chats list UI refresh
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 353 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 522 B |
@ -27,6 +27,19 @@
:toolbar-with-search-content {:padding-left 30}
:sized-text {:margin-top 0
:additional-height 0}
:chat-list {:list-container {:background-color styles/color-light-gray}
:chat-container {:height 76}
:chat-icon-container {:height 76}
:chat-info-container {:margin-top 16}
:chat-options-container {:margin-top 16}
:item-lower-container {:margin-top 4}
:chat-name {:height 24}
:last-message {:font-size 14
:height 24}
:last-message-timestamp {:font-size 14}
:unread-count {:top 2}
:public-group-icon-container {:margin-top 4}
:private-group-icon-container {:margin-top 4}}
:chat {:new-message {:border-top-color styles/color-transparent
:border-top-width 0.5}}
:discover {:subtitle {:color styles/color-gray2
@ -114,11 +127,11 @@
:font-size 12}})
(def fonts
{:light {:font-family "sans-serif-light"}
:default {:font-family "sans-serif"}
:medium {:font-family "sans-serif-medium"}
{:light {:font-family "Roboto-Light"}
:default {:font-family "Roboto-Regular"}
:medium {:font-family "Roboto-Medium"}
:toolbar-title {:font-family "sans-serif"}})
:toolbar-title {:font-family "Roboto-Regular"}})
;; Dialogs
@ -140,7 +153,8 @@
:list-selection-fn show-dialog
:tabs {:tab-shadows? true}
:chats {:action-button? true
:new-chat-in-toolbar? false}
:new-chat-in-toolbar? false
:render-separator? false}
:uppercase? true
:contacts {:action-button? true
:new-contact-in-toolbar? false
@ -14,74 +14,99 @@
[status-im.components.drawer.view :refer [open-drawer]]
[status-im.components.styles :refer [color-blue]]
[status-im.components.status-bar :refer [status-bar]]
[status-im.components.toolbar.view :refer [toolbar-with-search]]
[status-im.components.toolbar.actions :as act]
[status-im.components.toolbar-new.view :refer [toolbar toolbar-with-search]]
[status-im.components.toolbar-new.actions :as act]
[status-im.components.toolbar-new.styles :as tst]
[status-im.components.icons.custom-icons :refer [ion-icon]]
[status-im.components.react :refer [linear-gradient]]
[status-im.components.sync-state.offline :refer [offline-view]]
[status-im.components.context-menu :refer [context-menu]]
[status-im.components.tabs.styles :refer [tabs-height]]
[status-im.utils.listview :refer [to-datasource]]
[ :refer [chat-list-item]]
[status-im.i18n :refer [label]]
[status-im.utils.platform :refer [platform-specific]]
[status-im.chats-list.styles :as st]
[status-im.components.tabs.styles :refer [tabs-height]]))
[status-im.i18n :refer [label]]
[status-im.utils.platform :refer [platform-specific ios?]]))
(defview toolbar-view []
[chats-scrolled? [:get :chats-scrolled?]]
(let [new-chat? (get-in platform-specific [:chats :new-chat-in-toolbar?])
actions (if new-chat?
[(act/add #(dispatch [:navigate-to :group-contacts :people]))])]
{:show-search? false
:search-key :chat-list
:title (label :t/chats)
:search-placeholder (label :t/search-for)
:nav-action (act/hamburger open-drawer)
:style (st/toolbar chats-scrolled?)
:actions actions}]))
(def android-toolbar-popup-options
[{:text (label :t/edit) :value #(dispatch [:set-in [:chat-list-ui-props :edit?] true])}])
(defn android-toolbar-actions []
[(act/search #(dispatch [:set-in [:toolbar-search :show] true]))
(act/opts android-toolbar-popup-options)])
(def ios-toolbar-popup-options
[{:text (label :t/edit-chats) :value #(dispatch [:set-in [:chat-list-ui-props :edit?] true])}
{:text (label :t/search-chats) :value #(dispatch [:set-in [:toolbar-search :show] true])}])
(defn ios-toolbar-actions []
[(act/opts ios-toolbar-popup-options)
(act/add #(dispatch [:navigate-to :group-contacts :people]))])
(defn toolbar-view []
[toolbar {:title (label :t/chats)
:nav-action (act/hamburger open-drawer)
:actions (if ios?
