mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 08:10:42 +00:00
Composer collapsing when editing canceled/done (#17785)
* fix: composer height when entering and canceling edit * fix: blur the composer input when canceling edit * fix: focusing animation and composer height after blur * fix: input height when canceling edit while unfocused * ref: removed arbitrary keyboard check * fix: moved edit-mentions logic to use-edit to fix unresolved mention * fix: composer edit should put the cursor at the end * fix: (potentially) fixing the mention not resolved during edit * fix: emoji-kb handler changing the height when default kb appears * Fix text content when editing and reentering chat * prevent composer when focusing on opening chat with edit/reply * clean * Clauxx comments * Apply for reply * Lintil soup = yummy * refactor variable name * Extract the focusing logic from the data setting logic * Edge case * fix: composer mention key & edit re-enter issues * fix: reply cancel input blur and smooth reply focus --------- Co-authored-by: Ibrkhalil <vampirekid017@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -107,14 +107,15 @@
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} message]
(let [current-chat-id (:current-chat-id db)
text (get-in message [:content :text])]
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:chat/inputs current-chat-id :metadata :editing-message]
(assoc-in [:chat/inputs current-chat-id :metadata :responding-to-message] nil)
(update-in [:chat/inputs current-chat-id :metadata]
:dispatch [:mention/to-input-field text current-chat-id]}))
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:chat/inputs current-chat-id :metadata :editing-message]
(assoc-in [:chat/inputs current-chat-id :metadata :responding-to-message] nil)
(update-in [:chat/inputs current-chat-id :metadata]
:dispatch-n [[:chat.ui/set-chat-input-text nil current-chat-id]
[:mention/to-input-field text current-chat-id]]}))
(rf/defn show-contact-request-input
"Sets reference to previous chat message and focuses on input"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[utils.re-frame :as rf]))
(defn edit-message
[{:keys [text-value input-ref]}]
{:style style/container
:accessibility-label :edit-message}
@ -30,20 +30,18 @@
{:size 24
:icon-only? true
:accessibility-label :edit-cancel-button
:on-press (fn []
(utils/cancel-edit-message state)
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/cancel-message-edit]))
:on-press #(utils/cancel-edit-message text-value input-ref)
:type :outline}
(defn- f-view
(let [edit (rf/sub [:chats/edit-message])
height (reanimated/use-shared-value (if edit constants/edit-container-height 0))]
(rn/use-effect #(reanimated/animate height (if edit constants/edit-container-height 0)) [edit])
[reanimated/view {:style (reanimated/apply-animations-to-style {:height height} {})}
(when edit [edit-message state])]))
(when edit [edit-message props])]))
(defn view
[:f> f-view state])
[:f> f-view props])
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
[react-native.core :as rn]
[react-native.platform :as platform]
[react-native.reanimated :as reanimated]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.composer.constants :as constants]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.composer.keyboard :as kb]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.composer.utils :as utils]
@ -105,53 +106,62 @@
(defn use-edit
[{:keys [input-ref]}
{:keys [text-value saved-cursor-position]}
{:keys [edit]}]
(fn []
(let [edit-text (get-in edit [:content :text])
text-value-count (count @text-value)]
(when (and edit @input-ref)
;; A small setTimeout is necessary to ensure the statement is enqueued and will get executed
;; ASAP.
;; https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-screens/issues/472
(js/setTimeout #(.focus ^js @input-ref) 250)
(.setNativeProps ^js @input-ref (clj->js {:text edit-text}))
(reset! text-value edit-text)
(reset! saved-cursor-position (if (zero? text-value-count)
(count edit-text)
[(:message-id edit)]))
{:keys [text-value saved-cursor-position cursor-position]}
{:keys [edit input-with-mentions]}
(let [mention? (some #(= :mention (first %)) (seq input-with-mentions))
composer-just-opened? (not @messages-list-on-layout-finished?)]
