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synced 2025-02-03 12:23:50 +00:00
Make json-rpc/call effect more in line with re-frame standards (#15936)
Changes effect :json/rpc-call to accept on-success and on-error parameters either as functions OR as re-frame event vectors. The changes are 100% backwards compatible. ## Why? Re-frame is very explicit in its documentation and its architecture, saying that event handlers should be pure. Calling re-frame.core/dispatch in event handlers makes them sort of stateful. > So, you can "get away with it". But it ain't pure. > > -- https://day8.github.io/re-frame/EffectfulHandlers/#90-solution In status-mobile, arguably one of our most important effects (not to be confused with event handlers) is :json-rpc/call, but at the moment, the on-success and on-error values are expected to be stateful functions (e.g. usually used for logging and dispatching subsequent events). This creates two important problems: 1. The value returned by event handlers is more opaque and cannot be easily inspected (for example using tap>, log/debug or just println). If we try to inspect or log them, on-success and on-error will be printed as #object[Function]. 2. Testing event handlers using :json-rpc/call becomes an exercise of frustration, because we can't simply compare the results of the event handler with a good expected value, which is one of the big selling points of testing pure functions. ### The testability of event handlers > For any re-frame app, there's three things to test: > > - Event Handlers - most of your testing focus will be here because this is > where most of the logic lives > - Subscription Handlers - often not a lot to test here. Only Layer 3 > subscriptions need testing. > - View functions - I don't tend to write tests for views. > > -- https://day8.github.io/re-frame/Testing/#what-to-test So re-frame is saying event handlers should be pure, and that event handlers should be tested. In order to achieve the divine simplicity of testing event handlers as pure functions, we need to make :json-rpc/call also accept on-success and on-error as event vectors. Good news is that there is a known pattern to solve this problem, e.g. used by the library https://github.com/Day8/re-frame-http-fx. The pattern is simple once we see it: behind the scenes, :json-rpc/call conj'es the results of the RPC call into the event vectors on-success and on-error, and :json-rpc/call dispatches the events itself. This eliminates the need for the stateful dispatch call in event handlers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -365,6 +365,43 @@ dispatch.
(str "Hello " username)]])
### Registering effects
When registering re-frame effects (`reg-fx`), prefer to expose a data-only
interface because that will allow event handlers to stay pure.
For instance, if an effect needs a `on-success` callback, allow it to receive a
*re-frame event vector*. This approach is used by us in the [json-rpc/call
effect](src/status_im2/common/json_rpc/events.cljs), but also by third-party
effects, such as https://github.com/Day8/re-frame-http-fx. For the complete
rationale, see [PR #15936](https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/pull/15936).
### Using the effect `:json-rpc/call`
Prefer the pure version of `:json-rpc/call` (no callbacks).
;; not as good
(rf/defn accept-contact-request
{:events [:activity-center.contact-requests/accept]}
[_ contact-id]
[{:method "wakuext_acceptContactRequest"
:params [{:id contact-id}]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:sanitize-messages-and-process-response %])
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.contact-requests/accept-error contact-id %])}]})
;; better
(rf/defn accept-contact-request
{:events [:activity-center.contact-requests/accept]}
[_ contact-id]
[{:method "wakuext_acceptContactRequest"
:params [{:id contact-id}]
:on-success [:sanitize-messages-and-process-response]
:on-error [:activity-center.contact-requests/accept-error contact-id]}]})
### Registering event handlers
Events must always be declared with the `utils.fx/defn` macro. Also, don't use
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
(ns status-im2.common.json-rpc.events
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[native-module.core :as native-module]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[react-native.background-timer :as background-timer]
[native-module.core :as native-module]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[utils.re-frame :as rf]
[utils.transforms :as transforms]))
(defn on-error-retry
(defn- on-error-retry
[call-method {:keys [method number-of-retries delay on-error] :as arg}]
(if (pos? number-of-retries)
(fn [error]
@ -24,6 +25,31 @@
(defn call
"Call private RPC endpoint.
method: string - The name of an endpoint function in status-go, with the first
character lowercased and prefixed by wakuext_. For example, the BackupData
function should be represented as the string wakuext_backupData.
params: sequence - A positional sequence of zero or more arguments.
on-success/on-error: function/vector (optional) - When a function, it will be
called with the transformed response as the sole argument. When a vector, it
is expected to be a valid re-frame event vector, and the event will be
dispatched with the transformed response conj'ed at the end.
js-response: boolean - When non-nil, the successful response will not be
recursively converted to Clojure data structures. Default: nil.
number-of-retries: integer - The maximum number of retries in case of failure.
