mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 08:40:50 +00:00
fix: generate_profile_url crash when login (#18364)
* fix: generate_profile_url.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 crash when login 'status_im.common.universal_links.generate_profile_url.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2' is undefined update the function to a fixed arity function * fix: schema/=> macro for :function schema Signed-off-by: yqrashawn <namy.19@gmail.com> --------- Signed-off-by: yqrashawn <namy.19@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,11 +5,17 @@
in non-debug environments.
`value` is first transformed via `malli.core/schema` to make sure we fail fast
and only register valid schemas."
and only register valid schemas.
Pass raw schema `value` instead of schema instance when it's `:function` schema
[sym value]
`(if ^boolean js/goog.DEBUG
(malli.core/=> ~sym (malli.core/schema ~value))
(let [schema-instance# (malli.core/schema ~value)]
(if (and (seq ~value) (= :function (first ~value)))
(malli.core/=> ~sym ~value)
(malli.core/=> ~sym schema-instance#)))
(catch js/Error e#
(taoensso.timbre/error "Failed to instrument function"
{:symbol ~sym :error e#})
@ -200,24 +200,23 @@
(handle-url url))))
(defn generate-profile-url
([cofx] (generate-profile-url cofx nil))
([{:keys [db]} [{:keys [public-key cb]}]]
(let [profile-public-key (get-in db [:profile/profile :public-key])
profile? (or (not public-key) (= public-key profile-public-key))
ens-name? (if profile?
(get-in db [:profile/profile :ens-name?])
(get-in db [:contacts/contacts public-key :ens-name]))
public-key (if profile? profile-public-key public-key)]
(when public-key
[{:method (if ens-name? "wakuext_shareUserURLWithENS" "wakuext_shareUserURLWithData")
:params [public-key]
:on-success (fn [url]
(rf/dispatch [:universal-links/save-profile-url public-key url])
(when (fn? cb) (cb)))
:on-error #(log/error "failed to wakuext_shareUserURLWithData"
{:error %
:public-key public-key})}]}))))
[{:keys [db]} [{:keys [public-key cb]}]]
(let [profile-public-key (get-in db [:profile/profile :public-key])
profile? (or (not public-key) (= public-key profile-public-key))
ens-name? (if profile?
(get-in db [:profile/profile :ens-name?])
(get-in db [:contacts/contacts public-key :ens-name]))
public-key (if profile? profile-public-key public-key)]
(when public-key
[{:method (if ens-name? "wakuext_shareUserURLWithENS" "wakuext_shareUserURLWithData")
:params [public-key]
:on-success (fn [url]
(rf/dispatch [:universal-links/save-profile-url public-key url])
(when (fn? cb) (cb)))
:on-error #(log/error "failed to wakuext_shareUserURLWithData"
{:error %
:public-key public-key})}]})))
(schema/=> generate-profile-url
@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.common.universal-links :as links]))
(def pubkey
(deftest handle-url-test
(testing "the user is not logged in"
(testing "it stores the url for later processing"
(is (= {:db {:universal-links/url "some-url"}}
(links/handle-url {:db {}} "some-url")))))
(is (match? {:db {:universal-links/url "some-url"}}
(links/handle-url {:db {}} "some-url")))))
(testing "the user is logged in"
(let [db {:profile/profile {:public-key "pk"}
:app-state "active"
@ -18,9 +21,9 @@
(is (nil? (get-in (links/handle-url {:db db} "some-url")
[:db :universal-links/url]))))
(testing "Handle a custom string"
(is (= (get-in (links/handle-url {:db db} "https://status.app/u#statuse2e")
[:router/handle-uri :uri])
(is (match? (get-in (links/handle-url {:db db} "https://status.app/u#statuse2e")
[:router/handle-uri :uri])
(deftest url-event-listener
(testing "the url is not nil"
@ -28,77 +31,58 @@
(let [actual (atom nil)]
(with-redefs [re-frame/dispatch #(reset! actual %)]
(links/url-event-listener #js {:url "some-url"})
(is (= [:universal-links/handle-url "some-url"] @actual))))))
(is (match? [:universal-links/handle-url "some-url"] @actual))))))
(testing "the url is nil"
(testing "it does not dispatches the url"
(let [actual (atom nil)]
(with-redefs [re-frame/dispatch #(reset! actual %)]
(links/url-event-listener #js {})
(is (= nil @actual)))))))
(is (match? nil @actual)))))))
(deftest generate-profile-url
(testing "user has ens name"
(testing "it calls the ens rpc method with ens name as param"
(let [pubkey "pubkey"
db {:profile/profile {:ens-name? true :public-key pubkey}}
rst (links/generate-profile-url {:db db})]
(are [result expected] (= result expected)
(let [db {:profile/profile {:ens-name? true :public-key pubkey}}
