:cursor ""
:notifications [{:chatId "0x1"}]}))
(h/spy-fx spy-queue ::json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :current-status-filter] :unread])
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-unread :cursor] "10"])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-next-page])
(is (= "wakuext_unreadActivityCenterNotifications" (get-in @spy-queue [0 :args 0 :method])))
(is (= "10" (get-in @spy-queue [0 :args 0 :params 0])))
(is (= "" (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :cursor])))
(is (= [{:chat-id "0x1"}]
(->> (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :data])
(map #(select-keys % [:chat-id]))))))))
(testing "does not fetch next page while it is still loading"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/spy-fx spy-queue ::json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :current-status-filter] :read])
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-read :cursor] "10"])
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-read :loading?] true])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-next-page])
(is (= [] @spy-queue)))))
(testing "resets loading flag after an error"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks ::json-rpc/call :on-error (constantly :fake-error))
(h/spy-event-fx spy-queue :activity-center.notifications/fetch-error)
(h/spy-fx spy-queue ::json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :current-status-filter] :unread])
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications-unread :cursor] ""])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page])
(is (nil? (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications-unread :loading?])))
(is (= [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error
(:args (last @spy-queue))))))))

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
(ns status-im.test-helpers
"Utilities for simplifying the process of writing tests and improving test
Avoid coupling this namespace with particularities of the Status' domain, thus
prefer to use it for more general purpose concepts, such as the re-frame event
(:require [re-frame.core :as rf]
[re-frame.registrar :as rf-registrar]
[re-frame.events :as rf-events]
[re-frame.db :as rf-db]))
(defn db
"A simple wrapper to get the latest value from the app db."
(defn register-helper-events
"Register utility events for testing.
Note that re-frame-test removes such events if they're declared in the scope
of the macro `day8.re-frame.test/run-test-sync` (or the async variant)."
(fn [db [_ keys value]]
(assoc-in db keys value))))
(defn spy-event-fx
"Re-register event effect using id `id`, but conj to `state` the event
arguments before calling the original handler.
Callers of this function can later on deref `state` to make assertions.
It's recommended to run this function in the scope of the macro
`day8.re-frame.test/run-test-sync` (or the async variant) as they
automatically clean up effects."
[state id]
(let [interceptors (get-in @rf-registrar/kind->id->handler [:event id])]
(concat (butlast interceptors)
(list {:id :test/spy-event-fx
:before (fn [context]
(swap! state conj {:id id :args (get-in context [:coeffects :event])})
(last interceptors))))))
(defn spy-fx
"Re-register effect using id `id`, but conj to `state` the effect arguments
before calling the original effect handler.
Callers of this function can later on inspect `state` to make assertions.
It's recommended to run this function in the scope of the macro
`day8.re-frame.test/run-test-sync` (or the async variant) as they
automatically clean up effects."
[state id]
(let [original-fn (get-in @rf-registrar/kind->id->handler [:fx id])]
(fn [fx-args]
(swap! state conj {:id id :args fx-args})
(original-fn fx-args)))))
(defn stub-fx-with-callbacks
"Re-register effect using id `id` with a no-op version.
This function is useful to redefine effects that expect callbacks, usually to
pass downstream dummy data to successful/failure events. In re-frame parlance,
such effects accept on-success and on-error keywords.
The original effect handler for `id` is expected to receive a single map as
argument with either :on-success or :on-error keywords.
This function expects to receive either `on-success` or `on-error`, but not
both. If both are passed, `on-error` will be preferred."
[id & {:keys [on-success on-error]}]
(fn [[fx-map]]
(let [original-on-error (:on-error fx-map)
original-on-success (:on-success fx-map)]
(cond (and original-on-error on-error)
(original-on-error (on-error fx-map))
(and original-on-success on-success)
(original-on-success (on-success fx-map)))))))

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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Definition of the StatusMessage protocol"}
(:require [status-im.chat.models.message :as models.message]
(:require [status-im.activity-center.core :as activity-center]
[status-im.chat.models.message :as models.message]
[status-im.chat.models.pin-message :as models.pin-message]
[status-im.chat.models :as models.chat]
[status-im.chat.models.reactions :as models.reactions]
[status-im.utils.config :as config]
[status-im.contact.core :as models.contact]
[status-im.communities.core :as models.communities]
[status-im.pairing.core :as models.pairing]
@ -70,8 +72,13 @@
(js-delete response-js "activityCenterNotifications")
(fx/merge cofx
(if (and @config/new-ui-enabled? @config/new-activity-center-enabled?)
(->> activity-notifications
(map data-store.activities/<-rpc)
(notifications-center/handle-activities (map data-store.activities/<-rpc
(types/js->clj activity-notifications)))
(types/js->clj activity-notifications))))
(process-next response-js sync-handler)))
(seq installations)