Default: nil.
delay: integer - The number of milliseconds to wait between retries. Default:
Note that on-error is optional, but if not provided, a default implementation
will be used.
[{:keys [method params on-success on-error js-response] :as arg}]
(let [params (or params [])
on-error (or on-error
@ -34,15 +60,25 @@
:id 1
:method method
:params params})
(fn [response]
(if (string/blank? response)
(on-error {:message "Blank response"})
(let [response-js (transforms/json->js response)]
(if (.-error response-js)
(on-error (transforms/js->clj (.-error response-js)))
(on-success (if js-response
(.-result response-js)
(transforms/js->clj (.-result response-js)))))))))))
(fn [raw-response]
(if (string/blank? raw-response)
(let [error {:message "Blank response"}]
(if (vector? on-error)
(rf/dispatch (conj on-error error))
(on-error error)))
(let [^js response-js (transforms/json->js raw-response)]
(if-let [error (.-error response-js)]
(let [error (transforms/js->clj error)]
(if (vector? on-error)
(rf/dispatch (conj on-error error))
(on-error error)))
(when on-success
(let [result (if js-response
(.-result response-js)
(transforms/js->clj (.-result response-js)))]
(if (vector? on-success)
(rf/dispatch (conj on-success result))
(on-success result)))))))))))
@ -112,12 +112,9 @@
(when-let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_markActivityCenterNotificationsRead"
:params [[notification-id]]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-read-success
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-read-success notification]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(rf/defn mark-as-read-success
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-read-success]}
@ -130,12 +127,9 @@
(when-let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_markActivityCenterNotificationsUnread"
:params [[notification-id]]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-unread-success
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-unread-success notification]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(rf/defn mark-as-unread-success
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-unread-success]}
@ -149,12 +143,9 @@
(when (>= now undoable-till)
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_markAllActivityCenterNotificationsRead"
:params []
:on-success #(rf/dispatch
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/mark-all-as-read-success]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure nil
(rf/defn mark-all-as-read-success
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/mark-all-as-read-success]}
@ -210,17 +201,14 @@
[{:keys [db]} notification-id]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_acceptActivityCenterNotifications"
:params [[notification-id]]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/accept-success
notification-id %])
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/accept-success notification-id]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(rf/defn accept-notification-success
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/accept-success]}
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} notification-id {:keys [chats]}]
(let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)]
(when-let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)]
(rf/merge cofx
(chat.events/ensure-chats (map data-store.chats/<-rpc chats))
(notifications-reconcile [(assoc notification :read true :accepted true)]))))
@ -230,17 +218,14 @@
[{:keys [db]} notification-id]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_dismissActivityCenterNotifications"
:params [[notification-id]]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/dismiss-success
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/dismiss-success notification-id]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(rf/defn dismiss-notification-success
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/dismiss-success]}
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} notification-id]
(let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)]
(when-let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)]
(notifications-reconcile cofx [(assoc notification :read true :dismissed true)])))
(rf/defn delete-notification
@ -248,12 +233,9 @@
[{:keys [db]} notification-id]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_deleteActivityCenterNotifications"
:params [[notification-id]]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/delete-success
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/delete-success notification-id]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(rf/defn delete-notification-success
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/delete-success]}
@ -268,48 +250,36 @@
[_ notification-id]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_declineContactVerificationRequest"
:params [notification-id]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(rf/defn contact-verification-reply
{:events [:activity-center.contact-verification/reply]}
[_ notification-id reply]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_acceptContactVerificationRequest"
:params [notification-id reply]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(rf/defn contact-verification-mark-as-trusted
{:events [:activity-center.contact-verification/mark-as-trusted]}
[_ notification-id]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_verifiedTrusted"
:params [{:id notification-id}]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(rf/defn contact-verification-mark-as-untrustworthy
{:events [:activity-center.contact-verification/mark-as-untrustworthy]}
[_ notification-id]
{:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_verifiedUntrustworthy"
:params [{:id notification-id}]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/process-notification-failure
:on-success [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
;;;; Notifications fetching and pagination
@ -368,10 +338,9 @@
:limit per-page
:activityTypes (filter-type->rpc-param filter-type)
:readType (->rpc-read-type filter-status)}]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-success
reset-data? %])
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error
filter-type filter-status %])}]})))
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-success reset-data?]