rst (links/generate-profile-url {:db db} [])]
(are [result expected] (match? result expected)
"wakuext_shareUserURLWithENS" (-> rst :json-rpc/call first :method)
pubkey (-> rst :json-rpc/call first :params first)))))
(testing "user has no ens name"
(testing "it calls the ens rpc method with public keyas param"
(let [pubkey "pubkey"
db {:profile/profile {:public-key pubkey}}
rst (links/generate-profile-url {:db db})]
(are [result expected] (= result expected)
(let [db {:profile/profile {:public-key pubkey}}
rst (links/generate-profile-url {:db db} [])]
(are [result expected] (match? result expected)
"wakuext_shareUserURLWithData" (-> rst :json-rpc/call first :method)
pubkey (-> rst :json-rpc/call first :params first)))))
(testing "contact has ens name"
(testing "it calls the ens rpc method with ens name as param"
(let [pubkey "pubkey"
ens "ensname.eth"
db {:contacts/contacts {pubkey {:ens-name ens}}}
rst (links/generate-profile-url {:db db} [{:public-key pubkey}])]
(are [result expected] (= result expected)
(let [ens "ensname.eth"
db {:contacts/contacts {pubkey {:ens-name ens}}}
rst (links/generate-profile-url {:db db} [{:public-key pubkey}])]
(are [result expected] (match? result expected)
"wakuext_shareUserURLWithENS" (-> rst :json-rpc/call first :method)
pubkey (-> rst :json-rpc/call first :params first)))))
(testing "contact has no ens name"
(testing "it calls the ens rpc method with public keyas param"
(let [pubkey "pubkey"
db {:contacts/contacts {pubkey {:public-key pubkey}}}
rst (links/generate-profile-url {:db db} [{:public-key pubkey}])]
(are [result expected] (= result expected)
(let [db {:contacts/contacts {pubkey {:public-key pubkey}}}
rst (links/generate-profile-url {:db db} [{:public-key pubkey}])]
(are [result expected] (match? result expected)
"wakuext_shareUserURLWithData" (-> rst :json-rpc/call first :method)
pubkey (-> rst :json-rpc/call first :params first))))))
(deftest save-profile-url
(testing "given a contact public key and profile url"
(testing "it updates the contact in db"
(let [pubkey "pubkey"
url "url"
db {:contacts/contacts {pubkey {:public-key pubkey}}}
rst (links/save-profile-url {:db db} [pubkey url])]
(is (= (get-in rst [:db :contacts/contacts pubkey :universal-profile-url]) url)))))
(let [url "url"
db {:contacts/contacts {pubkey {:public-key pubkey}}}
rst (links/save-profile-url {:db db} [pubkey url])]
(is (match? (get-in rst [:db :contacts/contacts pubkey :universal-profile-url]) url)))))
(testing "given a user public key and profile url"
(testing "it updates the user profile in db"
(let [pubkey "pubkey"
url "url"
db {:profile/profile {:public-key pubkey}}
rst (links/save-profile-url {:db db} [pubkey url])]
(is (= (get-in rst [:db :profile/profile :universal-profile-url]) url)))))
(testing "given a invalid url"
(testing "it returns the db untouched"
(let [pubkey "pubkey"
url "url"
db {:profile/profile {:public-key pubkey}}
rst (links/save-profile-url {:db db} ["invalid pubkey" url])]
(is (= (:db rst) db)))))
(testing "given a nil as url"
(testing "it returns nil"
(let [pubkey "pubkey"
db {:profile/profile {:public-key pubkey}}
rst (links/save-profile-url {:db db} ["invalid pubkey"])]
(is (nil? rst))))))
(let [url "url"
db {:profile/profile {:public-key pubkey}}
rst (links/save-profile-url {:db db} [pubkey url])]
(is (match? (get-in rst [:db :profile/profile :universal-profile-url]) url))))))
(deftest universal-link-test
(testing "universal-link?"
@ -80,9 +80,10 @@
[:cofx :schema.re-frame/cofx]
[:schema [:catn [:community-id [:? :string]]]]]]
[:db map?]
[:json-rpc/call :schema.common/rpc-call]]])
[:db map?]
[:json-rpc/call :schema.common/rpc-call]]]])
(rf/reg-event-fx :chat.ui/fetch-community fetch-community)
@ -124,9 +125,10 @@
[:cofx :schema.re-frame/cofx]
[:schema [:catn [:community-id [:? :string]]]]]]
[:db map?]
[:json-rpc/call :schema.common/rpc-call]]])
[:db map?]
[:json-rpc/call :schema.common/rpc-call]]]])
(rf/reg-event-fx :chat.ui/spectate-community spectate-community)
@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
:TryDatabase true
:WaitForResponse true}]}]}
(sut/fetch-community {} ["community-id"])))))
(t/testing "with nil community id"
(t/testing "with no community id"
(t/testing "do nothing"
(t/is (match?
(sut/fetch-community {} nil))))))
(sut/fetch-community {} []))))))
(t/deftest community-failed-to-resolve
(t/testing "given a community id"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user