(defn toolbar-edit []
[toolbar {:nav-action (act/back #(dispatch [:set-in [:chat-list-ui-props :edit?] false]))
:title (label :t/edit-chats)}])
(defn toolbar-search []
{:show-search? true
:search-key :chat-list
:title (label :t/chats)
:search-placeholder (label :t/search-for)}])
(defn chats-action-button []
[action-button {:button-color color-blue
:offset-x 16
:offset-y 22
:hide-shadow true
:spacing 13}
{:title (label :t/new-chat)
:buttonColor :#9b59b6
:onPress #(dispatch [:navigate-to :group-contacts :people])}
[ion-icon {:name :md-create
:style st/create-icon}]]
{:title (label :t/new-group-chat)
:buttonColor :#1abc9c
:onPress #(dispatch [:open-contact-toggle-list :chat-group])}
[icon :private_group_big st/group-icon]]
{:title (label :t/new-public-group-chat)
:buttonColor :#1abc9c
:onPress #(dispatch [:navigate-to :new-public-group])}
[icon :public_group_big st/group-icon]]])
:spacing 13
:on-press #(dispatch [:navigate-to :group-contacts :people])}])
(defn chat-list-padding []
[view {:height (if ios? 0 8)
:background-color :white}])
(defn chat-shadow-item []
[view {:height 3}
[linear-gradient {:style {:height 3}
:colors st/gradient-top-bottom-shadow}]])
(when-not ios?
[view {:height 12}
[linear-gradient {:style {:height 4}
:colors st/gradient-top-bottom-shadow}]]))
(defn render-separator-fn [chats]
(fn [_ row-id _]
(when (< row-id (dec (count chats)))
^{:key (str "separator-" row-id)}
[view st/chat-separator-wrapper
[view st/chat-separator-item]]))))
(defview chats-list []
[chats [:get :chats]]
[chats [:filtered-chats]
edit? [:get-in [:chat-list-ui-props :edit?]]
search? [:get-in [:toolbar-search :show]]]
[view st/chats-container
edit? [toolbar-edit]
search? [toolbar-search]
:else [toolbar-view])
[list-view {:dataSource (to-datasource chats)
:renderRow (fn [[id :as row] _ _]
(list-item ^{:key id} [chat-list-item row]))
:renderFooter #(list-item [chat-shadow-item])
:renderSeparator #(list-item
(when (< %2 (- (count chats) 1))
^{:key (str "separator-" %2)}
[view st/chat-separator-wrapper
[view st/chat-separator-item]]))
(list-item ^{:key id} [chat-list-item row edit?]))
:renderHeader #(when (seq chats) (list-item [chat-list-padding]))
:renderFooter #(when (seq chats) (list-item [chat-shadow-item]))
:renderSeparator (when (get-in platform-specific [:chats :render-separator?])
(render-separator-fn chats))
:style st/list-container}]
(when (get-in platform-specific [:chats :action-button?])
(when (and (not edit?)
(not search?)
(get-in platform-specific [:chats :action-button?]))
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
(ns status-im.chats-list.styles
(:require [status-im.components.styles :refer [color-white
[status-im.components.tabs.styles :refer [tabs-height]]
[status-im.components.toolbar.styles :refer [toolbar-background1
[status-im.utils.platform :as p]))
(defn toolbar [chats-scrolled?]
(merge {:background-color (if chats-scrolled?