:on-error [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error filter-type
(rf/defn notifications-fetch-first-page
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page]}
@ -434,9 +403,8 @@
:limit 20
:activityTypes [types/contact-request]
:readType (->rpc-read-type :unread)}]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-pending-contact-requests-success %])
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error types/contact-request :unread
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-pending-contact-requests-success]
:on-error [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error types/contact-request :unread]}]})
(rf/defn notifications-fetch-pending-contact-requests-success
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-pending-contact-requests-success]}
@ -464,8 +432,8 @@
[{:method "wakuext_hasUnseenActivityCenterNotifications"
:params []
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/update-seen-state-success %])
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/update-seen-state-error %])}]})
:on-success [:activity-center/update-seen-state-success]
:on-error [:activity-center/update-seen-state-error]}]})
(rf/defn update-seen-state-success
{:events [:activity-center/update-seen-state-success]}
@ -485,8 +453,8 @@
[{:method "wakuext_markAsSeenActivityCenterNotifications"
:params []
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/mark-as-seen-success %])
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/mark-as-seen-error %])}]})
:on-success [:activity-center/mark-as-seen-success]
:on-error [:activity-center/mark-as-seen-error]}]})
(rf/defn mark-as-seen-success
{:events [:activity-center/mark-as-seen-success]}
@ -509,8 +477,8 @@
[{:method "wakuext_activityCenterNotificationsCount"
:params [{:activityTypes types/all-supported
:readType (->rpc-read-type :unread)}]
:on-success #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count-success %])
:on-error #(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count-error %])}]})
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count-success]
:on-error [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count-error]}]})
(rf/defn notifications-fetch-unread-count-success
{:events [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count-success]}
@ -1,163 +1,169 @@
(ns status-im2.contexts.activity-center.events-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[status-im2.constants :as constants]
[test-helpers.unit :as h]
[status-im2.contexts.activity-center.events :as events]
[status-im2.contexts.activity-center.notification-types :as types]
[utils.re-frame :as rf]))
[test-helpers.unit :as h]))
(def notification-id "0x1")
(defn setup
(rf/dispatch [:setup/app-started]))
(defn test-log-on-failure
[{:keys [before-test notification-id event action]}]
(when before-test
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks :json-rpc/call :on-error (constantly :fake-error))
(rf/dispatch event)
(is (= {:args [(str "Failed to " action)
{:notification-id notification-id
:error :fake-error}]
:level :warn}
(last @h/logs)))))
;;;; Misc
(deftest open-activity-center-test
(testing "opens the activity center with filters enabled"
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/open
{:filter-type types/contact-request
:filter-status :unread}])
(is (= {:status :unread
:type types/contact-request}
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :filter])))))
(testing "opens the activity center with default filters"
(is (= {:db {}
:dispatch [:open-modal :activity-center {}]
:dispatch-later [{:ms 1000 :dispatch [:activity-center/mark-as-seen]}]}
(events/open-activity-center {:db {}} nil))))
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/open])
(testing "opens the activity center with filters enabled"
(is (= {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:status :unread :type types/contact-request}}}
:dispatch [:open-modal :activity-center {}]
:dispatch-later [{:ms 1000 :dispatch [:activity-center/mark-as-seen]}]}
(events/open-activity-center {:db {}}
{:filter-type types/contact-request
:filter-status :unread})))))
(is (= {:status :unread :type types/no-type}
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :filter]))))))
(deftest process-notification-failure-test
(testing "logs and returns nil"
(is (nil? (events/process-notification-failure
{:db {}}
(is (= {:args ["Failed to :some-action-name"
{:notification-id notification-id
:error :some-error}]
:level :warn}
(last @h/logs)))))
;;;; Mark as read/unread
(deftest mark-as-read-test
(testing "does nothing if the notification ID cannot be found in the app db"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/spy-fx spy-queue :json-rpc/call)
(let [notifications [{:id notification-id
:read false
:type types/one-to-one-chat}]]
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications] notifications])
(let [cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:notifications [{:id "0x1"
:read false
:type types/one-to-one-chat}]}}}]
(is (nil? (events/mark-as-read cofx "0x99")))))
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-read "0x666"])
(testing "dispatches RPC call"