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
(ns status-im.ui.components.topnav
(:require [quo2.components.buttons.button :as quo2.button]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[quo2.components.buttons.button :as quo2.button]
[status-im.qr-scanner.core :as qr-scanner]
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [<sub]]
[status-im.i18n.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.qr-scanner.core :as qr-scanner]
[status-im.ui.components.react :as react]
[status-im.ui.screens.home.styles :as styles]
[status-im.ui.components.react :as react]))
[status-im.utils.config :as config]
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [<sub]]))
(defn qr-scanner []
@ -39,7 +39,9 @@
:accessibility-label :notifications-button
:on-press #(do
(re-frame/dispatch [:mark-all-activity-center-notifications-as-read])
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :notifications-center]))}
(if (and @config/new-ui-enabled? @config/new-activity-center-enabled?)
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :activity-center])
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :notifications-center])))}
(when (pos? notif-count)
[react/view {:style (merge (styles/counter-public-container) {:top 5 :right 5})

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns status-im.ui.screens.activity-center.views
(:require [quo.react-native :as rn]
(:require [quo.components.animated.pressable :as animation]
[quo.react-native :as rn]
[quo2.components.buttons.button :as button]
[quo2.components.notifications.activity-logs :as activity-logs]
[quo2.components.tags.context-tags :as context-tags]
@ -64,20 +65,35 @@
(defn activity-buttons
[{:keys [type]}]
[{:keys [id type]}]
(case type
{:button-1 {:label (i18n/label :t/decline)
:type :danger}
:type :danger
:on-press #(>evt [:contact-requests.ui/decline-request id])}
:button-2 {:label (i18n/label :t/accept)
:type :success}}
:type :success
:on-press #(>evt [:contact-requests.ui/accept-request id])}}
(defn activity-pressable
[notification & children]
(case (get-in notification [:message :contact-request-state])
;; NOTE [2022-09-21]: We need to dispatch to
;; `:contact.ui/send-message-pressed` instead of
;; `:chat.ui/navigate-to-chat`, otherwise the chat screen looks completely
;; broken if it has never been opened before for the accepted contact.
[animation/pressable {:on-press #(>evt [:contact.ui/send-message-pressed {:public-key (:author notification)}])}
[:<> children]))
(defn render-notification
[notification index]
[rn/view {:flex 1
:flex-direction :column
:margin-top (if (= 0 index) 0 4)}
[activity-pressable notification
(merge {:context (activity-context notification)
:icon (activity-icon notification)
@ -86,7 +102,7 @@
:timestamp (datetime/timestamp->relative (:timestamp notification))
:title (activity-title notification)
:unread? (not (:read notification))}
(activity-buttons notification))]])
(activity-buttons notification))]]])
(defn notifications-list
@ -94,12 +110,12 @@
[rn/flat-list {:style {:padding-horizontal 8}
:data notifications
:key-fn :id
:on-end-reached #(>evt [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-next-page])
:on-end-reached #(>evt [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-next-page])
:render-fn render-notification}]))
(defn activity-center []
{:component-did-mount #(>evt [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-first-page {:status-filter :unread}])
{:component-did-mount #(>evt [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page {:status-filter :unread}])
(fn []
@ -107,8 +123,8 @@
:title (i18n/label :t/activity)}]
;; TODO(ilmotta): Temporary solution to switch between read/unread
;; notifications while the Design team works on the mockups.
[button/button {:on-press #(>evt [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-first-page {:status-filter :unread}])}
[button/button {:on-press #(>evt [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page {:status-filter :unread}])}
[button/button {:on-press #(>evt [:activity-center/notifications-fetch-first-page {:status-filter :read}])}
[button/button {:on-press #(>evt [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page {:status-filter :read}])}

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@ -274,7 +274,9 @@
:accessibility-label :notifications-button
:on-press #(do
(re-frame/dispatch [:mark-all-activity-center-notifications-as-read])
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :notifications-center]))}
(if (and @config/new-ui-enabled? @config/new-activity-center-enabled?)
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :activity-center])
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :notifications-center])))}
[icons/icon :main-icons/notification2 {:color (quo2.colors/theme-colors quo2.colors/black quo2.colors/white)}]]
(when (pos? notif-count)
[react/view {:style (merge (styles/counter-public-container) {:top 5 :right 5})

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@ -177,3 +177,8 @@
(def wallet-connect-project-id "87815d72a81d739d2a7ce15c2cfdefb3")
(def new-ui-enabled? (atom false))
;; TODO: Remove this (highly) temporary flag once the new Activity Center is
;; usable enough to replace the old one **in the new UI**.
(def new-activity-center-enabled?
(atom false))