(defn toolbar []
(merge {:background-color toolbar-background1}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :toolbar])))
@ -25,84 +25,89 @@
(def chat-separator-wrapper
{:background-color color-white
:height 0.5
:padding-left 74})
:opacity 0.5
:height 1
:padding-left 72})
(def chat-separator-item
{:border-bottom-width 0.5
:border-bottom-color color-separator})
{:border-bottom-width 1
:border-bottom-color color-gray5})
(def chat-container
{:flex-direction :row
:background-color color-white
:height 94})
(merge {:flex-direction :row
:background-color color-white}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :chat-container])))
(def chat-icon-container
{:margin-top -2
:margin-left -4
:padding 16
:width 48
:height 48})
(merge {:padding-top 18
:padding-bottom 18
:padding-left 12
:padding-right 20
:width 72}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :chat-icon-container])))
(def item-container
{:flex-direction :column
:margin-left 30
:padding-top 16
:padding-right 16
:flex 1})
(def chat-info-container
(merge {:margin-bottom 13
:justify-content :space-between
:flex 1
:flex-direction :column}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :chat-info-container])))
(def chat-options-container
(merge {:margin-right 16
:padding-top 10}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :chat-options-container])))
(def item-upper-container
{:flex 1
:flex-direction :row
:justify-content :space-between})
(def item-lower-container
(merge {:flex 1
:flex-direction :row
:justify-content :space-between}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :item-lower-container])))
(def name-view
{:flex-direction :row})
{:flex-direction :row
:flex-shrink 1})
(def name-text
{:color text1-color
:font-size 14})
(merge {:color text1-color
:font-size 16}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :chat-name])))
(def private-group-icon-container
{:width 16
:height 9
:padding-top -4
:margin-top (get-in p/platform-specific [:private-group-icon-container :margin-top])
:margin-right 6})
(merge {:width 16
:height 12
:margin-right 6}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :private-group-icon-container])))
(def private-group-icon
{:width 16
:height 16})
(def public-group-icon-container
{:width 16
:height 12
:padding-top -2
:margin-top (get-in p/platform-specific [:public-group-icon-container :margin-top])
:margin-right 6})
(merge {:width 16
:height 12
:margin-right 6}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :public-group-icon-container])))
(def public-group-icon
{:width 16
:height 16
:margin-bottom -20})
(def memebers-text
{:marginTop 2
:marginLeft 4
:fontSize 12
:color text2-color})
{:width 16
:height 16})
(def last-message-container
{:margin-top 5
:margin-right 40})
{:flex-shrink 1})
(def last-message-text
{:color text1-color
:fontSize 14
:lineHeight 20})
(def last-message-text-no-messages
(merge last-message-text
{:color text2-color}))
(merge {:color text4-color}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :last-message])))
(def status-container
{:flex-direction :row
:top 18
:top 16
:right 16})
(def status-image
@ -111,33 +116,46 @@
:height 7})
(def datetime-text
{:fontSize 12
:color text2-color
:marginLeft 5})
(merge {:color text4-color}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :last-message-timestamp])))
(def new-messages-container
{:position :absolute
:top 54
:right 16
:width 24
:height 24
{:width 22
:height 22
:margin-left 15
:backgroundColor new-messages-count-color
:borderRadius 50})
(def new-messages-text
{:top 5
:left 0
:fontSize 10
:color color-blue
:textAlign :center})
(merge {:left 0
:fontSize 12
:color color-blue
:textAlign :center}
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :unread-count])))
(def chats-container
{:flex 1})
(def list-container
(merge (get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :main-tab-list])
{:background-color color-light-gray}))
(get-in p/platform-specific [:component-styles :chat-list :list-container])))
(def toolbar-actions
{:flex-direction :row
:padding-right 14})
(def toolbar-btn
{:width 24
:height 56
:margin-left 24
:alignItems :center
:justifyContent :center})
(def opts-btn
{:width 24
:height 24
:alignItems :center
:justifyContent :center})
(def create-icon
{:fontSize 20
@ -145,6 +163,8 @@
:color color-white})
(def group-icon
{:height 22
:width 22
:tint-color :white})
{:margin-top 8
:margin-right 6
:width 14
:height 9
:tint-color :white})
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
(ns status-im.chats-list.subs
(:require-macros [reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]])
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [register-sub subscribe]]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn search-filter [text item]
(let [name (-> (or (:name item) "")
text (str/lower-case text)]
(not= (str/index-of name text) nil)))
(register-sub :filtered-chats
(fn [_ _]
(let [chats (subscribe [:get :chats])
search-text (subscribe [:get-in [:toolbar-search :text]])]
(if @search-text
(filter #(search-filter @search-text (second %)) @chats)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
[status-im.chats-list.views.inner-item :refer [chat-list-item-inner-view]]))
(defn chat-list-item [[chat-id chat]]
(defn chat-list-item [[chat-id chat] edit?]
