This commit is contained in:
Roman Volosovskyi 2017-01-02 15:28:35 +02:00
parent 206f336dff
commit 6fd8ec26cb
1 changed files with 13 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -71,23 +71,28 @@
n (get-tab-index view-id)]
(- n p)))
(defn on-scroll-end [swiped? dragging? scroll-ended]
(defonce scrolling? (atom false))
(defn on-scroll-end [swiped? scroll-ended view-id]
(fn [_ state]
(a/put! scroll-ended true)
(when @dragging?
(reset! dragging? false)
(let [{:strs [index]} (js->clj state)]
(when @scrolling?
(a/put! scroll-ended true))
(let [{:strs [index]} (js->clj state)
new-view-id (index->tab index)]
(when-not (= view-id new-view-id)
(reset! swiped? true)
(dispatch [:navigate-to-tab (index->tab index)])))))
(dispatch [:navigate-to-tab new-view-id])))))
(defn start-scrolling-loop
"Loop that synchronizes tabs scrolling to avoid an inconsistent state."
[scroll-start scroll-ended]
(am/go-loop [[swiper to] (a/<! scroll-start)]
;; start scrolling
(reset! scrolling? true)
(.scrollBy swiper to)
;; lock loop until scroll ends
(a/<! scroll-ended)
(a/alts! [scroll-ended (a/timeout 2000)])
(reset! scrolling? false)
(recur (a/<! scroll-start))))
(defn main-tabs []
@ -95,7 +100,6 @@
prev-view-id (subscribe [:get :prev-view-id])
main-swiper (r/atom nil)
swiped? (r/atom false)
dragging? (r/atom false)
scroll-start (a/chan 10)
scroll-ended (a/chan 10)]
@ -120,8 +124,7 @@
{:index (get-tab-index @view-id)
:loop false
:ref #(reset! main-swiper %)
:onScrollBeginDrag #(reset! dragging? true)
:on-momentum-scroll-end (on-scroll-end swiped? dragging? scroll-ended)})
:on-momentum-scroll-end (on-scroll-end swiped? scroll-ended @view-id)})
[discover (= @view-id :discover)]
[contact-list (= @view-id :contact-list)]]