This commit is contained in:
Roman Volosovskyi 2016-11-21 17:11:11 +02:00
parent 3efb8a7bb8
commit ae856a9269
3 changed files with 27 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -187,6 +187,11 @@
(map #(vector (:message-id %) %))
(into {}))))))
(register-sub :get-request
(fn [_ [_ message-id]]
(let [requests (subscribe [:get-requests-map])]
(reaction (get @requests message-id)))))
(register-sub :get-current-request
(fn []
(let [requests (subscribe [:get-requests-map])

View File

@ -38,6 +38,15 @@
(when icon-path
[icon icon-path (st/command-icon color)])])
(defn request-info-text [name chat-id added]
(let [name' (shortened-name (or name chat-id) 20)]
(str "By " name' ", "
(dt/format-date "MMM" added)
" "
(dt/get-ordinal-date added)
" at "
(dt/format-date "HH:mm" added))))
(defview info-container
[{:keys [name chat-id]} [:get-current-chat]
@ -46,14 +55,7 @@
[text {:style st/command-name}
(str (:description command) " " (label :t/request))]
(when added
(let [name' (shortened-name (or name chat-id) 20)]
[text {:style st/message-info}
(str "By " name' ", "
(dt/format-date "MMM" added)
" "
(dt/get-ordinal-date added)
" at "
(dt/format-date "HH:mm" added))]))])
[text {:style st/message-info} (request-info-text name chat-id added)])])
(defn request-info [response-height]
(let [layout-height (subscribe [:max-layout-height :default])

View File

@ -19,26 +19,30 @@
[status-im.utils.platform :refer [ios?]]
[ :as resp]
[ :as c]
[status-im.i18n :refer [label]]))
[status-im.i18n :refer [label]]
[ :as response]))
(defn set-command-input [command]
(dispatch [:set-chat-command command]))
(defview request-item [{:keys [type message-id]}]
[{:keys [color icon description] :as response} [:get-response type]]
[{:keys [color description]
icon-path :icon
:as response} [:get-response type]
{:keys [name chat-id]} [:get-current-chat]
{:keys [added]} [:get-request message-id]]
{:on-press #(dispatch [:set-response-chat-command message-id type])}
[view st/request-container
[view st/request-icon-container
[view (st/request-icon-background color)
(if icon
[image {:source {:uri icon}
:style st/request-icon}])]]
(when icon-path
[icon icon-path st/request-icon])]]
[view st/request-info-container
[text {:style st/request-info-description} description]
;; todo stub
(when added
[text {:style st/request-message-info}
"By console, today at 14:50"]]]])
(response/request-info-text name chat-id added)])]]])
(defn suggestion-list-item
[[command {:keys [title description]