(let [notif {:id "0x1" :read false :type types/one-to-one-chat}
cofx {:db {:activity-center {:notifications [notif]}}}]
(is (= {:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wakuext_markActivityCenterNotificationsRead"
:params [[(:id notif)]]
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-read-success notif]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure (:id notif)
(events/mark-as-read cofx (:id notif)))))))
(is (= [] @spy-queue))
(is (= notifications (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))))))
(deftest mark-as-read-success-test
(let [f-args (atom [])
cofx {:db {}}
notif {:id "0x1" :read false :type types/one-to-one-chat}]
(with-redefs [events/notifications-reconcile
(fn [& args]
(reset! f-args args)
(is (= :result (events/mark-as-read-success cofx notif)))
(is (= [cofx [(assoc notif :read true)]]
(testing "marks notifications as read and updates app db"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/one-to-one-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/one-to-one-chat}
notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/one-to-one-chat}
new-notif-3 (assoc notif-3 :read true)
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks :json-rpc/call :on-success (constantly nil))
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:status :all :type types/no-type}
:notifications [notif-3 notif-2 notif-1]}])
(deftest mark-as-unread-test
(testing "does nothing if the notification ID cannot be found in the app db"
(let [cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:notifications [{:id "0x1"
:read true
:type types/one-to-one-chat}]}}}]
(is (nil? (events/mark-as-unread cofx "0x99")))))
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-read (:id notif-2)])
(is (= [notif-3 new-notif-2 notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))
(testing "dispatches RPC call"
(let [notif {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/one-to-one-chat}
cofx {:db {:activity-center {:notifications [notif]}}}]
(is (= {:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wakuext_markActivityCenterNotificationsUnread"
:params [[(:id notif)]]
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-unread-success notif]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure (:id notif)
(events/mark-as-unread cofx (:id notif)))))))
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-read (:id notif-3)])
(is (= [new-notif-3 new-notif-2 notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(testing "logs on failure"
{:notification-id notification-id
:event [:activity-center.notifications/mark-as-read notification-id]
:action :notification/mark-as-read
:before-test (fn []
[:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications]
[{:id notification-id
:read false
:type types/one-to-one-chat}]]))})))
(deftest mark-as-unread-success-test
(let [f-args (atom [])
cofx {:db {}}
notif {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/one-to-one-chat}]
(with-redefs [events/notifications-reconcile
(fn [& args]
(reset! f-args args)
(is (= :reconciliation-result (events/mark-as-unread-success cofx notif)))
(is (= [cofx [(assoc notif :read false)]]
;;;; Acceptance/dismissal
(deftest notification-acceptance-test
(deftest accept-notification-test
(is (= {:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wakuext_acceptActivityCenterNotifications"
:params [[notification-id]]
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/accept-success notification-id]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(events/accept-notification {:db {}} notification-id))))
(deftest accept-notification-success-test
(testing "does nothing if the notification ID cannot be found in the app db"
(let [cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:notifications [{:id "0x1"
:read false
:type types/one-to-one-chat}]}}}]
(is (nil? (events/accept-notification-success cofx "0x99" nil)))))
(testing "marks notification as accepted and read, then reconciles"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :type types/private-group-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :type types/private-group-chat}
notif-2-accepted (assoc notif-2 :accepted true :read true)]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks :json-rpc/call :on-success (constantly notif-2))
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}
:notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}])
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :type types/private-group-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :type types/private-group-chat}
notif-2-accepted (assoc notif-2 :accepted true :read true)
cofx {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}
:notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}}}]
(is (= {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:type 0 :status :all}
:notifications [notif-2-accepted notif-1]}
:chats {}
:chats-home-list nil}
:dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count]
(events/accept-notification-success cofx (:id notif-2) nil))))))
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/accept (:id notif-2)])
(deftest dismiss-notification-test