[touchable-highlight {:on-press #(dispatch [:navigate-to :chat chat-id])}
[chat-list-item-inner-view (assoc chat :chat-id chat-id)]]])
[chat-list-item-inner-view (assoc chat :chat-id chat-id) edit?]]])
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
[clojure.string :as str]
[status-im.components.react :refer [view image icon text]]
[ :refer [chat-icon-view-chat-list]]
[status-im.components.context-menu :refer [context-menu]]
[status-im.models.commands :refer [parse-command-message-content]]
[status-im.chats-list.styles :as st]
[status-im.utils.utils :refer [truncate-str]]
@ -36,16 +37,16 @@
(not message)
[text {:style st/last-message-text-no-messages}
[text {:style st/last-message-text}
(label :t/no-messages)]
(str/blank? content)
[text {:style st/last-message-text-no-messages}
[text {:style st/last-message-text}
(:content content)
[text {:style st/last-message-text
:number-of-lines 2}
:number-of-lines 1}
(:content content)]
(:command content)
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
[text {:style st/last-message-text
:number-of-lines 2}
:number-of-lines 1}
(defview message-status [{:keys [chat-id contacts]}
@ -85,40 +86,51 @@
:font :medium}
(defn chat-list-item-inner-view [{:keys [chat-id name color
online group-chat contacts public?]
:as chat}]
(let [last-message (subscribe [:get-last-message chat-id])
name (or (get-contact-translated chat-id :name name)
private-group? (and group-chat (not public?))
public-group? (and group-chat public?)]
(defn options-btn [chat-id]
(let [options [{:value #(dispatch [:remove-chat chat-id])
:text (label :t/delete-chat)
:destructive? true}]]
[view st/opts-btn
[icon :options_gray]
(defn chat-list-item-name [name group-chat? public?]
(let [private-group? (and group-chat? (not public?))
public-group? (and group-chat? public?)
chat-name (if (str/blank? name)
(truncate-str name 30))]
[view st/name-view
(when public-group?
[view st/public-group-icon-container
[icon :public_group st/public-group-icon]])
(when private-group?
[view st/private-group-icon-container
[icon :private_group st/private-group-icon]])
[text {:style st/name-text}
(if public-group?
(str "#" chat-name)
(defn chat-list-item-inner-view [{:keys [chat-id name color online
group-chat contacts public?] :as chat}
(let [last-message (subscribe [:get-last-message chat-id])
name (or (get-contact-translated chat-id :name name)
[view st/chat-container
[view st/chat-icon-container
[chat-icon-view-chat-list chat-id group-chat name color online]]
[view st/item-container
[view st/name-view
(when public-group?
[view st/public-group-icon-container
[icon :public_group st/public-group-icon]])
(when private-group?
[view st/private-group-icon-container
[icon :private_group st/private-group-icon]])
(let [chat-name (if (str/blank? name)
(truncate-str name 30))]
[text {:style st/name-text
:font :medium}
(if public-group?
(str "#" chat-name)
#_(when private-group?
[text {:style st/memebers-text}
(label-pluralize (inc (count contacts)) :t/members)])]
[message-content-text chat-id]]
(when @last-message
[view st/status-container
[message-status chat @last-message]
[message-timestamp @last-message]])
[unviewed-indicator chat-id]]]))
[view st/chat-info-container
[view st/item-upper-container
[chat-list-item-name name group-chat public?]
