Use dedup-id instead of raw-payload

This is a backward/forward compatible change with status-go.
We are changing the way messages are confirmed from passing the
raw-object to status-go to a dedup-id instead, which needs to be sent
Based on the response from status-go we detect whether they are ids or
object and act accordingly.

Signed-off-by: Andrea Maria Piana <>
This commit is contained in:
Andrea Maria Piana 2019-02-17 19:27:34 +01:00
parent 8812c0f8bc
commit becb32d5e7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: AA6CCA6DE0E06424
9 changed files with 58 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"string_decoder": "0.10.31",
"text-encoding": "^0.6.4",
"url": "0.10.3",
"web3": "git+",
"web3": "git+",
"web3-utils": "1.0.0-beta.36",
"hi-base32": "0.5.0"

View File

@ -6014,7 +6014,6 @@ react-native-splash-screen@3.1.1:
version "2.3.4"
resolved "git+"
version "6.5.2"
resolved ""
@ -7423,9 +7422,9 @@ web3-utils@1.0.0-beta.36:
underscore "1.8.3"
utf8 "2.1.1"
version "0.20.1"
resolved "git+"
resolved "git+"
bignumber.js "git+"
crypto-js "^3.1.4"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;; Seen messages
(fx/defn receive-seen
[{:keys [db js-obj]} chat-id sender {:keys [message-ids]}]
[{:keys [db js-obj dedup-id]} chat-id sender {:keys [message-ids]}]
(when-let [seen-messages-ids (-> (get-in db [:chats chat-id :messages])
(select-keys message-ids)
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
:data-store/tx [{:transaction (user-statuses-store/save-statuses-tx statuses)
:success-event [:message/messages-persisted [js-obj]]}]})))
:success-event [:message/messages-persisted [(or dedup-id js-obj)]]}]})))

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
(fx/defn add-message
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}
{{:keys [chat-id message-id clock-value timestamp from] :as message} :message
:keys [current-chat? batch? last-clock-value raw-message]}]
:keys [current-chat? batch? last-clock-value dedup-id raw-message]}]
(let [current-public-key (accounts.db/current-public-key cofx)
prepared-message (-> message
(prepare-message chat-id current-chat?)
@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
(fnil conj #{}) message-id))
:data-store/tx [(merge
{:transaction (messages-store/save-message-tx prepared-message)}
(when raw-message
(when (or dedup-id raw-message)
[:message/messages-persisted [raw-message]]}))]}
[:message/messages-persisted [(or dedup-id raw-message)]]}))]}
(when (and platform/desktop?
(not batch?)
(not (system-message? prepared-message)))
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
(fx/defn add-received-message
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}
{:keys [from message-id chat-id js-obj content] :as raw-message}]
{:keys [from message-id chat-id js-obj content dedup-id] :as raw-message}]
(let [{:keys [web3 current-chat-id view-id]} db
current-public-key (accounts.db/current-public-key cofx)
current-chat? (and (or (= :chat view-id)
@ -189,6 +189,7 @@
(fx/merge cofx
(add-message {:batch? true
:message message
:dedup-id dedup-id
:current-chat current-chat?
:raw-message js-obj})
;; Checking :outgoing here only works for now as we don't have a :seen

View File

@ -1463,8 +1463,8 @@
(fn [cofx [_ group-update raw-payload sender-signature]]
(group-chats/handle-membership-update cofx group-update raw-payload sender-signature)))
(fn [cofx [_ group-update message-info sender-signature]]
(group-chats/handle-membership-update cofx group-update message-info sender-signature)))
;; profile module