(is (= {:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wakuext_dismissActivityCenterNotifications"
:params [[notification-id]]
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/dismiss-success notification-id]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(events/dismiss-notification {:db {}} notification-id))))
(is (= [notif-2-accepted notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))
(deftest dismiss-notification-success-test
(testing "does nothing if the notification ID cannot be found in the app db"
(let [cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:notifications [{:id "0x1"
:read false
:type types/one-to-one-chat}]}}}]
(is (nil? (events/dismiss-notification-success cofx "0x99")))))
;; Ignores accepted notification if the Unread filter is enabled because
;; accepted notifications are also marked as read in status-go.
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :filter]
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :unread}}])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/accept (:id notif-2)])
(is (= [notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(testing "logs on failure"
{:notification-id notification-id
:event [:activity-center.notifications/accept notification-id]
:action :notification/accept})))
(deftest notification-dismissal-test
(testing "dismisses & mark notification as read, and keep it in the app db"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :type types/private-group-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :type types/admin}
dismissed-notif-1 (assoc notif-1 :dismissed true :read true)]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks :json-rpc/call :on-success (constantly notif-2))
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}
:notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/dismiss (:id notif-1)])
(is (= [notif-2 dismissed-notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(testing "logs on failure"
{:notification-id notification-id
:event [:activity-center.notifications/dismiss notification-id]
:action :notification/dismiss})))
(testing "marks notification as dismissed and read, then reconciles"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :type types/private-group-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :type types/private-group-chat}
notif-2-dismissed (assoc notif-2 :dismissed true :read true)
cofx {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}
:notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}}}]
(is (= {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:type 0 :status :all}
:notifications [notif-2-dismissed notif-1]}}
:dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count]
(events/dismiss-notification-success cofx (:id notif-2)))))))
;;;; Contact verification
@ -204,339 +210,228 @@
:type types/contact-verification})
(deftest contact-verification-decline-test
(testing "declines notification and reconciles"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks :json-rpc/call
(constantly contact-verification-rpc-response))
(h/spy-fx spy-queue :json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/contact-verification :status :all}}])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.contact-verification/decline notification-id])
(is (= [contact-verification-expected-notification]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(testing "logs on failure"
{:notification-id notification-id
:event [:activity-center.contact-verification/decline notification-id]
:action :contact-verification/decline})))
(is (= {:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wakuext_declineContactVerificationRequest"
:params [notification-id]
:on-success [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(events/contact-verification-decline {:db {}} notification-id))))
(deftest contact-verification-reply-test
(testing "sends reply and reconciles"
(let [reply "any answer"]
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks :json-rpc/call
(constantly contact-verification-rpc-response))
(h/spy-fx spy-queue :json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/contact-verification :status :all}}])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.contact-verification/reply notification-id reply])
(is (= [contact-verification-expected-notification]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))))))
(testing "logs on failure"
{:notification-id notification-id
:event [:activity-center.contact-verification/reply notification-id "any answer"]
:action :contact-verification/reply})))
(let [reply "The answer is 42"]
(is (= {:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wakuext_acceptContactVerificationRequest"
:params [notification-id reply]
:on-success [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(events/contact-verification-reply {:db {}} notification-id reply)))))
(deftest contact-verification-mark-as-trusted-test
(testing "app db reconciliation"
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks :json-rpc/call
(constantly contact-verification-rpc-response))
;; With "Unread" filter disabled
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}}])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.contact-verification/mark-as-trusted notification-id])
