Merge pull request #605 from status-im/feature/#557

Update public/private keys for discoveries (#557)
This commit is contained in:
Roman Volosovskyi 2017-01-16 13:05:30 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit ba3034f0cc
9 changed files with 110 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
account' (assoc account :network (or acc-network network))]
(accounts-store/save account' true)))
(defn send-account-update
(defn broadcast-account-update
[{:keys [current-account-id current-public-key web3 accounts]} _]
(let [{:keys [name photo-path status]} (get accounts current-account-id)
{:keys [updates-public-key updates-private-key]} (accounts current-account-id)]
@ -85,6 +85,19 @@
:status status
:profile-image photo-path}}}})))
(defn send-keys-update
[{:keys [current-account-id current-public-key web3 accounts contacts]} _]
(let [{:keys [name photo-path status]} (get accounts current-account-id)
{:keys [updates-public-key updates-private-key]} (accounts current-account-id)]
(doseq [id (u/identities contacts)]
{:web3 web3
:message {:from current-public-key
:to id
:message-id (random/id)
:payload {:keypair {:public updates-public-key
:private updates-private-key}}}}))))
@ -97,14 +110,27 @@
(when (seq hashtags)
(dispatch [:broadcast-status status hashtags]))))))))
(defn account-update
[{:keys [current-account-id accounts] :as db} data]
(let [data (assoc data :last-updated (time/now-ms))
account (merge (get accounts current-account-id) data)]
(assoc-in db [:accounts current-account-id] account)))
(-> (fn [{:keys [current-account-id accounts] :as db} [_ data]]
(let [data (assoc data :last-updated (time/now-ms))
account (merge (get accounts current-account-id) data)]
(assoc-in db [:accounts current-account-id] account)))
((after save-account!))
((after send-account-update))))
(-> (fn [db [_ data]]
(account-update db data))
((after save-account!))
((after broadcast-account-update))))
(-> (fn [db]
(let [{:keys [public private]} (protocol/new-keypair!)]
(account-update db {:updates-public-key public
:updates-private-key private})))
((after save-account!))
((after send-keys-update))))

View File

@ -231,14 +231,15 @@
(register-handler :set-contact-identity-from-qr set-contact-identity-from-qr)
(register-handler :contact-update-received
(fn [{:keys [chats current-public-key] :as db} [_ {:keys [from payload]}]]
(when (not= current-public-key from)
(let [{:keys [content timestamp]} payload
{:keys [status name profile-image]} (:profile content)
prev-last-updated (get-in db [:contacts from :last-updated])]
(if (<= prev-last-updated timestamp)
(when (<= prev-last-updated timestamp)
(let [contact {:whisper-identity from
:name name
:photo-path profile-image
@ -249,12 +250,27 @@
(dispatch [:update-chat! {:chat-id from
:name name}])))))))))
(register-handler :contact-online-received
(fn [db [_ {:keys [from payload]}]]
(let [{{:keys [public private]} :keypair
timestamp :timestamp} payload
prev-last-updated (get-in db [:contacts from :keys-last-updated])]
(when (<= prev-last-updated timestamp)
(let [contact {:whisper-identity from
:public-key public
:private-key private
:keys-last-updated timestamp}]
(dispatch [:update-contact! contact])))))))
(fn [db [_ {:keys [from]
{:keys [timestamp]} :payload}]]
{{:keys [timestamp]} :content} :payload}]]
(let [prev-last-online (get-in db [:contacts from :last-online])]
(when (< prev-last-online timestamp)
(when (and timestamp (< prev-last-online timestamp))
(protocol/reset-pending-messages! from)
(dispatch [:update-contact! {:whisper-identity from
:last-online timestamp}]))))))
@ -265,9 +281,11 @@
(fn [_ [_ {:keys [whisper-identity] :as contact}]]
(dispatch [:update-chat! {:chat-id whisper-identity
:pending-contact? true}])
(dispatch [:update-contact! (assoc contact :pending true)]))))
(dispatch [:update-contact! (assoc contact :pending true)])
(dispatch [:account-update-keys]))))
(register-handler :open-contact-menu
(fn [_ [_ list-selection-fn {:keys [name] :as contact}]]
(list-selection-fn {:title name