View File

@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
(fx/defn handle-membership-update-received
"Extract signatures in status-go and act if successful"
[cofx membership-update signature raw-payload]
{:group-chats/extract-membership-signature [[membership-update raw-payload signature]]})
[cofx membership-update signature message-info]
{:group-chats/extract-membership-signature [[membership-update message-info signature]]})
(defn chat->group-update
"Transform a chat in a GroupMembershipUpdate"
@ -180,21 +180,21 @@
(defn handle-extract-signature-response
"Callback to dispatch on extract signature response"
[payload raw-payload sender-signature response-js]
[payload message-info sender-signature response-js]
(let [{:keys [error identities]} (parse-response response-js)]
(if error
(re-frame/dispatch [:group-chats.callback/extract-signature-failed error])
(re-frame/dispatch [:group-chats.callback/extract-signature-success
(add-identities payload identities) raw-payload sender-signature]))))
(add-identities payload identities) message-info sender-signature]))))
(defn sign-membership [{:keys [chat-id events] :as payload}]
(native-module/sign-group-membership (signature-material chat-id events)
(partial handle-sign-response payload)))
(defn extract-membership-signature [payload raw-payload sender]
(defn extract-membership-signature [payload message-info sender]
(signature-pairs payload)
(partial handle-extract-signature-response payload raw-payload sender)))
(partial handle-extract-signature-response payload message-info sender)))
(defn- members-added-event [last-clock-value members]
{:type "members-added"
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
[cofx {:keys [chat-id
membership-updates] :as membership-update}
{:keys [raw-payload dedup-id]}
(let [dev-mode? (get-in cofx [:db :account/account :dev-mode?])]
(when (valid-chat-id? chat-id (extract-creator membership-update))
@ -515,7 +515,9 @@
(instance? protocol/Message message)
(= :group-user-message (:message-type message)))
(protocol/receive message chat-id sender-signature nil
(assoc % :js-obj #js {:payload raw-payload}))))))))
(assoc %
:dedup-id dedup-id
:js-obj #js {:payload raw-payload}))))))))
(defn handle-sign-success
"Upsert chat and send signed payload to group members"

View File

@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
(receive [this _ signature _ {:keys [js-obj] :as cofx}]
(group-chats/handle-membership-update-received cofx this signature (.-payload js-obj))))
(receive [this _ signature _ {:keys [dedup-id js-obj] :as cofx}]
(group-chats/handle-membership-update-received cofx this signature {:dedup-id dedup-id
:raw-payload (.-payload js-obj)})))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Definition of the StatusMessage protocol"}
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[goog.object :as o]
[ :as models.message]
[status-im.utils.config :as config]
[ :as transport-store]
@ -12,10 +13,28 @@
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]))
(defn unwrap-message
"Extract message from new payload {:id some-id :message some-message}
or old (just plain message)"
(let [clj-message (js->clj js-message :keywordize-keys true)
{:keys [message id]} clj-message]
{:message (or message clj-message)
:raw-payload (if message
(o/get js-message "message")
:id id}))
(fx/defn receive-message
"Receive message handles a new status-message.
dedup-id is passed by status-go and is used to deduplicate messages at that layer.
Once a message has been successfuly processed, that id needs to be sent back
in order to stop receiving that message"
[cofx now-in-s filter-chat-id js-message]
(let [blocked-contacts (get-in cofx [:db :contacts/blocked] #{})
{:keys [payload sig timestamp ttl]} (js->clj js-message :keywordize-keys true)
{{:keys [payload sig timestamp ttl]} :message
dedup-id :id
raw-payload :raw-payload} (unwrap-message js-message)
status-message (-> payload
@ -24,7 +43,7 @@
(not (blocked-contacts sig)))
(when-let [valid-message (protocol/validate status-message)]
(fx/merge (assoc cofx :js-obj js-message)
(fx/merge (assoc cofx :js-obj raw-payload :dedup-id dedup-id)
#(protocol/receive valid-message
@ -173,8 +192,14 @@
(keep :js-obj)
(apply array))]
(when (pos? (.-length js-messages))
(.confirmMessagesProcessed (transport.utils/shh web3)
(fn [err resp]
(when err
(log/info "Confirming messages processed failed"))))))))
(if (string? (first js-messages))
(.confirmMessagesProcessedByID (transport.utils/shh web3)
(fn [err resp]
(when err
(log/warn "Confirming messages processed failed" err))))
(.confirmMessagesProcessed (transport.utils/shh web3)
(fn [err resp]
(when err
(log/warn "Confirming messages processed failed" err)))))))))

View File

@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
:raw-payload-hash (transport.utils/sha3
(.-payload (:js-obj cofx)))
:from signature
:dedup-id (:dedup-id cofx)
:js-obj (:js-obj cofx))]})
(validate [this]
(if (spec/valid? :message/message this)