(fn []
(let [mention-text (reduce (fn [acc item]
(str acc (second item)))
edit-text (cond
mention? mention-text
;; NOTE: using text-value for cases when the user
;; leaves the app with an unfinished edit and re-opens
;; the chat.
(and (seq @text-value) composer-just-opened?)
:else (get-in edit [:content :text]))
selection-pos (count edit-text)
inject-edit-text (fn []
(reset! text-value edit-text)
(reset! cursor-position selection-pos)
(reset! saved-cursor-position selection-pos)
(when @input-ref
(.setNativeProps ^js @input-ref
(clj->js {:text edit-text}))))]
(when (and edit @input-ref)
;; NOTE: A small setTimeout is necessary to ensure the focus is enqueued and is executed
;; ASAP. Check https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-screens/issues/472
;; The nested setTimeout is necessary to avoid both `on-focus` and
;; `on-content-size-change` handlers triggering the height animation simultaneously, as
;; this causes a jump in the
;; UI. This way, `on-focus` will trigger first without changing the height, after which
;; `on-content-size-change` will animate the height of the input based on the injected
;; text.
(js/setTimeout #(do (when @messages-list-on-layout-finished? (.focus ^js @input-ref))
(reagent/next-tick inject-edit-text))
[(:message-id edit)])))
(defn use-reply
[{:keys [input-ref]}
{:keys [container-opacity]}
{:keys [reply]}]
{:keys [reply]}
(fn []
(when reply
(reanimated/animate container-opacity 1))
(when (and reply @input-ref)
(js/setTimeout #(.focus ^js @input-ref) 250)))
(when (and reply @input-ref @messages-list-on-layout-finished?)
(js/setTimeout #(.focus ^js @input-ref) 600)))
[(:message-id reply)]))
(defn edit-mentions
[{:keys [input-ref]} {:keys [text-value cursor-position]} {:keys [input-with-mentions]}]
(rn/use-effect (fn []
(let [input-text (reduce (fn [acc item]
(str acc (second item)))
(reset! text-value input-text)
(reset! cursor-position (count input-text))
(js/setTimeout #(when @input-ref
(.setNativeProps ^js @input-ref
(clj->js {:selection {:start (count input-text)
:end (count
[(some #(= :mention (first %)) (seq input-with-mentions))]))
(defn update-input-mention
[{:keys [input-ref]}
{:keys [text-value]}
@ -43,8 +43,7 @@
(reset! emoji-kb-extra-height nil))
(reset! maximized? false)
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/set-input-maximized false])
(when @input-ref
(.blur ^js @input-ref)))
(utils/blur-input input-ref))
(defn bounce-back
[{:keys [height saved-height opacity background-y]}
@ -96,13 +95,13 @@
(when @input-ref ; sheet at min-height, collapse keyboard
(.blur ^js @input-ref)))))))
; sheet at min-height, collapse keyboard
(utils/blur-input input-ref))))))
(gesture/on-end (fn []
(let [diff (- (reanimated/get-shared-value height)
(reanimated/get-shared-value saved-height))]
(if @gesture-enabled?
(if (>= diff 0)
(if (and @expanding? (>= diff 0))
(if (> diff constants/drag-threshold)
(maximize state animations dimensions)
(bounce-back animations dimensions starting-opacity))
@ -23,12 +23,14 @@
(reset! focused? true)
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/set-input-focused true])
(reanimated/animate height (reanimated/get-shared-value last-height))
(reanimated/set-shared-value saved-height (reanimated/get-shared-value last-height))
(reanimated/animate container-opacity 1)
(when (> (reanimated/get-shared-value last-height) (* constants/background-threshold max-height))
(reanimated/animate opacity 1)
(reanimated/set-shared-value background-y 0))
(let [last-height-value (reanimated/get-shared-value last-height)]
(reanimated/animate height last-height-value)
(reanimated/set-shared-value saved-height last-height-value)
(reanimated/animate container-opacity 1)
(when (> last-height-value (* constants/background-threshold max-height))
(reanimated/animate opacity 1)
(reanimated/set-shared-value background-y 0)))
(js/setTimeout #(reset! lock-selection? false) 300)
(when (and (not-empty @text-value) @input-ref)
(.setNativeProps ^js @input-ref
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@
"Save new text height, expand composer if possible, show background overlay if needed"
{:keys [maximized? lock-layout? text-value]}
{:keys [height saved-height opacity background-y]}
{:keys [height saved-height last-height opacity background-y]}
{:keys [content-height window-height max-height]}
(when keyboard-shown
@ -87,8 +89,9 @@
new-height (min new-height max-height)]
(reset! content-height content-size)
(when (utils/update-height? content-size height max-height maximized?)