(when (and (not edit?) @last-message)
[message-status chat @last-message]
[message-timestamp @last-message]])]
[view st/item-lower-container
[message-content-text chat-id]
(when-not edit? [unviewed-indicator chat-id])]]
[view st/chat-options-container
(when edit? [options-btn chat-id])]]))
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(defn default-chat-icon [color]
{:margin 4
{:margin 0
:width 40
:height 40
:alignItems :center
@ -204,8 +204,8 @@
(def pending-wrapper
{:position :absolute
:bottom 4
:right 5
:bottom 0
:right 0
:width 12
:height 12
:border-radius 6
@ -27,12 +27,13 @@
(def list-selection-fn (:list-selection-fn platform-specific))
(defn open-ios-menu [options]
(list-selection-fn {:options (mapv :text options)
:callback (fn [index]
(when (< index (count options))
(when-let [handler (:value (nth options index))]
:cancel-text (label :t/cancel)})
(let [cancel-option {:text (label :t/cancel)}
options (conj options cancel-option)]
(list-selection-fn {:options options
:callback (fn [index]
(when (< index (count options))
(when-let [handler (:value (nth options index))]
(defn context-menu [trigger options]
@ -44,8 +45,8 @@
[menu {:onSelect #(when % (do (%) nil))}
[menu-trigger trigger]
[menu-options st/context-menu-options
(for [{:keys [style value] :as option} options]
(for [{:keys [style value destructive?] :as option} options]
^{:key option}
[menu-option {:value value}
[text {:style (merge st/context-menu-text style)}
(:text option)]])]]))
[text {:style (merge (st/context-menu-text destructive?) style)}
(:text option)]])]]))
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
(def text1-disabled-color "#555555")
(def text2-color color-gray)
(def text3-color color-blue)
(def text4-color color-gray4)
(def online-color color-light-blue)
(def new-messages-count-color color-blue-transparent)
(def chat-background color-light-gray)
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
:justify-content :center
:height 48}}})
(def context-menu-text
(defn context-menu-text [destructive?]
{:font-size 15
:line-height 20
:color text1-color})
:color (if destructive? color-light-red text1-color)})
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns status-im.ios.platform
(:require [status-im.components.styles :as styles]))
(:require [status-im.components.styles :as styles]
[status-im.utils.utils :as utils]))
(def component-styles
{:status-bar {:default {:height 20
@ -27,6 +28,19 @@
:additional-height 5}
:actions-list-view {:border-bottom-color styles/color-gray3
:border-bottom-width 0.5}
:chat-list {:list-container {:background-color styles/color-white}
:chat-container {:height 74}
:chat-icon-container {:height 74}
:chat-info-container {:margin-top 14}
:chat-options-container {:margin-top 14}
:item-lower-container {:margin-top 6}
:chat-name {:height 20}
:last-message {:font-size 15
:height 24}
:last-message-timestamp {:font-size 15}
:unread-count {:top 3}
:public-group-icon-container {:margin-top 2}
:private-group-icon-container {:margin-top 2}}
:chat {:new-message {:border-top-color styles/color-gray3
:border-top-width 0.5}}
:discover {:subtitle {:color styles/color-steel
@ -150,10 +164,15 @@
(def react-native (js/require "react-native"))
(defn show-action-sheet [{:keys [options callback cancel-text]}]
(defn action-sheet-options [options]
(let [destructive-opt-index (utils/first-index :destructive? options)]
(clj->js (merge {:options (mapv :text options)
:cancelButtonIndex (count options)}
(when destructive-opt-index {:destructiveButtonIndex destructive-opt-index})))))
(defn show-action-sheet [{:keys [options callback]}]
(.showActionSheetWithOptions (.-ActionSheetIOS react-native)
(clj->js {:options (conj options cancel-text)
:cancelButtonIndex (count options)})
(action-sheet-options options)
;; Structure to be exported
@ -164,7 +183,8 @@
:list-selection-fn show-action-sheet
:tabs {:tab-shadows? false}
:chats {:action-button? false
:new-chat-in-toolbar? true}
:new-chat-in-toolbar? true
:render-separator? true}
:uppercase? false
:contacts {:action-button? false
:new-contact-in-toolbar? true
@ -174,4 +194,3 @@
:private-group-icon-container {:margin-top 2}
:group-chat-focus-line-height 1
:public-group-chat-hash-style {:top 6 :left 3}})
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(:require-macros [reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]])
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [register-sub subscribe]]
@ -122,8 +122,11 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "New chat"
:delete-chat "Delete chat"
:new-group-chat "New group chat"
:new-public-group-chat "Join public group chat"
:new-public-group-chat "Join public chat"
:edit-chats "Edit chats"
:search-chats "Search chats"
:empty-topic "Empty topic"
:topic-format "Wrong format [a-z0-9\\-]+"
:public-group-topic "Topic"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
(t/day today-date))
yesterday (plus today (days -1))]
(before? local yesterday) (unparse (formatter "dd MMM") local)
(before? local yesterday) (unparse (formatter "dd MMM hh:mm") local)
(before? local today) (label :t/datetime-yesterday)
:else (today-format-fn local)))))
Reference in New Issue