fix #2081 - fixed style issues with popular hashtags screen header - android
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,17 +24,6 @@
:uppercase? (:uppercase? styles/subtitle-text-augment)}
(i18n/label action-kw)]]]])
(defn tags-menu [tags]
[react/view styles/tag-title-container
(for [tag (take 3 tags)]
^{:key (str "tag-" tag)}
[react/touchable-highlight {:on-press #(do (re-frame/dispatch [:set :discover-search-tags [tag]])
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :discover-search-results]))}
[react/view styles/tag-view
[react/text {:style styles/tag-title
:font :default}
(str " #" tag)]]])])
(defn display-name [me? account-name contact-name name whisper-id]
me? account-name ;status by current user
@ -3,9 +3,27 @@
(:require [status-im.components.react :as react]
[ :as styles]
[ :as components]
[status-im.components.list.views :as list]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.components.toolbar-new.view :as toolbar]))
;; TOOD(oskarth): These styles should be either generic or popular, not recent-*
(defn render-tag [tag]
[react/touchable-highlight {:on-press #(do (re-frame/dispatch [:set :discover-search-tags [tag]])
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :discover-search-results]))}
[react/view styles/tag-view
[react/text {:style styles/tag-title
:font :default}
(str " #" tag)]]])
(defn tags-menu [tags]
[react/view styles/tag-title-container
[list/flat-list {:data tags
:render-fn render-tag
:horizontal true
:shows-horizontal-scroll-indicator false
:separator? false}]])
(defview discover-all-hashtags []
(letsubs [current-account [:get-current-account]
popular-tags [:get-popular-tags 10]
@ -13,11 +31,11 @@
[react/view styles/discover-container
[toolbar/toolbar2 {}
[react/view {} [react/text {} "All hashtags"]]]
[components/tags-menu (map :name popular-tags)]
[toolbar/content-title (i18n/label :t/popular-tags)]]
[tags-menu (map :name popular-tags)]
[react/scroll-view styles/list-container
[react/view styles/recent-container
[react/view styles/recent-list
[react/view styles/status-list-outer
[react/view styles/status-list-inner
(let [discoveries (map-indexed vector discoveries)]
(for [[i {:keys [message-id] :as message}] discoveries]
^{:key (str "message-hashtag-" message-id)}
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
[react/view {} [react/text {} "All recent"]]]
[react/scroll-view (styles/list-container tabs-hidden?)
[react/view styles/recent-container
[react/view styles/recent-list
[react/view styles/status-list-outer
[react/view styles/status-list-inner
(let [discoveries (map-indexed vector discoveries)]
(for [[i {:keys [message-id] :as message}] discoveries]
^{:key (str "message-recent-" message-id)}
@ -41,4 +41,4 @@
{:message row
:current-account current-account}]))
:renderSeparator render-separator
:style styles/recent-list}])])))
:style styles/status-list-inner}])])))
@ -40,19 +40,6 @@
{:ios {:uppercase? false}
:android {:uppercase? true}})
(defstyle tag-view
{:margin-horizontal 2
:ios {:flex-direction :column
:background-color styles/color-light-blue6
:border-radius 4
:border-width 1
:border-color styles/color-light-blue6
:padding 6}
:android {:flex-direction :column
:background-color styles/color-light-blue6
:border-radius 5
:padding 4}})
(defstyle discover-item-status-text
{:ios {:font-size 14
:letter-spacing -0.1}
@ -156,10 +143,10 @@
;; discover_recent
(def recent-container
(def status-list-outer
{:background-color toolbar-background2})
(def recent-list
(def status-list-inner
{:background-color :white
:padding-left 16})
@ -230,25 +217,34 @@
:border-bottom-width 1})
(def discover-tag-container
{:flex 1
:backgroundColor styles/color-light-gray})
(def tag-title-scroll
{:flex 1
:alignItems :center
:justifyContent :center})
{:flex 1
:background-color styles/color-light-gray})
(def tag-title-container
{:flex 0.2
:alignItems :center
:justifyContent :center
:flex-direction :row})
{:height 68
:margin-left 16
:align-items :center
:justify-content :flex-start
:flex-direction :row
:background-color styles/color-light-gray})
(defstyle tag-view
{:margin-horizontal 2
:padding 10
:padding-bottom 8
:height 36
:background-color styles/color-white
:justify-content :center
:align-items :center
:flex-direction :column
:ios {:border-radius 8
:border-color styles/color-light-blue6}
:android {:border-radius 4}})
(def tag-title
{:color styles/color-blue
:font-size 14
:padding-right 5
:padding-bottom 2})
{:color styles/color-blue4
:background-color styles/color-white
:font-size 14})
(def icon-back
{:width 8
Reference in New Issue