(when (utils/update-height? content-size height max-height)
(reanimated/animate height new-height)
(reanimated/set-shared-value last-height new-height)
(reanimated/set-shared-value saved-height new-height))
(when (= new-height max-height)
(reset! maximized? true)
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
[react-native.async-storage :as async-storage]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[react-native.platform :as platform]
[react-native.reanimated :as reanimated]))
[react-native.reanimated :as reanimated]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.composer.utils :as utils]))
(defn get-kb-height
[curr-height default-height]
@ -20,18 +21,24 @@
(async-storage/set-item! :kb-default-height (str height)))))
(defn handle-emoji-kb-ios
"Opening emoji KB on iOS while maximized will cause a flicker up and down. This method handles that."
"Opening emoji KB on iOS will cause a flicker up and down due to height differences.
This method handles that by adding the extra difference between the keyboards. When the input is
expanded to a point where the added difference will make the composer go beyond the screen causing a flicker,
we're subtracting the difference so it only reaches the allowed max-height. We're not animating these
changes to make it appear seamless during transitions between keyboard types when maximized."
{:keys [emoji-kb-extra-height]}
{:keys [text-value]}
{:keys [text-value kb-height]}
{:keys [height saved-height]}
{:keys [max-height]}]
(let [start-h (oops/oget event "startCoordinates.height")
end-h (oops/oget event "endCoordinates.height")
diff (- end-h start-h)
max-height-diff (- max-height diff)
curr-text @text-value]
(if (> (reanimated/get-shared-value height) max-height-diff)
(let [start-h (oops/oget event "startCoordinates.height")
end-h (oops/oget event "endCoordinates.height")
diff (- end-h start-h)
max-height-diff (- max-height diff)
curr-text @text-value
bigger-than-default-kb? (> end-h @kb-height)
almost-expanded? (> (reanimated/get-shared-value height) max-height-diff)]
(if (and almost-expanded? bigger-than-default-kb? (pos? diff))
(reanimated/set-shared-value height (- (reanimated/get-shared-value height) diff))
(reanimated/set-shared-value saved-height (- (reanimated/get-shared-value saved-height) diff))
@ -58,8 +65,8 @@
#(handle-emoji-kb-ios % props state animations dimensions)))
(reset! keyboard-hide-listener (.addListener rn/keyboard
#(when (and platform/android? @input-ref)
(.blur ^js @input-ref)))))
#(when platform/android?
(utils/blur-input input-ref)))))
(defn handle-refocus-emoji-kb-ios
[{:keys [saved-emoji-kb-extra-height]}
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[status-im2.constants :as constant]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.composer.constants :as constants]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.composer.reply.style :as style]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.composer.utils :as utils]
[utils.ens.stateofus :as stateofus]
[utils.i18n :as i18n]
[utils.re-frame :as rf]))
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
(defn quoted-message
[{:keys [from content-type contentType parsed-text content deleted? deleted-for-me?
in-chat-input? pin? recording-audio?]
in-chat-input? pin? recording-audio? input-ref]
(let [[primary-name _] (rf/sub [:contacts/contact-two-names-by-identity from])
current-public-key (rf/sub [:multiaccount/public-key])
content-type (or content-type contentType)
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@
{:icon-only? true
:size 24
:accessibility-label :reply-cancel-button
:on-press #(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/cancel-message-reply])
:on-press #(utils/cancel-reply-message input-ref)
:type :outline}
(when (and in-chat-input? recording-audio?)