(is (= [contact-verification-expected-notification]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))
;; With "Unread" filter enabled
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :filter :status] :unread])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.contact-verification/mark-as-trusted notification-id])
(is (= [] (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))))
(testing "logs on failure"
{:notification-id notification-id
:event [:activity-center.contact-verification/mark-as-trusted notification-id]
:action :contact-verification/mark-as-trusted})))
(is (= {:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wakuext_verifiedTrusted"
:params [{:id notification-id}]
:on-success [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(events/contact-verification-mark-as-trusted {:db {}} notification-id))))
(deftest contact-verification-mark-as-untrustworthy-test
(testing "app db reconciliation"
(constantly contact-verification-rpc-response))
;; With "Unread" filter disabled
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}}])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.contact-verification/mark-as-untrustworthy notification-id])
(is (= [contact-verification-expected-notification]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))
;; With "Unread" filter enabled
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :filter :status] :unread])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.contact-verification/mark-as-untrustworthy notification-id])
(is (= [] (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))))
(testing "logs on failure"
{:notification-id notification-id
:event [:activity-center.contact-verification/mark-as-untrustworthy notification-id]
:action :contact-verification/mark-as-untrustworthy})))
(is (= {:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wakuext_verifiedUntrustworthy"
:params [{:id notification-id}]
:on-success [:activity-center/reconcile-notifications-from-response]
:on-error [:activity-center/process-notification-failure notification-id
(events/contact-verification-mark-as-untrustworthy {:db {}} notification-id))))
;;;; Notification reconciliation
(deftest notifications-reconcile-test
(testing "All tab + All filter"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/one-to-one-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/system}
new-notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/system}
new-notif-4 {:id "0x4" :read true :type types/system}
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)]
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}
:notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}])
[(assoc notif-1 :deleted true) ; will be removed
(is (= [new-notif-4 new-notif-3 new-notif-2]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/one-to-one-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/system}
new-notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/system}
new-notif-4 {:id "0x4" :read true :type types/system}
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)
cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}
:notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}}}]
(is (= {:db {:activity-center
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all}
:notifications [new-notif-4 new-notif-3 new-notif-2]}}
:dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count]
[(assoc notif-1 :deleted true) ; will be removed
(testing "All tab + Unread filter"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read false :type types/one-to-one-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/system}
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)
new-notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/system}
new-notif-4 {:id "0x4" :read true :type types/system}
notif-5 {:id "0x5" :type types/system}]
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :unread}
:notifications [notif-5 notif-2 notif-1]}])
[new-notif-2 ; will be removed because it's read
new-notif-3 ; will be inserted
new-notif-4 ; will be ignored because it's read
(assoc notif-5 :deleted true) ; will be removed
(is (= [new-notif-3 notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read false :type types/one-to-one-chat}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/system}
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)
new-notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/system}
new-notif-4 {:id "0x4" :read true :type types/system}
notif-5 {:id "0x5" :type types/system}
cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :unread}
:notifications [notif-5 notif-2 notif-1]}}}]
(is (= {:db {:activity-center
{:filter {:type types/no-type :status :unread}
:notifications [new-notif-3 notif-1]}}
:dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count]
[new-notif-2 ; will be removed because it's read
new-notif-3 ; will be inserted
new-notif-4 ; will be ignored because it's read
(assoc notif-5 :deleted true) ; will be removed
(testing "Contact request tab + All filter"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/contact-request}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)