View File

@ -3,24 +3,25 @@
(def schema {:name :contact
:primaryKey :whisper-identity
:properties {:address {:type "string" :optional true}
:whisper-identity "string"
:name {:type "string" :optional true}
:photo-path {:type "string" :optional true}
:last-updated {:type "int" :default 0}
:last-online {:type "int" :default 0}
:pending {:type "bool" :default false}
:status {:type "string" :optional true}
:public-key {:type :string
:optional true}
:private-key {:type :string
:optional true}
:dapp? {:type :bool
:default false}
:dapp-url {:type :string
:optional true}
:dapp-hash {:type :int
:optional true}}})
:properties {:address {:type "string" :optional true}
:whisper-identity "string"
:name {:type "string" :optional true}
:photo-path {:type "string" :optional true}
:last-updated {:type "int" :default 0}
:last-online {:type "int" :default 0}
:pending {:type "bool" :default false}
:status {:type "string" :optional true}
:public-key {:type :string
:optional true}
:private-key {:type :string
:optional true}
:keys-last-updated {:type "int" :default 0}
:dapp? {:type :bool
:default false}
:dapp-url {:type :string
:optional true}
:dapp-hash {:type :int
:optional true}}})
(defn migration [_ _]
(log/debug "migrating contact schema"))

View File

@ -17,12 +17,6 @@
(assoc :tags [])
(assoc :discoveries {}))))
(defn identities [contacts]
(->> (map second contacts)
(remove (fn [{:keys [dapp? pending]}]
(or pending dapp?)))
(map :whisper-identity)))
(defmethod nav/preload-data! :discover
[db _]
(-> db
@ -46,7 +40,7 @@
:hashtags (vec hashtags)
:profile {:name name
:profile-image photo-path}}}]
(doseq [id (identities contacts)]
(doseq [id (u/identities contacts)]
{:web3 web3
:message (assoc message :to id)}))
@ -80,7 +74,7 @@
(register-handler :request-discoveries
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key web3 contacts]}]
(doseq [id (identities contacts)]
(doseq [id (u/identities contacts)]
(when-not (protocol/message-pending? web3 :discoveries-request id)
{:web3 web3

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
(def send-status! discoveries/send-status!)
(def send-discoveries-request! discoveries/send-discoveries-request!)
(def send-discoveries-response! discoveries/send-discoveries-response!)
(def update-keys! discoveries/update-keys!)
(def message-pending? d/message-pending?)

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
{:requires-ack? false
:type :online
:payload {:timestamp (u/timestamp)}
:payload {:content {:timestamp (u/timestamp)}}
:topics [(make-discover-topic (:from message))]})]
(d/add-pending-message! web3 message')))
@ -105,6 +105,26 @@
(get-in message [:payload :profile]))
(update :payload dissoc :profile))))
(s/def ::public string?)
(s/def ::private string?)
(s/def ::keypair (s/keys :req-un [::public ::private]))
(s/def :update-keys/payload
(s/keys :req-un [::keypair]))
(s/def :update-keys/message
(s/merge :protocol/message (s/keys :req-un [:update-keys/payload])))
(s/def :update-keys/options
(s/keys :req-un [:update-keys/message :options/web3]))
(defn update-keys!
[{:keys [web3 message] :as options}]
{:pre [(valid? :update-keys/options options)]}
(let [message (-> message
(assoc :type :update-keys
:requires-ack? false
:topics [(make-discover-topic (:from message))])
(assoc-in [:payload :timestamp] (u/timestamp)))]
(d/add-pending-message! web3 message)))
(s/def :status/payload
(s/merge :message/payload (s/keys :req-un [::status])))
(s/def :status/message

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
:discoveries-request (dispatch [:discoveries-request-received message])
:discoveries-response (dispatch [:discoveries-response-received message])
:profile (dispatch [:contact-update-received message])
:update-keys (dispatch [:update-keys-received message])
:online (dispatch [:contact-online-received message])
:pending (dispatch [:pending-message-upsert message])
:sent (let [{:keys [to id group-id]} message

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#{:group-message :group-invitation :add-group-identity
:remove-group-identity :leave-group :update-group})
(s/def :discover-message/type #{:online :status :discover :contact-request})
(s/def :discover-message/type #{:online :status :discover :contact-request :update-keys})
(s/def :message/type
(s/or :group :group-message/type

View File

@ -32,3 +32,9 @@
(re-seq #"#[^ !?,;:.]+" status))]
(set (or hashtags [])))
(defn identities [contacts]
(->> (map second contacts)
(remove (fn [{:keys [dapp? pending]}]
(or pending dapp?)))
(map :whisper-identity)))