@ -148,13 +149,13 @@
:style style/gradient}])]))
(defn- f-view
[recording? input-ref]
(let [reply (rf/sub [:chats/reply-message])
height (reanimated/use-shared-value (if reply constants/reply-container-height 0))]
(rn/use-effect #(reanimated/animate height (if reply constants/reply-container-height 0)) [reply])
[reanimated/view {:style (reanimated/apply-animations-to-style {:height height} {})}
(when reply [quoted-message reply true false recording?])]))
(when reply [quoted-message reply true false recording? input-ref])]))
(defn view
[{:keys [recording?]}]
[:f> f-view @recording?])
[{:keys [recording?]} input-ref]
[:f> f-view @recording? input-ref])
@ -16,11 +16,10 @@
(max min-v (min v max-v)))
(defn update-height?
[content-size height max-height maximized?]
(when-not @maximized?
(let [diff (Math/abs (- content-size (reanimated/get-shared-value height)))]
(and (not= (reanimated/get-shared-value height) max-height)
(> diff constants/content-change-threshold)))))
[content-size height max-height]
(let [diff (Math/abs (- content-size (reanimated/get-shared-value height)))]
(and (not= (reanimated/get-shared-value height) max-height)
(> diff constants/content-change-threshold))))
(defn show-top-gradient?
[y lines max-lines gradient-opacity focused?]
@ -100,10 +99,28 @@
(not reply?)
(not audio?)))
(defn blur-input
(when @input-ref
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/set-input-focused false])
(.blur ^js @input-ref)))
(defn cancel-reply-message
(js/setTimeout #(blur-input input-ref) 100)
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/set-input-content-height constants/input-height])
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/cancel-message-reply]))
(defn cancel-edit-message
[{:keys [text-value]}]
[text-value input-ref]
(reset! text-value "")
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/set-input-content-height constants/input-height]))
;; NOTE: adding a timeout to assure the input is blurred on the next tick
;; after the `text-value` was cleared. Otherwise the height will be calculated
;; with the old `text-value`, leading to wrong composer height after blur.
(js/setTimeout #(blur-input input-ref) 100)
(.setNativeProps ^js @input-ref (clj->js {:text ""}))
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/set-input-content-height constants/input-height])
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/cancel-message-edit]))
(defn count-lines
@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
theme]} props state]
messages-list-on-layout-finished?]} props state]
(let [{:keys [chat-screen-loaded?]
:as subscriptions} (utils/init-subs)
content-height (reagent/atom (or (:input-content-height ; Actual text height
@ -73,10 +74,9 @@
(effects/use-edit props state subscriptions)
(effects/use-reply props animations subscriptions)
(effects/use-edit props state subscriptions messages-list-on-layout-finished?)
(effects/use-reply props animations subscriptions messages-list-on-layout-finished?)
(effects/update-input-mention props state subscriptions)
(effects/edit-mentions props state subscriptions)
(effects/link-previews props state animations subscriptions)
(effects/use-images props state animations subscriptions)
@ -98,8 +98,10 @@
(when chat-screen-loaded?
[reply/view state]
[edit/view state]])
[reply/view state (:input-ref props)]
{:text-value (:text-value state)
:input-ref (:input-ref props)}]])
{:active-opacity 1
:on-press (fn []
@ -147,11 +149,13 @@
(defn composer
[{:keys [insets scroll-to-bottom-fn show-floating-scroll-down-button?]}]
[{:keys [insets scroll-to-bottom-fn show-floating-scroll-down-button?