new-notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-4 {:id "0x4" :read true :type types/system}
notif-5 {:id "0x5" :read false :type types/contact-request}]
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/contact-request :status :all}
:notifications [notif-5 notif-2 notif-1]}])
[new-notif-2 ; will be updated
new-notif-3 ; will be inserted
new-notif-4 ; will be ignored because it's not a contact request
(assoc notif-5 :deleted true) ; will be removed
(is (= [new-notif-3 new-notif-2 notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/contact-request}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)
new-notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-4 {:id "0x4" :read true :type types/system}
notif-5 {:id "0x5" :read false :type types/contact-request}
cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:filter {:type types/contact-request :status :all}
:notifications [notif-5 notif-2 notif-1]}}}]
(is (= {:db {:activity-center
{:filter {:type types/contact-request :status :all}
:notifications [new-notif-3 new-notif-2 notif-1]}}
:dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count]
[new-notif-2 ; will be updated
new-notif-3 ; will be inserted
new-notif-4 ; will be ignored because it's not a contact request
(assoc notif-5 :deleted true) ; will be removed
(testing "Contact request tab + Unread filter"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read false :type types/contact-request}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)
new-notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-4 {:id "0x4" :read true :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-5 {:id "0x5" :read true :type types/system}
notif-6 {:id "0x6" :read false :type types/contact-request}]
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:type types/contact-request :status :unread}
:notifications [notif-6 notif-2 notif-1]}])
[new-notif-2 ; will be removed because it's read
new-notif-3 ; will be inserted
new-notif-4 ; will be ignored because it's read
new-notif-5 ; will be ignored because it's not a contact request
(assoc notif-6 :deleted true) ; will be removed
(is (= [new-notif-3 notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read false :type types/contact-request}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-2 (assoc notif-2 :read true)
new-notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-4 {:id "0x4" :read true :type types/contact-request}
new-notif-5 {:id "0x5" :read true :type types/system}
notif-6 {:id "0x6" :read false :type types/contact-request}
cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:filter {:type types/contact-request
:status :unread}
:notifications [notif-6 notif-2 notif-1]}}}]
(is (= {:db {:activity-center
{:filter {:type types/contact-request
:status :unread}
:notifications [new-notif-3 notif-1]}}
:dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count]
[new-notif-2 ; will be removed because it's read
new-notif-3 ; will be inserted
new-notif-4 ; will be ignored because it's read
new-notif-5 ; will be ignored because it's not a contact request
(assoc notif-6 :deleted true) ; will be removed
;; Sorting by timestamp and ID is compatible with what the backend does when
;; returning paginated results.
(testing "sorts notifications by timestamp and id in descending order"
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :timestamp 1}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :timestamp 1}
notif-3 {:id "0x3" :timestamp 50}
notif-4 {:id "0x4" :timestamp 100}
notif-5 {:id "0x5" :timestamp 100}
new-notif-1 (assoc notif-1 :last-message {})
new-notif-4 (assoc notif-4 :last-message {})]
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications]
[notif-1 notif-3 notif-4 notif-2 notif-5]])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile [new-notif-1 new-notif-4]])
(is (= [notif-5 new-notif-4 notif-3 notif-2 new-notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))))))
(let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :timestamp 1}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :timestamp 1}
notif-3 {:id "0x3" :timestamp 50}
notif-4 {:id "0x4" :timestamp 100}
notif-5 {:id "0x5" :timestamp 100}
new-notif-1 (assoc notif-1 :last-message {})
new-notif-4 (assoc notif-4 :last-message {})
cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:notifications [notif-1 notif-3 notif-4 notif-2
(is (= {:db {:activity-center
{:notifications [notif-5
:dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count]
(events/notifications-reconcile cofx [new-notif-1 new-notif-4]))))))
(deftest remove-pending-contact-request-test
(testing "removes notification from all related filter types and status"
(let [author "0x99"
notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/contact-request}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/contact-request :author author}
notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/private-group-chat :author author}]
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :notifications]
[notif-3 ; will be ignored because it's not a contact request
notif-2 ; will be removed
