implemented carousel component

Former-commit-id: 0c88c0556ed207e2a636b6e3de0f58e38ed6b74a
This commit is contained in:
Adrian Tiberius 2016-04-24 15:22:24 +03:00
parent 387a802789
commit 66b1495e2d
7 changed files with 154 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
"imageDirs": [

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
"awesome-phonenumber": "^1.0.12",
"react-native": "^0.22.0",
"react-native-action-button": "^1.1.3",
"react-native-carousel-control": "^1.0.1",
"react-native-circle-checkbox": "^0.1.3",
"react-native-contacts": "^0.2.1",
"react-native-i18n": "0.0.8",

View File

@ -1,15 +1,146 @@
(ns syng-im.components.carousel)
(set! js/Carousel (.-default (js/require "react-native-carousel-control")))
(ns syng-im.components.carousel
(:require [syng-im.components.react :refer [android?
[syng-im.utils.debug :refer [log]]))
(defn carousel [opts & children]
(apply js/React.createElement js/Carousel (clj->js opts) children))
(defn page-width []
(.-width (.get (.. js/React -Dimensions) "window")))
(def defaults {:gap 10
:sneak 10
:pageWidth (- (page-width) 50)})
(defn get-gap [data]
(get data :gap (:gap defaults)))
(defn get-sneak [data]
(get data :sneak (:sneak defaults)))
(defn get-page-width [data]
(get data :pageWidth (:pageWidth defaults)))
(defn calculate-gap [component props]
(let [prop-page-width (:pageWidth props)
sneak (get-sneak props)
_ (log "calculate-gap")
_ (log component)
_ (log props)
_ (log prop-page-width)
_ (log sneak)]
(if (> prop-page-width (page-width))
(println "Invalid pageWidth"))
(reagent.core/set-state component {:gap (/ (- (- (page-width) (* 2 sneak)) prop-page-width) 2)})
(defn scroll-to [component x y]
(.scrollTo (.-scrollView component) (clj->js {:y y
:x x})))
(defn on-scroll-end [event component]
(let [_ (log "on-scroll-end")
_ (log event)
_ (log component)
props (reagent.core/props component)
_ (log props)
state (reagent.core/state component)
_ (log state)
prop-page-width (get-page-width props)
_ (log (str "prop-page-width: " prop-page-width))
sneak (get-sneak props)
_ (log (str "sneak: " sneak))
gap (get-gap state)
_ (log (str "gap: " gap))
page-offset (+ prop-page-width gap)
_ (log (str "page-offset: " page-offset))
current-position (+ (.-x (.-contentOffset (.-nativeEvent event))) (/ (page-width) 2))
_ (log (str "current-position: " current-position))
current-page (quot current-position page-offset)
_ (log (str "current-page: " current-page))
(scroll-to component (* current-page page-offset) 0)
(reagent.core/set-state component {:activePage current-page})
(if (:onPageChange props)
((:onPageChange props) current-page))))
(defn go-to-page [component position]
(let [_ (log "go-to-page")
props (reagent.core/props component)
state (reagent.core/state component)
props-page-width (get-page-width props)
_ (log (str "props page width: " props-page-width))
gap (get-gap state)
_ (log (str "gap: " gap))
page-position (* position (+ props-page-width gap))
_ (log (str "page position: " page-position))]
(scroll-to component page-position 0)))
(defn carousel [data children]
(let [_ (log "Creating carousel component: ")
_ (log data)
_ (log children)]
(reagent.core/create-class {:component-did-mount (fn [this]
(let [_ (log this)]
(if (> (.-initialPage (.-props this)) 0)
(go-to-page this (.-initialPage (.-props this))))))
:component-will-mount (fn [this]
(let [_ (log "component-will-mount")
_ (log this)]
(calculate-gap this (reagent.core/props this))))
:component-will-receive-props (fn [this new-argv]
(let [_ (log "component-will-receive-props-mount")
_ (log this)
_ (log new-argv)]
(calculate-gap this new-argv)))
:display-name "carousel1"
:reagent-render (fn [data children]
(let [_ (log "reagent-render")
_ (log data)
_ (log children)
component (reagent.core/current-component)
props-page-width (get-page-width data)
sneak (get-sneak data)
gap (get-gap data)
page-style (get data :pageStyle {})
pages (map-indexed (fn [index child]
(let [page-index index
_ (log (str "page index" index "-" page-index))
_ (log child)]
[touchable-without-feedback {:key index
:onPress (fn [a b c]
(let [_ (log "touchable pressed")
_ (log (.-target a))
_ (log component)
_ (log page-index)]
(go-to-page component page-index)))
[view {:style [{:width props-page-width
:justifyContent "center"
:marginLeft (/ gap 2)
:marginRight (/ gap 2)}
child]])) children)]
[view {:style {:flex 1}}
[scroll-view {:contentContainerStyle {:paddingLeft (+ sneak (/ gap 2))
:paddingRight (+ sneak (/ gap 2))}
:automaticallyAdjustContentInsets false
:bounces false
:decelerationRate 0.9
:horizontal true
:onScrollEndDrag (fn [event] (on-scroll-end event component))
:showsHorizontalScrollIndicator false
:ref (fn [c] (set! (.-scrollView component) c))

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
:style {:backgroundColor "#eef2f5"
:justifyContent "center"
:height 56
:elevation 2}
:elevation 0}
:onIconClicked (fn []
(realm/write (fn []
(let [number (rand-int 30)]

View File

@ -14,20 +14,19 @@
(defn discovery-popular []
(let [popular-tags (subscribe [:get-popular-tags 3])
_ (log "Got popular tags: ")
_ (log @popular-tags)
popular-lists (mapv #(discovery-popular-list (.-name %)) @popular-tags)]
(if (> (count popular-lists) 0)
(apply carousel {:pageStyle {:borderRadius 1
:shadowColor "black"
:shadowRadius 1
:shadowOpacity 0.8
:elevation 2
:marginBottom 10}
:pageWidth (- (page-width) 60)
_ (log @popular-tags)]
(if (> (count @popular-tags) 0)
[carousel {:pageStyle {:borderRadius 1
:shadowColor "black"
:shadowRadius 1
:shadowOpacity 0.8
:elevation 2
:marginBottom 10}
:pageWidth (- (page-width) 60)
:sneak 20}
(for [tag @popular-tags]
(discovery-popular-list (.-name tag)))
[text "None"]

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
(let [discoveries (subscribe [:get-discoveries-by-tag tag 3])
_ (log (str "Got discoveries for tag (" tag "): ") @discoveries)
_ (log @discoveries)]
(r/as-element [view {:style {:flex 1
[view {:style {:flex 1
:backgroundColor "white"
:paddingLeft 10
:paddingTop 10}}
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
:renderRow render-row
:renderSeparator render-separator
:style {:backgroundColor "white"}}]
list-view {:dataSource elements

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
(def list-view (r/adapt-react-class (.-ListView js/React)))
(def text-input (r/adapt-react-class (.-TextInput js/React)))
(def scroll-view (r/adapt-react-class (.-ScrollView js/React)))
(def touchable-without-feedback (r/adapt-react-class (.-TouchableWithoutFeedback js/React)))
(def platform (.. js/React -Platform -OS))