(let [window-height (:height (rn/get-window))
theme (quo.theme/use-theme-value)
opacity (reanimated/use-shared-value 0)
background-y (reanimated/use-shared-value (- window-height)) ; Y position of background overlay
background-y (reanimated/use-shared-value (- window-height)) ; Y position of background
; overlay
blur-height (reanimated/use-shared-value (+ constants/composer-default-height
(:bottom insets)))
extra-params {:insets insets
@ -161,7 +165,8 @@
:blur-height blur-height
:opacity opacity
:background-y background-y
:theme theme}
:theme theme
:messages-list-on-layout-finished? messages-list-on-layout-finished?}
props (utils/init-non-reactive-state)
state (utils/init-reactive-state)]
[rn/view (when platform/ios? {:style {:z-index 1}})
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
(defn f-messages-list-content
[{:keys [chat insets scroll-y content-height cover-bg-color keyboard-shown? inner-state-atoms
big-name-visible? animate-topbar-opacity? composer-active?
big-name-visible? animate-topbar-opacity? composer-active? messages-list-on-layout-finished?
on-end-reached? animate-topbar-name?]}]
(rn/use-effect (fn []
(if (and (not @on-end-reached?)
@ -412,6 +412,15 @@
;;TODO(rasom) https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/30034
:inverted (when platform/ios? true)
:on-layout (fn [e]
;; FIXME: the 1s timeout is to assure all effects with
;; timeouts that depend on the value are considered.
;; Hacky, but we're heavily relying on timeouts in the
;; composer and need to react to differently (e.g.
;; inside effects/use-edit) when the chat has just
;; opened and the subsequent times.
(js/setTimeout #(reset! messages-list-on-layout-finished?
(let [layout-height (oops/oget e
(reset! messages-view-height layout-height)))
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
(defn f-chat
[{:keys [show-floating-scroll-down-button? animate-topbar-name?
big-name-visible? animate-topbar-opacity? on-end-reached?]
big-name-visible? animate-topbar-opacity? on-end-reached? messages-list-on-layout-finished?]
:as inner-state-atoms}]
(let [insets (safe-area/get-insets)
scroll-y (reanimated/use-shared-value 0)
@ -53,18 +53,19 @@
:keyboard-vertical-offset (- (:bottom insets))}
{:chat chat
:insets insets
:scroll-y scroll-y
:content-height content-height
:cover-bg-color :turquoise
:keyboard-shown? keyboard-shown
:inner-state-atoms inner-state-atoms
:animate-topbar-name? animate-topbar-name?
:big-name-visible? big-name-visible?
:animate-topbar-opacity? animate-topbar-opacity?
:composer-active? focused?
:on-end-reached? on-end-reached?}]
{:chat chat
:insets insets
:scroll-y scroll-y
:content-height content-height
:cover-bg-color :turquoise
:keyboard-shown? keyboard-shown
:inner-state-atoms inner-state-atoms
:animate-topbar-name? animate-topbar-name?
:big-name-visible? big-name-visible?
:animate-topbar-opacity? animate-topbar-opacity?
:composer-active? focused?
:on-end-reached? on-end-reached?
:messages-list-on-layout-finished? messages-list-on-layout-finished?}]
{:scroll-y scroll-y
@ -86,7 +87,8 @@
[:f> composer.view/composer
{:insets insets
:scroll-to-bottom-fn list.view/scroll-to-bottom
:show-floating-scroll-down-button? show-floating-scroll-down-button?}]
:show-floating-scroll-down-button? show-floating-scroll-down-button?
:messages-list-on-layout-finished? messages-list-on-layout-finished?}]
[contact-requests.bottom-drawer/view chat-id contact-request-state group-chat]))]))
(defn chat
@ -99,5 +101,6 @@
:animate-topbar-name? (reagent/atom false)
:big-name-visible? (reagent/atom :initial-render)
:animate-topbar-opacity? (reagent/atom false)
:on-end-reached? (reagent/atom false)}]
:on-end-reached? (reagent/atom false)
:messages-list-on-layout-finished? (reagent/atom false)}]
[:f> f-chat inner-state-atoms]))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user