fix #197 weird animation

Former-commit-id: b98293cedd
This commit is contained in:
Roman Volosovskyi 2016-08-26 12:37:13 +03:00
parent dacc9a5446
commit b9c5d84e90
1 changed files with 28 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -42,36 +42,17 @@
:style st/search-icon}
:handler (fn [])}}]])
(defn chats-list [{platform-specific :platform-specific}]
(let [chats (subscribe [:get :chats])
chats-scrolled? (subscribe [:get :chats-scrolled?])
animation? (subscribe [:animations :tabs-bar-animation?])
tabs-bar-value (subscribe [:animations :tabs-bar-value])
container-height (r/atom 0)
content-height (r/atom 0)]
(dispatch [:set :chats-scrolled? false])
(fn []
(defview chats-list [{platform-specific :platform-specific}]
[chats [:get :chats]]
;; todo what is this?!
#_(dispatch [:set :chats-scrolled? false])
[view st/chats-container
[chats-list-toolbar platform-specific]
[list-view {:dataSource (to-datasource @chats)
[list-view {:dataSource (to-datasource chats)
:renderRow (fn [row _ _]
(list-item [chat-list-item row]))
:style st/list-container
;;; if "maximizing" chat list will make scroll to 0,
;;; then disable maximazing
:onLayout (fn [event]
(when-not @chats-scrolled?
(let [height (.. event -nativeEvent -layout -height)]
(reset! container-height height))))
:onContentSizeChange (fn [width height]
(reset! content-height height))
:onScroll (fn [e]
(let [offset (.. e -nativeEvent -contentOffset -y)
min-content-height (+ @container-height tabs-height)
scrolled? (and (< 0 offset) (< min-content-height @content-height))]
(dispatch [:set :chats-scrolled? scrolled?])
(dispatch [:set-animation :tabs-bar-animation? true])))}]
[animated-view {:style (st/action-buttons-container @animation? (or @tabs-bar-value 0))
:style st/list-container}]
[view {:style (st/action-buttons-container false 0)
:pointerEvents :box-none}
[action-button {:buttonColor color-blue
:offsetY 16
@ -88,4 +69,4 @@
:onPress #(dispatch [:show-group-new])}
[ion-icon {:name :md-person
:style st/person-stalker-icon}]]]]