notif-1 ; will be ignored because it's not from the same author
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center/remove-pending-contact-request author])
(is (= [notif-3 notif-1]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications])))))))
(let [author "0x99"
notif-1 {:id "0x1" :read true :type types/contact-request}
notif-2 {:id "0x2" :read false :type types/contact-request :author author}
notif-3 {:id "0x3" :read false :type types/private-group-chat :author author}
cofx {:db {:activity-center
[notif-3 ; will be ignored because it's not a contact
; request
notif-2 ; will be removed
notif-1 ; will be ignored because it's not from the
; same author
(is (= {:db {:activity-center {:notifications [notif-3 notif-1]}}}
(events/notifications-remove-pending-contact-request cofx author))))))
;;;; Notifications fetching and pagination
(deftest notifications-fetch-test
(deftest notifications-fetch-first-page-test
(testing "fetches first page"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(constantly {:cursor "10"
:notifications [{:id "0x1"
:type types/one-to-one-chat
:read false
:chatId "0x9"}]}))
(h/spy-fx spy-queue :json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page
{:filter-type types/one-to-one-chat}])
(is (= :unread (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :filter :status])))
(is (= "" (get-in @spy-queue [0 :args 0 :params 0 :cursor]))
"Should be called with empty cursor when fetching first page")
(is (= "10" (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :cursor])))
(is (= [{:chat-id "0x9"
:chat-name nil
:chat-type types/one-to-one-chat
:group-chat false
:id "0x1"
:public? false
:last-message nil
:message nil
:read false
:reply-message nil
:type types/one-to-one-chat}]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(let [cofx {:db {}}]
(is (= {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:type types/one-to-one-chat
:status :unread}
:loading? true}}
:json-rpc/call [{:method "wakuext_activityCenterNotifications"
:params [{:cursor ""
:limit (:notifications-per-page events/defaults)
:activityTypes [types/one-to-one-chat]
:readType events/read-type-unread}]
:on-success [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-success true]
:on-error [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error
types/one-to-one-chat :unread]}]}
(events/notifications-fetch-first-page cofx {:filter-type types/one-to-one-chat}))))))
(deftest notifications-fetch-next-next-page-test
(testing "does not fetch next page when pagination cursor reached the end"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/spy-fx spy-queue :json-rpc/call)
(is (nil? (events/notifications-fetch-next-page
{:db {:activity-center {:cursor events/start-or-end-cursor}}}))))
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center :cursor] ""])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-next-page])
(is (= [] @spy-queue)))))
(testing "fetches the next page"
(let [f-args (atom [])
cursor "abc"
cofx {:db {:activity-center {:cursor cursor
:filter {:type types/one-to-one-chat
:status :unread}}}}]
(with-redefs [events/notifications-fetch
(fn [& args]
(reset! f-args args)
(is (= :result (events/notifications-fetch-next-page cofx)))
(is (= [cofx
{:cursor cursor
:filter-type types/one-to-one-chat
:filter-status :unread
:reset-data? false}]
(testing "fetches next page when pagination cursor is not empty"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(constantly {:cursor ""
:notifications [{:id "0x1"
:type types/mention
:read false
:chatId "0x9"}]}))
(h/spy-fx spy-queue :json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:status :unread :type types/mention}
:cursor "10"}])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-next-page])
(is (= "10" (get-in @spy-queue [0 :args 0 :params 0 :cursor]))
"Should be called with current cursor")
(is (= "" (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :cursor])))
(is (= [{:chat-id "0x9"
:chat-name nil
:chat-type 3
:id "0x1"
:last-message nil
:message nil
:read false
:reply-message nil
:type types/mention}]
(get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :notifications]))))))
(testing "resets loading state after error"
(let [spy-queue (atom [])]
(h/stub-fx-with-callbacks :json-rpc/call :on-error (constantly :fake-error))
(h/spy-event-fx spy-queue :activity-center.notifications/fetch-error)
(h/spy-fx spy-queue :json-rpc/call)
(rf/dispatch [:test/assoc-in [:activity-center]
{:filter {:status :unread :type types/one-to-one-chat}
:cursor ""}])
(rf/dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-first-page])
(is (nil? (get-in (h/db) [:activity-center :loading?])))
(is (= [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-error
(:args (last @spy-queue))))))))
(deftest notifications-fetch-error-test
(testing "resets loading state"
(let [cofx {:db {:activity-center
{:loading? true
:filter {:status :unread
:type types/one-to-one-chat}
:cursor ""}}}]
(is (= {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:status :unread
:type types/one-to-one-chat}
:cursor ""}}}
(events/notifications-fetch-error cofx :dummy-error))))))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user